Subject: alt.drugs FAQ References List Newsgroups: alt.drugs From: (Gnosis) Message-ID: Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 21:18:34 EET REFERENCES FOR ALT.DRUGS FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (The New Miscellaneous FAQ) Maintained by: Special kudos to: Last modified: 17 Feb 1995 Part A 1. Do the Feds monitor alt.drugs? [they know about it] Ely-R, "Information super-highway being used to spread synthesis information," Journal of Clandestine Laboratory Investigating Chemists Association (JCLIC), V.4, No. 1, Jan 1994, pp 4-5. Ely-R, "Cruising the information superhighway," JCLIC, V 4, No 2, April 1994, pp 8-15. Part C 1. Is there strychnine (rat poison) in LSD? [analysis] "The PharmChem Newsletter". Volume 1 issue 1 through volume 3 issue 2. 1972-74. 2. Does LSD leave crystals in your brain/spinal fluid that cause flashbacks? [flashbacks] Matefy-R, Hayes-C, Hirsch-J, "Psychedelic drug flashbacks: Attentional deficits?" J. Abnorm. Psych., 1979, 88: 212 - 215. Stanton-M, Bardoni-A, "Drug flashbacks: Reported frequency in a military population." Am. J. Psychiatr., 1972, 129: 751 - 755. 3. What happens if I take LSD while I'm on Prozac or other antidepressants? [-] 4. I have a recipe for making LSD with moldy rye bread and hair spray... [real synthesis] Johnson, Ary, Teiger, Kassel. "Emetic Activity of Reduced Lysergamides." Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 16(5):532-537. 1973. 5. Can you overdose on acid/pot? [LD50 info] _NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances_. _The Merck Index_ (11th edition). 6. What is Ecstasy (E, XTC)? [analysis] Renfroe-C-L, "MDMA on the Street: Analysis Anonymous." J. Psychoactive Drugs 18 363-369 (1986). [MDMA info] Shulgin-A-T, "The Background and Chemistry of MDMA." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Vol 18(4):291-304. Oct-Dec 1986. 7. Does MDMA cause brain damage/Parkinson's disease/deplete spinal fluid? [brain damage] McCann-U-D, Ridenour-A ,Shaham-Y, Ricaurte-G-A, "Serotonin neurotoxicity after (+/-)3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; "Ecstasy"): a controlled study in humans." Neuropsychopharmacology. 1994 Apr. 10(2). P 129-38. Steele-T-D, McCann-U-D, Ricaurte-G-A, "3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "Ecstasy"): pharmacology and toxicology in animals and humans." Addiction. 1994 May. 89(5). P 539-51. O'Callighan-JP, Miller-DB, "Quantification of Reactive Gliosis as an Approach to Neurotoxicity Assessment." NIDA Monograph #136, _Assessing Neurotoxicity of Drugs of Abuse_. 1993. Wilson, et al, "Reactions of 5-HT Neurons to Drugs of Abuse: Neurotoxicity and Plasticity." NIDA Monograph #136, _Assessing Neurotoxicity of Drugs of Abuse_, pp 155-178. [spinal fluid / Parkinson's] Fraser-L. "Xochipilli: a context for Ecstasy." Whole Earth Review, 1992. [Also check out for lots more references and other fun stuff.] 8. Are shroom kits legal, and do they work? [they work] Benedict-R-G, Brady-L-R, Smith-A-H, Tyler-V-E, "Occurrence of psilocybin and psilocin in certain Conocybe and Psilocybe species." Lloydia 25, 156-159. 1962. 9. Will marijuana do to my body? [overview] National Academy of Sciences (U.S.). Institute of Medicine. Division of Health Sciences Policy. _Marijuana_and_Health_. Washington: National Academy Press. ISBN 0-309-03236-9. LC 81-86534. [brain damage] Co-B-T, Goodwin-D-W, Gado-M, Mikhael-M, Hill-S-Y. "Absence of cerebral atrophy in chronic cannabis users", Journal of the American Medical Association, 237:1231-1232, 1977. Kuehnle-J, Mendelson-J-H, Davis-K-R, New-P-F-J, "Computed tomographic examination of heavy marijuana smokers", JAMA, 237:1231-1232, 1977. Scallet-A-C, "Neurotoxicity of Cannabis and THC: A Review of Chronic Exposure Studies in Animals" Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior. Vol. 40 pp. 671-676. 1991. Wert-R-C, Raulin-M-L, "The Chronic Cerebral Effects of Cannabis Use I: Methodological Issues and Neurological Findings". Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior. Vol. 21 Iss. 6 pp. 605-628. 1986. Wert-R-C, Raulin-M-L, "The Chronic Cerebral Effects of Cannabis Use II: Psychological Findings and Conclusions". Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior. Vol. 21 Iss. 6 pp. pp. 629-642. 1986. [driving] Gieringer-D, "Marijuana, Driving and Accident Safety", Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Vol 20(1), Jan-Mar 1988. [immune system - overviews] Hollister-L-E, "Marijuana and Immunity", Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol. 24 Iss. 2 pp. 159-164. "Marijuana and Immunity", Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Vol 20(1), Jan-Mar 1988. [immune system - specific] Kaklamani, et al., "Hashish smoking and T-lymphocytes", 1978. Kalofoutis et al., "The significance of lymphocyte lipid changes after smoking hashish", 1978. Wallace-J-M, Tashkin-D-P, Oishi-J-S, Barbers-R-G, "Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Subpopulations and Mitogen Responsiveness in Tobacco and Marijuana Smokers", 1988, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Vol 20(1), Jan-Mar 1988. [lung damage / cancer] Cabral-G-A, Stinnet-A-L, Bailey-J-R, Ali-S-F, Paule-M-G, Scalled-A-C, Slikker-W, "Chronic Marijuana Smoke Alters Alveolar Macrophage Morphology and Protein Expression" Physiology, Biochemistry and Behavior, Vol. 40 pp. 643-649. 1991. Fligiel-S-E-G, Beals-T-F, Tashkin-D-P, Paule-M-G, Scalled-A-C, Ali-S-F, Bailey-J-R, Slikker-W, "Marijuana Exposure and Pulmonary Alterations in Primates" Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior, Vol. 40 Iss. 3 pp. 637-642. 1991. [reproductive system] "Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding" pub. U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, 1972. Slikker-W, et al, "Behavioral, Neurochemical, and Neurohistological Effects of Chronic Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Nonhuman Primate" in _Marijuana Cannabinoids Neurobiology and Neurophysiology_, by Laura Murphy, Andrzej Bartke ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1992. [smoke analysis] Wu-T-Z, Taskhin-D-P, Djahed-B, Rose-J-E, "Pulmonary Hazards of Smoking Marijuana as Compared with Tobacco" New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 318 Iss. 6 pp. 347-351. 1988. 10. I just got a microdot of synthetic mescaline... [analysis] "The PharmChem Newsletter". Volume 1 issue 1 through volume 3 issue 2. 1972-74. 11. My friend told me that pot is often laced with acid... [-] 12. Help, I have a piss test next week and... [beating the test] Cody, J.T.; Schwarzhoff, R.H. "Impact of adulterants on RIA analysis of urine for drugs of abuse." Journal of Analytical Toxicology. v13n5, Sep-Oct 1989, p277-84. [LSD detection] Altunkaya, D; Smith R.N. "Evaluation of a commercial radioimmunoassay kit for the detection of lysergide (LSD) in serum, whole blood, urine, and stomach contents" Forensic Science International. v47n2, September 1990, p113-21. Twitchet, P.J.; Fletcher, S.M.; Sullivan, A.T.; Moffat, A.C. "Analysis of LSD in human body fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography,fluorescence spectroscopy and radioimmunoassay." J. Chromatogr. v150n1, March 11 1978, p73-84. 13. What is "skunk"? [-] 14. What are the monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)? [MAOIs in general] Brown-C-S, Bryant-S-G, "Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: safety and efficacy issues. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1988; 22:232-235. McKenna-D-J, Towers-G-H-N, Abbott-F, "Monoamine oxidase inhibitors in South American hallucinogenic plants: Tryptamines and Beta-carboline constituents of ayahuasca." J Ethnopharmacology 10, 195-223. (1984). Zisook-S, "A clinical overview of monoamine oxidase inhibitors". Psychosomatics 1985; 26:240-251. [foods/drugs to avoid] Anon, "Foods interacting with MAOI inhibitors". Med Lett Drug Ther 1989; 31:11-12. Lippman-S-B, Nash-K, "Monoamine oxidase inhibitor update. Potential adverse food and drug interactions." Drug Safety 1990; 5:195-204. 15. Can I smoke or eat to get high? [cough syrup] Bem-J-L, Peck-R. "Dextromethorphan. An overview of safety issues." Drug-Saf. 1992 May-Jun. 7(3):190-199 Murray-S, Brewerton-T. "Abuse of over-the-counter dextromethorphan by teenagers." South-Med-J. 1993 Oct; 86(10): 1151-1153. [morning glory] Schultes-R-E, "Indole Alkaloids In Plant Hallucinogens". Journal of Psychedelic Drugs Vol.8(No.1) Jan-Mar 1976 Schultes-R-E, "The Botanical and Chemical Distribution of Hallucinogens" Journal of Psychedelic Drugs Vol.9(No.3) Jul-Sep 1977 [toads] Davis-W, Weil-A-T. "Identity of a New World Psychoactive Toad." Ancient Mesoamerica 3 (1992) 5, 51-59. Most-A. _Bufo Alvarius: the Psychedelic Toad of the Sonoran Desert._ Venom Press, Box 2863, Denton, TX 76202. 1984. -- __ Jani "Gnosis" Poij”rvi On the neverending quest /(o\ BRAHMAN for knowledge by identity. \o)/ +358-0-498797