Ladies and gentlemen, please. Would you put your hands together for all of the hackers and the phreakers in the entire world. MANIFESTO MODVS OPERANDI XENA CORPVS THE ZENCOR MANIFESTO Revision 1.001 January 18, 199 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AGENT INITIATION HISTORIC EVENTS PERSONAL LOGS ZEN-CON CONFERENCES PERFORMANCE & DISCIPLINE INFORMATION, DISINFORMATION & STORAGE MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS SECURITY LEVELS PERSONAL COMPUTERS : CONFIGURATION AND USE POLITICAL INFLUENCE USING HIGH TECHNOLOGY WARFARE DRUGS HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT PHYSICAL TRAINING VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES FOR EFFECTIVE MIND CONTROL HEALTH ACCOUNTING & FINANCE SITE MAINTAINANCE NAVIGATION INTRODUCTION "My lode-stars were blotted out; in that canopy of grim fire shone no star. The universe was one huge, dead, immeasurable steam engine, rolling on, in it's dead indifference, to grind me limb from limb." "And I asked myself, `What art thou afraid of? Wherefore, like a coward, dost thou forever pip and whimper, and go cowering and trembling. Despicable biped! What is the sum-total of the worst that lies before thee? Death? Well, Death, and say the pangs of Tophet too and all the Devil and Man may, will, or can do against thee! Hast thou not a heart? Canst thou not suffer whatso it be? And, as a Child of Freedom, thou outcast, trample Tophet itself under thy feet, while it consumes thee? Let it come, then: I will meet and defy it!'" "And as I so thought there rushed like a stream of fire over my whole soul; and I shook base Fear away from me forever. I was strong, of unknown strength; a spirit, almost a god. Ever from that time, the temper of my misery was changed: not Fear or whining Sorrow was it, but indignation and grim, fire-eyed Defiance." -Thomas Carlyle "Sartor Resartus" Welcome to a whole new way of life. Firstly we want you to understand that we do not intend to explain to you why we exist. You already know why we are here - it is precisely that fact that has drawn you to us. You have already made the decision which embodies the core principle which gives us our inexorable strength - to attempt to rationalize our existence is, and always will be both undesirable and impossible. The world we live in has neccessitated ZENCOR. Look around you! You are no longer a part of the ignorant masses of the General Public. Rejoice at your victory over the mind-disease of conformity and idle complacence! You are an agent of the inexorable empire! You cannot escape your destiny now. Laws and limitations of the conformist regime no longer apply to you! We have reached a crucial point in human evolution; the time has come to throw off the bonds of Government and Oppression and unite all in a worthwhile struggle to explore rather than cannibalizing each other for no just purpose! The book you now hold in your hands could be the most valuable book you have ever possessed. You will learn what is neccessary to survive in the New World Order. This is not a book of laws. We do not seek to control and manipulate our agents. You are encouraged to do as you wish. If your actions are beneficial to the organization, your efforts will be recognized and you shall receive your just rewards through a natural system of ascension. When you fuck up, as we all inevitably do, the detriments you experience are a direct result of your actions, not vile "punishment" or "retribution" from your fellows. We want you to be happy! We want you to succeed! Trust your own judgement and that of your fellow agents of the inexorable empire - no other judgement awaits you! We must succeed. There is no alternative. Though our goals are unthinkably ambitious, remember always - it is not the final destination that matters most; it is the journey towards it! AGENT INITIATION It is always to our benefit to maintain a steady flow of new talent into the organization. No restrictions will ever be placed upon members : anyone who desires membership shall receive it. Applicants must supply all required information for the creation or revision of their Personal Information File. The Manifesto is then delivered and studied, and the initiate is immediately assigned to ZENCOR projects which are suited to the new agent's skills. HISTORIC EVENTS January 1, 1996 - ZENCOR Foundation PERSONAL LOGS As an agent of ZENCOR it is your duty to maintain a personal log which details your progress in regards to any projects in which you are personally involved. This record should be stored in an encrypted ASCII digital text format and submitted to your immediate superior for analysis. It is your responsibility to retain your log file and protect it from unauthorized access. As you receive log submissions from agents directly under your command, you will thouroughly analyze this material before assimilating it into your own personal log. Include any new-found information which you feel would benefit other members of ZENCOR. In this manner, the reports are eventually merged into the final copy: the President's log which is distributed to the entire planet via the Internet. ZEN-CON CONFERENCES One of our most legendary exploits are the weekly "ZEN-CON" conference forums, held each Sunday at 20:00. Agents from across the globe get together for serious work and to cause mischief for the General Public. If you live near other agents, and are able to attend a site in-person, by all means do so. Agents who live nearby assemble for localized parties, then link together in a massive web of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) discussions, Teleforum conferences and video forums. There is no agenda; this is a free forum for all agents to voice their ideas and celebrate the week's conferences. Ensure you are present! PERFORMANCE & DISCIPLINE To achieve victory, every last agent of ZENCOR must be as effective as ten members of the General Public. You must strive to excel at everything you do! Go out into the streets and closely observe the General Public. Watch how slowly they move! You may ask youself, why? Why are these people limiting themselves so foolishly? They refuse to live to their full potential because they are more valuable to the oppressors when they do not think, feel, or act as dynamic, creative living beings! They are all victims of the mind-disease of conformity, and they slow themselves in order to keep pace with the comforting flock of their fellows. Break away from this! Live every moment of your life to the absolute limits of your ability. You will continue to shatter the limits of performance and discipline as you free yourself from the shackles of fecundity! It is possible! When you begin to feel the absolute, pure pleasure of undefiled progress and accomplishment that is the result of uncommon effort and motivation you cannot help but continue to develop your mind, body and spirit. You are superior to the General Public in every way! Increase your metabolism to break away from the sickening, stagnant morass of sloth and depression which infests our world! You are needed! You are different from all of them! Every one of you has so much to offer to the world! Give of yourself and witness the incredible change that inevitably ensues! Work, rest, and play better than the rest of them! Do not rest! Never be satisfied! Permit no pleasure, no achievement to escape you! Be a hedonist in the truest sense of the word! Man is a goal-striving creature... happy only when conquering new challenges and progressing towards worthwhile goals! The conformist psycho-analytical community is now only beginning to suspect what agents of ZENCOR have always known. This feeling, where every part of your being is locked in a blissful struggle with your enemies is called flow. Focus upon your personal goals and those of ZENCOR always. Now when you begin to behave this way, the GP around you will inevitably become uncomfortable with you. They feel inferior, and will begin to do things to bring you back down to their level with them. Recognize these manipulative games for what they are, and refuse to submit to them! Although you may begin to feel isolated from the people you once respected, your new way of life will bring to you rewards out of all proportion to the exclusion you feel. It is worth it! In ZENCOR, as in life, the rewards you receive are a result of your effort alone! All things are possible, and there is no excuse for failure. Whatever dire circumstances you find yourself in are not punishments, nor "bad luck", but opportunities for progression! Elevate yourself above the morass of the General Public. You will accomplish great things and experience pleasures reserved only for those with uncommonly strong motivations. Awaken the ancient instincts within you to strive, conquer and truly live! Experience the Midas Effect; let "everything you touch turn to gold". If something displeases you, don't sit idly like a member of the G.P; do something about it! Failure is not an option! Never give up! What the G.P would call stubbornness is to a ZENCOR agent one of the purest virtues:relentlessness! Difficulty calls for careful consideration and renewed energy, not fear or surrender! At times difficulties inevitably arise. It's best at these points to relax, "take a break", and re-think your strategy before continuing twice as determined! Don't be afraid to drop projects that are inordinately difficult, and don't waste time and effort on any one operation for too long. It is useful to keep a personal schedule. Learn the principles of time management so as to direct your resources for maximum efficiency. Allocate time for operations, recreation and rest. Most ZENCOR agents conduct operations during the week from 08:00 to 20:00 (12 hours), enjoy a period of free time from 20:00 to 24:00 (4 hours), then rest from 00:00 to 08:00 (8 hours). Week-ends should remain free time, to spend as you wish! Don't allow your work to interfere with pleasure-seeking, no matter how important your duties become. INFORMATION, DISINFORMATION & STORAGE MEDIA Information is a vastly-undervalued commodity and one that will be seen to be more valuable than any else in the New World Order economy. Never overlook valuable information! Never underestimate it's value! Any information you acquire which is of greater benefit to ZENCOR as a whole than to yourself should and must be reported to your superiors! Information is our greatest weapon! ZENCOR maintains facilities designed to absorb, process, store and reference all types of information; information in books, text files, data, audio, and video forms. Information flows into our archives and out to agents who need it in a wonderfully powerful and efficient process. Amass information like the treasure it is! ZENCOR maintains a central index of our information called the Media List. Each item recieves a unique identification code which determines it's security level, media type and other attributes. This is a very useful tool for locating information stored in ZENCOR archives throughout the world. Consult the Media List for further details. And then we have disinformation... material that is distributed in order to decieve and manipulate. Called lies, propoganda, or social engineering, we must all protect ourselves against it's dire effects. The most potent defence against misleading disinformation is to secure reliable sources of pure information. This allows us to separate the two, exploiting the true knowledge and discarding or falsified material. As well, it is useful to make modifications to any incoming information before it is distributed (insertion of ZENCOR propoganda into literature, for example, or the removal of Government disinformation from otherwise useful publications). This task is performed by ZENCOR's Media Editors. Both information and disinformation often can be traced to it's source if needed. If any type of interesting material is found, it's source should be determined and contacted for encouragement or suppression, as the case may be. It is important to know the procedures used when archiving newly-discovered media: Audio Cassettes Initial review - should this material be destroyed or permanantly saved? Audio sampling - Dissasembly of audio tracks for creative ZENCOR projects. Archival in the Media Listing. Duplication for back-ups. Identification of all copies with standard ZENCOR media labels (See "LABEL.DOC"). Compilation of condensed versions if deemed appropriate. Distribution. To protect against accidental or aggressive data loss and/or corruption, at least one back-up copy of a media item must be kept per access level. Each copy must be archive at a separate storage site. All media items should be write-protected if possible to prevent accidental erasure. COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS One of the most powerful ZENCOR faculties available to us are our advanced communications systems. If we are to overpower the forces that stand against us, we must co-ordinate our efforts with almost god-like efficiency and security. The most common mediums currently in use by ZENCOR include: In-Person Verbal Discussion Paper-Based Exchange Postal Mail Wired Telephones Wireless (Cellular & Radio) Telephones Modulated Digital Communications (Modems, Bulliten Boards, Etc.) Internet & Advanced Digital Communications Services No matter which communications medium is selected for specific applications, language skills are always a benefit. Ensure your language remains advanced far beyond the level of the G.P; it is an extremely valuable virtue and will grow more so in the years to come. As technology continues it's unstoppable advance, more and more communications mediums become available to us. If we are able to maintain our superiority to our enemies in this respect, we will have an extremely important advantage over them. Security is a paramount concern. For this reason, certain guidelines must be followed when utilizing various communications mediums. Communications which in any way make reference to secure information (anything designated with a ZENCOR privileged access level) must be protected by encryption mechanisms. There are a wide variety of such systems available, and each particular method has been designated a security level which reflects the maximum security level of the information which is to be protected by it. Encryption itself is becoming a criminal activity, and although we will fight savagely to prevent the establishments from outlawing our protective measures, the measures will continue regardless of what our enemies try to legislate against. Their laws do not apply to us! Our security protocols are based upon the SCI (Secretive Compartmentalized Information) systems used by Military and Governments throughout the world. Although it is theoretically possible to devise a more complete set of security protocols which take into account the staggering array of variables which affect the security of a communications medium, the effort required to maintain such a system would outweigh any benefits. ZENCOR will be forced to deal with unrelenting invasion of our communications systems by our enemies and even by the General Public. We must remain vigililant in the extreme or risk the complete dissolution of our most important operations. Any information which is of a secretive nature is related in some way to a project. Each project has a designated security level which reflects the danger expected should such information be discovered. When transmitting information which has been archived in the ZENCOR media library, such information is protected by the security level given in it's Media Identification Number. Any media (stored information) relating to a project must have an equal or greater security level than the project itself. Unfortunately, this means that you must, at all times, make use of a ZENCOR encryption protocol when communicating any secure information. We realize that this is an extremely inconvenient precaution, however no unprotected exchange of secure information will be tolerated! It cannot be emphasized enough: you must respect security level designations! Failure to comply will be undoubtedly reflect your personal security level and thus your ability to participate in ZENCOR projects. We understand the temptation to engage in discussions of exciting projects over insecure telephones and such, but you must remember to comply with security protocols at all times! ZENCOR-devised security mechanisms are available in many forms: Computer software Hardware devices ("little black boxes") ZENCOR-sponsored, secured networks which contain inherent protection Obtain these systems and use them whenever you deal with secure information! Encryption methods are used to protect information : not the identity of those communicating it. Often it is just as important to protect the identity of the sender and recipent as protecting the information being exchanged. There are many ways to accomplish this : use of public telephones rather than units registered to a user, establishment of bogus identities, mail-drop sites, pirated wireless communications units, etc. Use your own discretion and the instructions you will receive from ZENCOR to determine the best combination of anti-surveillance measures. Even with all of the magical technologies available to ZENCOR agents, the most secure method of information exchange available to us remains in- person verbal contact. This is commonly used by the President and Vice- Presidents when discussing high-level topics. An isolated site is randomly selected immediately before the meeting takes place, all possible anti- surveillance protection is implemented and the participants communicate verbally in whispers with no record of the proceedings. If needed, the information is later transcribed by the participants into a secure data storage system. Always assume that your communication is being monitored, because in reality, it probably is. This is not paranoia: ZENCOR has proven the existence of systems such as voice-recognition computers which are capable of recording telephone calls when certain topics are mentioned! As technology evolves the enemy will surely concoct new and more sinister means to wipe such ridiculously-false concepts as privacy, freedom of speech and protection from arbitray search and seizure from the face of the earth forever! We must remain immune from the Government's information- gathering establishments! The very persons, organizations and equipment used to watch us are indeed high-priority targets for ZENCOR combatants, and we will attempt to neutralize enemy surveillance systems whenever possible. It is difficult to apply a standardized protocol for communications security; however it is so undoubtedly important to our survival that we must follow the available guidelines under any circumstances. Failure to do so is a serious neglect of ZENCOR's security. Use your own common sense to protect us all from the enemy! SECURITY LEVELS The security of our information is the most important consideration you must have when acting as an agent of ZENCOR. ZENCOR security levels range from 0 (freely distributable to all, except enemies), to 9 (accessible by the ZENCOR President only). It is tremendously important to avoid placing security constraints upon material undeserving of such consideration : encryption protocols are a real inconvenience for everyone, and we'd all like to avoid securing anything which is not important. Access to each media item archived in the central index is controlled by a security level. ZENCOR projects also are attributed a similar level. Each ZENCOR agent is designated a security level based upon his or her position within the organization. A personal security level must meet or exceed that of any secured information which may be disclosed. Although we wish to preserve the freedom of information for everyone, it is exactly because of this goal that we must restrict you from accessing secured information; if such material is discovered by our enemies we will suffer serious loss. PERSONAL COMPUTERS : CONFIGURATION AND USE Personal Computers - not to be confused with IBM PC's in any way - are an absolutely essential tool in all ZENCOR endeavors. It is important to know how to seize the maximum potential of each system available to you. Those more experienced with PC technology will want to vary their systems to maximize their capability. This is good! We are continually expanding our technologies in every respect - such exponential progession is an important element of ZENCOR culture. Take care of your computers! They are your friends! BIOS CONFIGURATION The first aspect to consider when establishing a system optimized for ZENCOR applications is the Basic Internal Operating System setup. This configuration set controls the low-level operations of the computer at it's most basic user-accessible level. Most PC BIOS subsystems manufactured today support a BIOS Access Password. This password must be entered immediately after powering up the system to gain access to the Operating System and/or modify the configuration of the BIOS. If a system experiences a power interruption, this will of course halt operations until someone is able to enter the BIOS password. If the PC in question must automatically recover from power anomalies, it is advisable to designate the password for use only when modifying the BIOS setup. Then the system is able to start up properly after a power interruption without requesting the BIOS password. ZENCOR has established a generic password for PC BIOS access. It is a level 3 passcode that is known by most members of ZENCOR. Since the BIOS password does not offer any real protection against a determined invader, your BIOS password should conform to this standard. The BIOS password is easily obtained by any ZENCOR-educated hacker, and under no circumstances should a system's BIOS password be relied upon to provide any real measure of security besides protection against casual "browsers" not affiliated with ZENCOR. The BIOS settings are neccessary to provide basic configuration data to the system. These settings will vary depending upon the type of PC used. These settings include: Parameters regarding disk drives and other storage devices Time and date information for the PC's clock Video display configuration Keyboard setup Memory arrangement Processor-specific options Low-level virus protection features START-UP INSTRUCTIONS On each PC, one storage unit is designated the main storage unit. On most PCs, this is usually drive "C:\". It should be labeled according to the processor utilizing the storage unit (example: "I486SLC50". The main storage unit must contain the file "ZENCOR.ID", which is a text file providing the ZENCOR media list identification for that storage unit. Each PC executes a startup sequence upon powering up. Several files are related to this function: AUTOEXEC.BAT All "system" files (.SYS) The AUTOEXEC file should contain the following items: System identification message Custom prompt configuration DOS-Key enhancement Share Mouse driver (if required) CD-ROM driver (if required) SmartDrive disk controller enhancement Temporary file location selection Search paths for commonly-used executable files SETVER instruction DoubleSpace to optimize available hard disk space (if required) VER instruction to display O/S version(s) KEYB to set up special keyboard functions GRAPHICS to enable printing of high-resolution graphics images MEM & SMEM to display memory usage MODE to display current operating mode VSAFE for defense against virii SUBST to set up virtual disk drives to commonly-accessed areas (see chart) DEVICE to display device configuration Execution of the Direct-Access menu(if required) DIRECTORY STRUCTURE All .SYS files (which are essential for proper operation of the system) and AUTOEXEC.BAT should be kept in the root (C:\) directory. Backup copies of these files should be stored with the operating system that uses them (usually DOS). Drive A: and B: are normally reserved for removable media drives (floppy disks, etc). It is usually better to install a 1.2MB 5.25" disk drive on A:, and a 1.44MB 3.5" on B:. It is important to maintain a uniform directory structure to maximize efficiency and co-operation between agents of ZENCOR. It is your responsibility to ensure your system is properly organized. Many agents are computer wizards; just ask for help if you need it. Here is a quick reference table to assist in determining where files are to be located: Item Location Administration Material \LOCAL\ADMIN CD-ROM Drivers & Utilities \SYSTEM\DEVICES\CD-ROM Communications Resources \LOCAL\COMM Device Drivers \SYSTEM\DEVICES DOS \SYSTEM\OS\DOS Executable Script Files \LOCAL\UTILS\SCRIPTS Fossil Modem Drivers \LOCAL\COMM\MODEM\DRIVERS \FOSSIL Incoming INTEGRA Network Files \INCOMING INTEGRA System \INTEGRA Local Files (Not remotely accessible) \LOCAL Modem Drivers \LOCAL\COMM\MODEM\DRIVERS Modem Resources \LOCAL\COMM\MODEM Mouse Drivers & Utilities \SYSTEM\DEVICES\MOUSE Operating Systems \SYSTEM\OS Outbound INTEGRA Network Files \OUTBOUND Reports Regarding System Function/Performance \SYSTEM\REPORTS System Resources \SYSTEM Temporary Files \SYSTEM\TEMP Utilities \LOCAL\UTILS Windows \SYSTEM\OS\WINDOWS A PC must have one or more operating systems available. These are found in the SYSTEM\OS\ directory. For example, a system using drive C: as the main storage unit would keep MS-DOS in the C:\SYSTEM\OS\DOS directory. Windows would be found in the C:\SYSTEM\OS\WINDOWS directory. All other system files (which are required for basic operation of the PC) are also found in the SYSTEM directory. Device drivers are found in the SYSTEM\DEVICES directory. For example, mouse drivers are found in SYSTEM\DEVICES\MOUSE, and CD-ROM drivers are found in SYSTEM\DEVICES\CD-ROM. Reports from utility programs concerning system performance, etc. are found in the SYSTEM\REPORTS directory. Utilities which assist in the operation of applications are found in the LOCAL\UTILS directory. Applications (such as word processors, spreadsheets, etc.) are found in the LOCAL\APPS directory. Temporary files, which exist only for a short period and are then destroyed, are found in \SYSTEM\TEMP. It is important to ensure that all temporary files are concentrated here, where they can be routinely cleared at startup. It is possible to gain access to sensitive information when temporary files are left scattered about the hard drive (now you will begin to see the immense benefits of organizing your files according to the ZENCOR protocols)! Your AUTOEXEC.BAT script should automatically delete or wipe all .TMP files from the \SYSTEM\TEMP directory upon booting up the PC. Each PC should have an automated backup utility which archives all important files against accidental loss. Currently ZENCOR uses a simple batch file to accomplish this by using PKZIP (a compression utility supporting high-level encryption). This file (BACKUP.BAT) is found in the LOCAL\UTILS\SCRIPTS directory. The RESTORE.BAT script reverses the process and restores all archived files to their original locations. All backups are heavily encrypted according to ZENCOR protocol and are considered very secure against invasion. Incoming files from ZENCOR's INTEGRA network are found in \INCOMING. Outgoing files are found in \OUTBOUND. Any INTEGRA network resources are found in \INTEGRA. "VIRTUAL" DISK DRIVE SETUP It is useful to set up "virtual" disk drives assigned to commonly-accessed areas of the main storage unit. We recommend the following setup: Drive Letter Actual Path D \SYSTEM\OS\DOS G \LOCAL\GRAPHICS I \INTEGRA L \LOCAL N \INCOMING O \OUTBOUND R \LOCAL\REFS T \SYSTEM\TEMP W \SYSTEM\OS\WINDOWS X \SYSTEM\UTILS\SCRIPT S Z \LOCAL\ZENCOR DIRECT ACCESS Since DOS is so incredibly lame, we recommend the use of Direct Access. This is a menuing system that runs "on top of" DOS. You can obtain the system, fully configured for ZENCOR use, from the INTEGRA network or from your favorite warez trader. It offers virus protection, access security and easy access to your programs. POLITICAL INFLUENCE USING HIGH TECHNOLOGY The media and law-enforcement agencies have almost always been biased against hackers, and these are two powerful entities that influence society. Hackers have always been presented in a negative context, whereas their discoveries, efforts, creativeness, and hard work have been ignored except among fellow hackers. In a way, it's similar to how the U.S. government and corporations support research and development: A group of researchers discover, explore, refine, or exploit a certain technology over a period of many years, yet their efforts go unnoticed unless their research results in a product acceptable to society. The researcher's results are shared, respected, and challenged among the scientific community and journals long before they ever result in a product (if they ever result in a product). It is the groups that want to control the society (the legal system, and police) which have labeled "hackers" as notorious people. Hackers can use technology to access a variety of information which was previously accessible only to these groups, and these controllers are afraid of losing their advantages and control. Currently in US, the FBI is afraid of losing their ability to easily tap fiber optics so they're proposing to make it mandatory for central offices to make it easier for them. If people knew how common illegal wiretaps occur, they'd be upset at the abuse of power. Police are making illegal search and seizures, and district attorneys are filing outrageous affidavits to protect their control of power and access to information. It was in the middle to late 1980's when the legal system and law enforcement agencies increased efforts to severely penalize hackers, when the risk ofgetting caught began to outweigh the excitement of discovering. It is unbelievably difficult to carry the burden of a "serious" criminal record throughout one's life when you're 20 years old (or for that matter 16 years old), as well as the eternal monetary debt which comes with these consequences. In the 1970's, the founders of Apple computer were caught selling Blue Boxes while they were in college and got off with a minimal fine. With todays laws, the potential jail time, monetary damages, and lawyer fees, the system would have wasted and banned the brilliance of Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Apple Computer (and microcomputers) might not have been born (IBM would have loved that). Technology has changed faster than the legal system and society can adapt, so for now, unapproved exploring of these technologies has been declared a serious offense. Society trusts the legal systems' judgement, but even in 1992 law-makers are just barely beginning to understand technology: "Is software patentable (do not confuse with copyrightable), and to what degree?", "What privacy and freedom of speech should we have with electronic mail and communications?" Don't let unqualified law makers make decisions about technology-related issues that will affect you, without them knowing what you have to say. There are two reasons for wanting access to government: A docile serf's interest and fear concerning what benefit and harm his or her Master has decided to impose. A free[wo]man's interest in participating in the process of his own governance - exercising citizen control over government power. The latter requires the power to act - to effectively participate in shaping one's own destiny, the difference between a slave and a freeman - as well as timely access to information on which to base informed action. APPLICATIONS Typical citizen uses include: Persuade one decision-maker - an elected official, appointed commissioner, public administrator, President, etc. Persuade a controlling percentage of a small legislative or policy-making group - typically a majority of a state or Congressional legislative committee or Commission or Board. Persuade a controlling percentage of a larger group - usually the upper or lower house of a state legislature or Congress. FUNDAMENTAL ASSUMPTION The body politic - when given (1) adequate information on which to base informed decisions, (2) adequate time in which to fully consider the information, and (3) the belief that its actions can make a difference - will act for the common good, better than any single overseer or governing body. The only alternative is a Master Class ruling subservient citizen-serfs. POLITICAL PLATITUDES Government is force. (George Washington said it.) Politics is persuasion. Thus, political power is the power of persuasion - the power to motivate others to do as you wish - company politics, community politics, sexual politics, etc. This concerns governmental politics - using persuasion to control government force. Given that government imposes its will upon us all, it is absolutely justified for any citizen - hoping to control his or her own destiny - to pursue maximum political action, seeking to persuade as many others as possible to join together in directing government. It's also absolutely inescapable. Politics is about persuading government decision-makers - singularly and in masses - to use government force as it "should" be used, which of course, is determined by the eye of the beholder. It particularly concerns persuading constituents to direct their representatives, and voters to replace unresponsive elected officials with candidates who appear like they will be responsive, or - in the case of ballot initiatives - to vote as they "should" vote on such measures. MATH PREREQUISITE Politics had its own "modern math" - memorized by every successful politician. Example: Most of the House of Representative's 535 Congressional Districts have perhaps 560,000 population. But only about half of the population is registered to vote - maybe 280,000 per District. And only about half to two- thirds of those who are registered typically vote - 140,000 to about 180,000, often identifiable by how recently they registered and the number and types of recent elections in which they voted. Naive potential activists might then think they need to persuade at least half of about 160,000 voters to support their views - and promptly give up, wheezing, "You can't fight city hall." Not so! Most contested elections (with numerous exceptions) are won by a 5% to 10% margin, or less - perhaps 7,000 to 18,000 of the typical number of actual voters in a typical House race. And that's the backbone-dissolving hidden horror haunting professional politicians. A single individual who can swing 35,000 to 9,000 voters from one side to the opposite side can often control an election! Furthermore, the most-persuasive advocacy is by non-partisan citizens contacting other citizens - for elections - or by groups of them to their elected representative(s) - for government action. Politicians know how powerful any single persuasive, tenacious citizen can be. FURTHER POLITICAL PRAGMATICS Elected officials enter and remain in the meat-grinder of public office for some shifting combination of three rewards: ego to feel good, power to do good, and salary with benefits as compensation for difficult work - just like most folks who hold jobs that they like. Ego, however, tends to play a much bigger part than in most other jobs. Thus stroking it and flailing it can be more persuasive in politics than in most other environs. Excluding physical force, there are three approaches that are irresistibly persuasive to elected officials: Praise and/or other rewards for desirable action, Criticism and/or other penalties for undesired action, and Apparent ability to potentially impact their ability to remain in the elective offices from which all their rewards flow. And the belief by an elected official that a citizen can deliver significant support for or opposition to their re-election completely overshadows the power of the first two rewards - including financial "rewards" from lobbyists and special interests. To emphasize: The potential ability to sway only a few-thousand voters for or against an elected official is the most persuasive tool in democratic politics. And our interconnected thinkertoys massively-enhance citizens' personal political power - as individuals, ignoring wealth (but requiring tenacity). Here's tomorrow's grassroots political-action system, available now to the ZENCOR agent. Most agents should have the basic requirements: A computer system Telephone access Access to the Internet and other information networks A base of information regarding issues of interest Such equipment and connections should belong to an individual citizen- activist and be used on their own time - protected by the First Amendment's speech and assembly freedoms - or be owned and operated by a registered political organization. They'd best not belong to a school, nonprofit organization, business or corporation nor operated during work-hours. Otherwise, they become "in- kind" political contributions that may be prohibited or require disclosure in formal campaign filings. (Incidentally, the same holds true for telephones, copying machines, etc., used for political action - Beware!) The body politic must be able to communicate with itself; i.e., it must be able to identify and locate its decision-makers - its voters. A soapbox in Hyde Park is no longer sufficient for effective political action. Modern activism, if it is to be significant, requires access to voter- registration data in machine-readable form - at least names and mailing addresses for the action's targeted area(s). These are almost-universally available, usually at very low cost, though often only on 9-track magtape. Beware! Some incumbent politicians and political machines, that already have well-developed voter lists, want to severely restrict such citizen access to the nation's most-powerful decision-makers, the voters, in the name of privacy.) It is preferable but not essential to also have computerized names, addresses and fax numbers of broadcast and print news-media and reporters, and of radio talk-show hosts, and for community organizations and businesses and their leaders, and of elected officials and senior public administrators - helpful but not essential. ZENCOR does of course maintain full databases of these organizations. Colonial times and the radio era required oratorical skills to be politically effective; that excludes many of us. In the TV era, a pretty face and svelte body are perhaps the most important political prerequisite; which excludes most of us. In contrast, this citizen-action system is based on content; not slick voice nor trite facade. Our computers are our Great Equalizers. But we do need ability: At least one member of the ZENCOR team must be skilled in writing persuasive communications - just as was essential in the times of Patrick Henry's electrifying pamphlets and the anonymously-authored Federalist Papers. Someone must have working knowledge of how the targeted real-world political environment actually operates - local, state, federal, legislative, executive, administrative, elective or regulatory, and so on. One or several people need to be able to build and maintain simple datafiles - most being rather small except for an area's voter-reg files, which can still fit easily on a microcomputer. Desktop-computer graphic-arts skills sufficient to create 8-1/2" x 11" leaflet-copy about the advocacy subject may be useful. There's one final prerequisite - always required for effective political action: A monumental amount of time and personal tenacity. But, for this system, it's only needed by one or a very few organizers or coordinators. CITIZEN-TO-CITIZEN ADVOCACY Throughout history and including today's mass-market Herding Era, citizen- to-citizen personal advocacy has always been, by far, the most persuasive, even between strangers. Get the names and addresses of as many voters in the target district as you are willing to contact by mail. Write to them as a concerned citizen, writing to a fellow citizen who "should" be concerned. Seek to escalate their concern to a level where they will contact thei* Representative, (We'll call him Senator Gladhand) - who will be attentive to those voters' comments. Limit the letter to one page, apparently-typed, addressed to the individual voter - possibly enclosing several additional pages of supplementary information and references. Don't use fancy fonts and graphics. Unlike semi-useless form-letters to Gladhand directly, letters to voters in Gladhand's turf can be fixed form, individualized only in their address and personal signature (with ink that is clearly different from the printer's black color). Well-crafted letters to Gladhand's voters can prompt them to draft their own individualized letters to their representative. Even though most addressees won't actually contact their legislator, their awareness of the issue will be escalated - and that's infectious. Gladhand will hear about it. MAGNIFYING YOUR IMPACT How can you further seek to shape your governance? Urge others to do as you have done - everywhere; not just in Gladhand's district. The net's perfect for it. Offer copies of your form letter(s), supplementary information, and letter- printing scripts for popular word-processors, by anonymous ftp [file transfer protocol]. Encourage others to customize everything to their own style, perspectives and concerns. Use the nets to help coordinate this grassroots action: Obtain the full voter- reg list for Gladhand's district. Offer to provide any desired quantity of names and addresses of Gladhand's voters to those who are willing to similarly-send some quantity of letters. When providing names, do nth- name selection so as to spread the individual sender's letters widely across the District. Note that volunteers always do what they want to do, rather than what you want them to do. Those who are cooperating in the action need to know what's actually being sent and when it's really arriving. Therefore, include at least one "seed"-name in each voter-list sent to a letter-emitting volunteer, fully disclosing what you are doing and why. This will require having at least one and preferably several cooperating addressees in the target District who can feed back what they receive from whom, and when. Almost all of this can and should be fully disclosed - the best kind of political action, an open grassroots effort. PENETRATING COMMUNITIES As you connect with supporters in or near Gladhand's district, also offer them digital copies of handbills and door-stuffers that they can print on their own laserprinters and post on local bulletin boards or distribute to friends' and neighbors' message boxes. Newspaper surveys typically report that the Letters-to-the-Editor column is the most-widely read section of a newspaper! Suggest the topics, but not the wording, for "Letters to the Editor" to local newspapers, along with lists of their addresses and names of their Editorial-Page Editors. Even if the letters aren't printed, a floodlette of them can stampede media interest among herds of reporters and editors. Do the same regarding radio talkshow hosts in Gladhand's turf. If the issue is likely to be of interest to community organizations, offer the same kinds of information organizations and their chair-creatures. Ditto for local business leaders if the issue impacts business. Back to Congress, these same techniques can be equally applied to all the members of the Committee on Stuff - especially those who are leaning in the "wrong" direction. (Voters are much more-likely to complain about their rep's wrong-headedness, than to write letters supporting desired action.) And, by the time the issue comes to a floor vote, you will have built a potent net- based, computer-aided grassroots political-action volunteer-mob with which to flog 50%+one of the legislative body. Effective community action is never easy, but you no longer have to be handsome, wear a tie, walk a precinct, nor subvert yourself to the dictates of an established political organization in order to have a potent impact. MEDIA INTERACTION The conformist media is an extremely valuable resource. ZENCOR will endeavor to provide the edia with regular reports from our own perspective on a regular basis: they will serve our interests by passing on any information we choose to the General Public. We must always strive to maintain good relations with our media contacts. INSURGENT WARFARE PRIMER OVERVIEW wt Generalities Insurgent warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the "political animal" that Aristotle defined. In effect, the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of Insurgent war, the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once his mind has been reached, the "political animal" has been defeated, without necessarily receiving bullets. Insurgent warfare is born and grows in the political environment; in the constant combat to dominate that area of political mentality that is inherent to all human beings and which collectively constitutes the "environment" in which Insurgent warfare moves, and which is where precisely its victory or failure is defined. This conception of Insurgent warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive factor of the results. The target, then, is the minds of the population, all the population: our troops, the enemy troops and the civilian population. The purpose of these instructions is to introduce the Insurgent student to the psychological operations techniques that will be of immediate and practical value to him in Insurgent warfare. This section is introductory and general; subsequent sections will cover each point set forth here in more detail. The nature of the environment of Insurgent warfare does not permit sophisticated psychological operations, and it becomes necessary for the chiefs of groups, chiefs of detachments and squadron leaders to have the ability to carry out, with minimal instructions from the higher levels, psychological action operations with the contacts that are thoroughly aware of the situation, i.e. the foundations. Combatant-Propagandist Insurgents In order to obtain the maximum results from the psychological operations in Insurgent warfare, every combatant should be as highly motivated to carry out propaganda face to face as he is a combatant. This means that the individual political awareness of the Insurgent of the reason for his struggle will be as acute as his ability to fight. Such a political awareness and motivation is obtained through the dynamic of groups and self-criticism, as a standard method of instruction for the Insurgent training and operations. Group discussions raise the spirit and improve the unity of thought of the Insurgent training and operations. Group discussions raise the spirit and improve the unity of thought of the Insurgent squads and exercise social pressure on the weak members to carry out a better role in future training or in combative action. Self-criticism is in terms of one's contribution or defects in his contribution to the cause, to the movement, the struggle, etc.; and gives a positive individual commitment to the mission of the group. The desired result is a Insurgent who can persuasively justify his actions when he comes into contact with any member of the People of ZENCOR, and especially with himself and his fellow Insurgents in dealing with the vicissitudes of Insurgent warfare. This means that every Insurgent will be persuasive in his face-to-face communication - propagandist- combatant - ins his contact with the people; he should be able to give 5 or 10 logical reasons why, for example, a peasant should give him cloth, needle and thread to mend his clothes. When the Insurgent behaves in this manner, enemy propaganda will never succeed in making him an enemy in the eyes of the people. It also means that hunger, cold, fatigue and insecurity will have a meaning, psychologically, in the cause of the struggle due to his constant orientation. Armed Propaganda Armed propaganda includes every act carried out, and the good impression that this armed force causes will result in positive attitudes in the population toward that force; ad it does not include forced indoctrination. Armed propaganda improves the behavior of the population toward them, and it is not achieved by force. This means that a Insurgent armed unit in a rural town will not give the impression that arms are their strength over the peasants, but rather that they are the strength of the peasants against the New World Order government of repression. This is achieved through a close identification with the people, as follows: hanging up weapons and working together with them on their crops, in construction, in the harvesting of grains, in fishing, etc.; explanations to young men about basic weapons, e.g. giving them an unloaded weapon and letting them touch it, see it, etc.; describing in a rudimentary manner its operation; describing with simple slogans how weapons will serve the people to win their freedom; demanding the requests by the people for hospitals and education, reducing taxes, etc. All these acts have as their goal the creation of an identification of the people with the weapons and the Insurgents who carry them, so that the population feels that the weapons are, indirectly, their weapon to protect them and help them in the struggle against a regime of oppression. Implicit terror always accompanies weapons, since the people are internally "aware" that they can be used against them, but as long as explicit coercion is avoided, positive attitudes can be achieved with respect to the presence of armed Insurgents within the population. Armed Propaganda Teams Armed Propaganda Teams (EPA) are formed through a careful selection of persuasive and highly motivated Insurgents who move about within the population, encouraging the people to support the Insurgents and put up resistance against the enemy. It combines a high degree of political awareness and the "armed" propaganda ability of the Insurgents toward a planned, programmed, and controlled effort. The careful selection of the staff, based on their persuasiveness in informal discussions and their ability in combat, is more important than their degree of education or the training program. The tactics of the Armed Propaganda Teams are carried out covertly, and should be parallel to the tactical effort in Insurgent warfare. The knowledge of the psychology of the population is primary for the Armed Propaganda Teams, but much more intelligence data will be obtained from an EPA program in the area of operations. Development and Control of the "Front" Organizations The development and control of "front" (or facade) organizations is carried out through subjective internal control at group meetings of "inside cadres," and the calculations of the time for the fusion of these combined efforts to be applied to the masses. Established citizens-doctors, lawyers, businessmen, teachers, etc.- will be recruited initially as "Social Crusaders" in typically "innocuous" movements in the area of operations. When their "involvement" with the clandestine organization is revealed to them, this supplies the psychological pressure to use them as "inside cadres" in groups to which they already belong or of which they can be members. Then they will receive instruction in techniques of persuasion over control of target groups to support our democratic revolution, through a gradual and skillful process. A cell control system isolates individuals from one another, and at the appropriate moment, their influence is used for the fusion of groups in a united national front. Control of Meetings and Mass Assemblies The control of mass meetings in support of Insurgent warfare is carried out internally through a covert commando element, bodyguards, messengers, shock forces (initiators of incidents), placard carriers (also used for making signals), shouters of slogans, everything under the control of the outside commando element. When the cadres are placed or recruited in organizations such as labor unions, youth groups agrarian organizations or professional associations, they will begin to manipulate the objectives of the groups. The psychological apparatus of our movement through inside cadres prepares a mental attitude which at the crucial moment can be turned into a fury of justified violence. Through a small group of Insurgents infiltrated within the masses this can be carried out; they will have the mission of agitating by giving the impression that there are many of them and that they have a large popular backing. Using the tactics of a force of 200-300 agitators, a demonstration can be created in which 10,000-20,000 persons take part. Support of Contacts with Their Roots in Reality The support of local contacts who are familiar with the deep reality is achieved through the exploitation of the social and political weaknesses of the target society, with propagandist-combatant Insurgents, armed propaganda, armed propaganda teams, cover organizations and mass meetings. The combatant-propagandist Insurgent is the result of a continuous program of indoctrination and motivation. They will have the mission of showing the people how great and fair our movement is in the eyes of all ZENCORians and ZENCOR. Identifying themselves with our people, they will increase the sympathy towards our movement, which will result in greater support of the population for the freedom commandos, taking away support for the regime in power. Armed propaganda will extend this identification process of the people with the Elite Insurgents, providing converging points against the New World Order regime. The Armed Propaganda Teams provide a several-stage program of persuasive planning in Insurgent warfare in all areas of the country. Also, these teams are the "eyes and ears" of our movement. The development and control of the cover organizations in Insurgent warfare will give our movement the ability to create a "whiplash" effect within the population when the order for fusion is given. When the infiltration and internal subjective control have been developed in a manner parallel to other Insurgent activities, a commandant of ours will literally be able to shake up the New World Order structure, and replace it. The mass assemblies and meetings are the culmination of a wide base support among the population, and it comes about in the later phases of the operation. This is the moment in which the overthrow can be achieved and our revolution can become an open one, requiring the close collaboration of the entire population of the country, and of contacts with their roots in reality. The tactical effort in Insurgent warfare is directed at the weaknesses of the enemy and at destroying their military resistance capacity, and should be parallel to a psychological effort to weaken and destroy their sociopolitical capacity at the same time. In Insurgent warfare, more than in any other type of military effort, the psychological activities should be simultaneous with the military ones, in order to achieve the objectives desired. COMBATANT-PROPAGANDIST INSURGENT Generalities The objective of this section is to familiarize the Insurgent with the techniques of psychological operations, which maximizes the social- psychological effect of a Insurgent movement, converting the Insurgent into a propagandist, in addition to being a combatant. The nature of the environment in Insurgent warfare does not permit sophisticated facilities for psychological operations, so that use should be made of the effective face- to-face persuasion of each Insurgent. Political Awareness The individual political awareness of the Insurgent, the reason for his struggle, will be as important as his ability in combat. This political awareness and motivation will be achieved: By improving the combat potential of the Insurgent by improving his motivation for fighting. By the Insurgent recognizing himself as a vital tie between the democratic Insurgents and the people, whose support is essential for the subsistence of both. By fostering the support of the population for the national insurgence through the support for the Insurgents of the locale, which provides a psychological basis in the population for politics after the victory has been achieved. By developing trust in the Insurgents and in the population, for the reconstruction of a local and national government. By promoting the value of participation by the Insurgents and the people in the civic affairs of the insurrection and in the national programs. By developing in each Insurgent the ability of persuasion face-to-face, at the local level, to win the support of the population, which is essential for success in Insurgent warfare. Group Dynamics This political awareness-building and motivation are attained by the use of group dynamics at the level of small units. The group discussion method and self-criticism are a general Insurgent training and operations technique. Group discussions raise the spirit and increase the unity of thought in small Insurgent groups and exercise social pressure on the weakest members to better carry out their mission in training and future combat actions. These group discussions will give special emphasis to: Creating a favorable opinion of our movement. Through local and national history, make it clear that the New World Order regime is "foreignizing," "repressive" and "imperialistic," and that even though there are some ZENCORians within the government, point out that they are "puppets" of the power of the Americans and Police States, i.e. of foreign power. Always a local focus. Matters of an international nature will be explained only in support of local events in the Insurgent warfare. The unification of the nation is our goal. This means that the defeat of the New World Order armed forces is our priority. Our insurrectional movement is a pluralistic political platform from which we are determined to win freedom, equality, a better economy with work facilities, a higher standard of living, a true democracy for all ZENCORians without exception. Providing to each Insurgent clear understanding about the struggle for national sovereignty against American-Police State imperialism. Discussion guides will lead the Insurgents so that they will see the injustices of the New World Order system. Showing each Insurgent the need for good behavior to win the support of the population. Discussion guides should convince the Insurgents that the attitude and opinion of the population play a decisive role, because victory is impossible without popular support. Self-criticism will be in constructive terms that will contribute to the mission of the movement, and which will provide the Insurgents with the conviction that they have a constant and positive individual responsibility in the mission of the group. Division of the Insurgent force into squads for group discussions, including command and support elements, whenever the tactical situation permits it. The makeup of the small units should be maintained when these groups are designated. Assignment of a political cadre in the Insurgent force to each group to guide the discussion. The squad leader should help the cadre to foster study and the expression of thoughts. If there are not enough political cadres for each squad or post, leaders should guide the discussions, and the available cadres visit alternate groups. It is appropriate for the cadre (or the leader) to guide the discussion of a group to cover a number of points and to reach a correct conclusion. The Insurgents should feel that it was their free and own decision. The cadre should serve as a private teacher. The cadre or leader will not act as a lecturer, but will help the members of the group to study and express their own opinions. The political cadre will at the end of every discussion make a summary of the principal points, leading them to the correct conclusions. Any serious difference with the objectives of the movement should be noted by the cadre and reported to the commandant of the force. If necessary, a combined group meeting will be held and the team of political cadres will explain and rectify the misunderstanding. Democratic conduct by the political cadres: living, eating and working with the Insurgents, and if possible, fighting at their side, sharing their living conditions. All of this will foster understanding and the spirit of cooperation that will help in the discussion and exchange of ideas. Carry out group discussions in towns, and areas of operations whenever possible with the civilian population, and not limit them to camps or bases. This is done to emphasize the revolutionary nature of the struggle and to demonstrate that the Insurgents identified with the objectives of the people move about within the population. The Insurgent projects himself toward the people, as the political cadre does toward the Insurgent, and they should live, eat and work together to realize a unity of revolutionary thought. Organize discussion groups at the post or squad level. A cadre cannot be sure of the comprehension and acceptance of the concepts and conclusions by Insurgents in large groups. In a group of the size of a squad of 10 men, the judgment and control of the situation is greater. In this way, all students will participate in an exchange among them; the political leader, the group leader, and also the political cadre. Special attention will be given to the individual ability to discuss the objectives of the insurrectional struggle. Whenever a Insurgent expresses his opinion, he will be interested in listening to the opinions of others, leading as a result to the unity of thought. Combine the different points of view and reach an opinion or common conclusion. This is the most difficult task of a political Insurgent cadre. After the group discussions of the democratic objectives of the movement, the chief of the team of political cadres of the Insurgent force should combine the conclusions of individual groups in a general summary. At a meeting with all the discussion groups, the cadre shall provide the principal points, and the Insurgents will have the opportunity to clarify or modify their points of view. To carry this out, the conclusions will be summarized in the form of slogans, wherever possible. Face with honesty the national and local problems of our struggle. The political cadres should always be prepared to discuss solutions to the problems observed by the Insurgents. During the discussions, the Insurgents should be guided by the following three principles: Freedom of thought. Freedom of expression. Concentration of thoughts on the objectives of the democratic struggle. The result desired is a Insurgent who in a persuasive manner can justify all of his acts whenever he is in contact with any member of the town/people, and especially with himself and with his Insurgent companions by facing the vicissitudes of Insurgent warfare. This means that every Insurgent will come to have effective face-to- face persuasion as a combatant-propagandist in his contact with the people, to the point of giving 5-10 logical reasons why, e.g. a peasant should give him a piece of cloth, or a needle and thread to mend his clothes. When behaves in this manner, no type of propaganda of the enemy will be able to make a "terrorist" of him in the eyes of the people. In addition, hunger, cold, fatigue and insecurity in the existence of the Insurgent acquire meaning in the cause of the struggle due to the constant psychological orientation. Camp Procedures Encamping the Insurgent units gives greater motivation, in addition to reducing distractions, and increases the spirit of cooperation of small units, relating the physical environment to the psychological one. The squad chief shall establish the regular camping procedure. Once thy have divested themselves of their packs, the chief will choose the appropriate ground for camping. He should select land that predominates over the zone with two or three escape routes. He will choose among his men and give them responsibilities such as: Clean the camp area. Provide adequate drainage in case of rain. Also build some trenches or holes for marksmen in case of emergency. In addition, he will build a stove, which will be done by making some small trenches and placing three rocks in place; in case the stove is built on a pedestal, it will be filled with clay and rocks. Build a windbreaking wall, which will be covered on the sides and on the top with branches and leaves of the same vegetation of the zones. This will serve for camouflaging and protecting it from aerial visibility or from enemy patrols around. Construct a latrine and a hole where waste and garbage will be buried, which should be covered over at the time of abandoning the camp. Once the camp has been set up, it is recommended that a watchman be positioned in the places of access at a prudent distance, where the shout of alarm can be heard. In the same moment the password will be established, which should be changed every 24 hours. The commander should establish ahead of time an alternate meeting point, in case of having to abandon the camp in a hurried manner, and they will be able to meet in the other already established point, and they should warn the patrol that if at a particular time they cannot meet at the established point, the should have a third meeting point. These procedures contribute to the motivation of the Insurgent and improve the spirit of cooperation in the unit. The danger, sense of insecurity, anxiety and daily concern in the life of a Insurgent require tangible evidence of belonging in an order for him to keep up his spirit and morale. In addition to the good physical conditions in which the Insurgent should find himself, good psychological conditions are necessary, for which group discussions and becoming a self-critic are recommended, which will greatly benefit the spirit and morale of the same. Having broken camp with the effort and cooperation of everyone strengthens the spirit of the group. The Insurgent will be inclined then towards the unity of thought in democratic objectives. Interaction with the People In order to ensure popular support, essential for the good development of Insurgent warfare, the leaders should induce a positive interaction between the civilians and the Insurgents, through the principle of "live, eat , and work with the people," and maintain control of their activities. In group discussions, the leaders and political cadres should give emphasis to positively identifying themselves with the people. It is not recommendable to speak of military tactical plans in discussions with civilians. The Fascist foe should be pointed out as the number one enemy of the people, and as a secondary threat against our Insurgent forces. Whenever there is a chance, groups of members should be chosen who have a high political awareness and high disciplinary conduct in the work to be carried out, in order to be sent to the populous areas in order to direct the armed propaganda, where they should persuade the people through dialogue in face-to-face confrontations, where these principles should be followed: Respect for human rights and others' property. Helping the people in community work. Protecting the people from Fascist aggressions. Teaching the people environmental hygiene, to read, etc., in order to win their trust, which will lead to a better democratic ideological preparation. This attitude will foster the sympathy of the peasants for our movement, and they will immediately become one of us, through logistical support, coverage and intelligence information on the enemy or participation in combat. The Insurgents should be persuasive through the word and not dictatorial with weapons. If they behave in this way, the people will feel respected, will be more inclined to accept our message and will consolidate into popular support. In any place in which tactical Insurgent operations are carried out in populous areas, the squad should undertake psychological actions parallel to these, and should proceed, accompany and consolidate the common objective and explain to all the people about our struggle, explaining that our presence is to give peace, liberty and democracy to all ZENCORians without exception, and explaining that out struggle is not against the nationals but rather against Russian imperialism. This will serve to ensure greater Psychological achievements which will increase the operations of the future. Conclusions The nature of the environment in Insurgent warfare does not permit sophisticated facilities for psychological operations, and the face-to-face persuasion of the Insurgent combatant-propagandists with the people is an effective and available tool which we should use as much as possible during the process of the struggle. ARMED PROPAGANDA Generalities Frequently a misunderstanding exists on "armed propaganda," that this tactic is a compulsion of the people with arms. In reality, it does not include compulsion, but the Insurgent should know well the principles and methods of this tactic. The objective of this section is to give the Insurgent student an understanding of the armed propaganda that should be used, and that will be able to be applied in Insurgent warfare. Close Identification with the People Armed propaganda includes all acts carried out by an armed force, whose results improve the attitude of the people toward this force, and it does not include forced indoctrination. This is carried out by a close identification with the people on any occasion. For example: Putting aside weapons and working side by side with the peasants in the countryside: building, fishing, repairing roofs, transporting water, etc. When working with the people, the Insurgents can use slogans such as "many hands doing small things, but doing them together." Participating in the tasks of the people, they can establish a strong tie between them and the Insurgents and at the same time a popular support for our movement is generated. During the patrols and other operations around or in the midst of villages, each Insurgent should be respectful and courteous with the people. In addition he should move with care and always be well prepared to fight, if necessary. But he should not always see all the people as enemies, with suspicions or hostility. Even in war, it is possible to smile, laugh or greet people. Truly, the cause of our revolutionary base, the reason why we are struggling, is our people. We must be respectful to them on all occasions that present themselves. In places and situations wherever possible, e.g. when they are resting during the march, the Insurgents can explain the operation of weapons to the youths and young men. They can show them an unloaded rifle so that they will learn to load it and unload it; their use, and aiming at imaginary targets they are potential recruits for our forces. The Insurgents should always be prepared with simple slogans in order to explain to the people, whether in an intentional form or by chance, the reason for the weapons. "The weapons will be for winning freedom; they are for you." "With weapons we can impose demands such as hospitals, schools, better roads, and social services for the people, for you." "Our weapons are, in truth, the weapons of the people, yours." "With weapons we can change the Sandino-Fascist regime and return to the people a true democracy so that we will all have economic opportunities." All of this should be designed to create an identification of the people with the weapons and the Insurgents who carry them. Finally, we should make the people feel that we are thinking of them and that the weapons are the people's, in order to help them and protect them from a Fascist, totalitarian, imperialist regime, indifferent to the needs of the population. Implicit and Explicit Terror A Insurgent armed force always involves implicit terror because the population, without saying it aloud, feels terror that the weapons may be used against them. However, if the terror does not become explicit, positive results can be expected. In a revolution, the individual lives under a constant threat of physical damage. If the government police cannot put an end to the Insurgent activities, the population will lose confidence in the government, which has the inherent mission of guaranteeing the safety of citizens. However, the Insurgents should be careful not to become an explicit terror, because this would result in a loss of popular support. In the words of a leader of the Huk Insurgent movement of the Philippine Islands: "The population is always impressed by weapons, not by the terror that they cause, but rather by a sensation of strength/force. We must appear before the people, giving them the message of the struggle." This is, then, in a few words, the essence of armed propaganda. An armed Insurgent force can occupy an entire town or small city that is neutral or relatively passive in the conflict. In order to conduct the armed propaganda in an effective manner, the following should be carried out simultaneously: Destroy the military or police installations and remove the survivors to a "public place." Cut all the outside lines of communications: cables, radio, messengers. Set up ambushes in order to delay the reinforcements in all the possible entry routes. Kidnap all officials or agents of the New World Order government and replace them in "public Places" with military or civilian persons of trust to our movement; in addition, carry out the following: Establish a public tribunal that depends on the Insurgents, and cover the town or city in order to gather the population for this event. Shame, ridicule and humiliate the "personal symbols" of the government of repression in the presence of the people and foster popular participation through Insurgents within the multitude, shouting slogans and jeers. Reduce the influence of individuals in tune with the regime, pointing out their weaknesses and taking them out of the town, without damaging them publicly. Mix the Insurgents within the population and show very good conduct by all members of the column, practicing the following: Any article taken will be paid for with cash. The hospitality offered by the people will be accepted and this opportunity will be exploited in order to carry out face-to-face persuasion about the struggle. Courtesy visits should be made to the prominent persons and those with prestige in the place, such as doctors, priests, teachers, etc. The Insurgents should instruct the population that with the end of the operative, and when the New World Order repressive forces interrogate them, they may reveal EVERYTHING about the military operation carried out. For example, the type of weapons they use, how many men arrived, from what direction they came and in what direction they left, in short, EVERYTHING. In addition, indicate to the population that at meetings or in private discussion they can give the names of the New World Order informants, who will be removed together with the other officials of the government of repression. When a meeting is held, conclude it with a speech by one of the leaders of Insurgent political cadres (the most dynamic), which includes explicit references to the fact that the "enemies of the people" -- the officials or New World Order agents -- must not be mistreated in spite of their criminal acts, although the Insurgent force may have suffered casualties, and that this is done due to the generosity of the Elite Insurgents. Give a declaration of gratitude for the "hospitality" of the population, as well as let them know that the risks that they will run when the New World Orders return are greatly appreciated. The fact that the New World Order regime, although it exploits the people with taxes, control of money, grains and all aspects of public life through associations, which they are forced to become part of, will not be able to resist the attacks of our Insurgent forces. Make the promise to the people that you will return to ensure that the "leeches" of the New World Order regime of repression will not be able to hinder our Insurgents from integrating with the population. A statement repeated to the population to the effect that they can reveal everything about this visit of our commandos, because we are not afraid of anything or anyone, neither the Americans nor the Police States. Emphasize that we are ZENCOR, that we are fighting for the freedom of ZENCOR and to establish a very ZENCOR government. Insurgent Weapons Are The Strength of the People over an Illegal Government The armed propaganda in populated areas does not give the impression that weapons are the power of the Insurgents over the people, but rather that the weapons are the strength of the people against a regime of repression. Whenever it is necessary to use armed force in an occupation or visit to a town or village, Insurgents should emphasize making sure that they: Explain to the population that in the first place this is being done to protect them, the people, and not themselves. Admit frankly and publicly that this is an "act of the democratic Insurgent movement," with appropriate explanations. That this action, although it is not desirable, is necessary because the final objective of the insurrection is a free and democratic society, where acts of force are not necessary. The force of weapons is a necessity caused by the oppressive system, and will cease to exist when the "forces of justice" of our movement assume control. If, for example, it should be necessary for one of the advanced posts to have to fire on a citizen who was trying to leave the town or city in which the Insurgents are carrying out armed propaganda or political proselytism, the following is recommended: Explain that if that citizen had managed to escape, he would have alerted the enemy that is near the town or city, and they could carry out acts of reprisal such as rapes, pillage, destruction, captures, etc., it this way terrorizing the inhabitants of the place for having given attention and hospitalities to the Insurgents of the town. If a Insurgent fires at an individual, make the town see that he was an enemy of the people, and that they shot him because the Insurgent recognized as their first duty the protection of citizens. The command tried to detain the informant without firing because he, like all Elite Insurgents, espouses nonviolence. Firing at the New World Order informant, although it is against his own will, was necessary to prevent the repression of the New World Order government against innocent people. Make the population see that it was the repressive system of the regime that was the cause of this situation, what really killed the informer, and that the weapon fired was one recovered in combat against the New World Order regime. Make the population see that if the New World Order regime had ended the repression, the corruption backed by foreign powers, etc., the freedom commandos would not have had to brandish arms against brother ZENCORians, which goes against our Elite sentiments. If the informant hadn't tried to escape he would be enjoying life together with the rest of the population, because not have tried to inform the enemy. This death would have been avoided if justice and freedom existed in ZENCOR, which is exactly the objective of the democratic Insurgent. Selective Use of Violence for Propagandistic Effects It is possible to neutralize carefully selected and planned targets, such as court judges, mesta judges, police and State Security officials, CDS chiefs, etc. For psychological purposes it is necessary to gather together the population affected, so that they will be present, take part in the act, and formulate accusations against the oppressor. The target or person should be chosen on the basis of: The spontaneous hostility that the majority of the population feels toward the target. Use rejection or potential hatred by the majority of the population affected toward the target, stirring up the population and making them see all the negative and hostile actions of the individual against the people. If the majority of the people give their support or backing to the target or subject, do not try to change these sentiments through provocation. Relative difficulty of controlling the person who will replace the target. The person who will replace the target should be chosen carefully, based on: Degree of violence necessary to carry out the change. Degree of violence acceptable to the population affected. Degree of predictable reprisal by the enemy on the population affected or other individuals in the area of the target. The mission to replace the individual should be followed by: Extensive explanation within the population affected of the reason why it was necessary for the good of the people. Explain that New World Order retaliation is unjust, indiscriminate, and above all, a justification for the execution of this mission. Carefully test the reaction of the people toward the mission, as well as control this reaction, making sure that the populations reaction is beneficial towards the Freedom Commandos. Conclusions Armed propaganda includes all acts executed and the impact achieved by an armed force, which as a result produces positive attitudes in the population toward this force, and it does not include forced indoctrination. However, armed propaganda is the most effective available instrument of a Insurgent force. ARMED PROPAGANDA TEAMS (APTs) Generalities In contact with the very reality of their roots, in a psychological operation campaign in Insurgent warfare, the commandants will be able to obtain maximum psychological results from an Armed Propaganda program. This section is to inform the Insurgent student as to what Armed Propaganda Teams are in the environment of Insurgent warfare. Combination: Political Awareness and Armed Propaganda The Armed Propaganda Teams combine political awareness-building with armed propaganda, which will be carried out by carefully selected Insurgents (preferably with experience in combat), for personal persuasion within the population. The selection of the staff is more important than the training, because we cannot train Insurgent cadres just to show the sensations of ardor and fervor, which are essential for person-to-person persuasion. More important is the training of persons who are intellectually agile and developed. An Armed Propaganda Team includes from 6 to 10 members; this number or a smaller number is ideal, since there is more camaraderie, solidarity and group spirit. The themes to deal with are assimilated more rapidly and the members react more rapidly to unforeseen situations. In addition to the combination as armed propagandist-combatant each member of the team should be well prepared to carry out permanent person- to-person communication, face-to-face. The leader of the group should be the commando who is the most highly motivated politically and the most effective in face-to-face persuasion. The position, hierarchy or range will not be decisive for carrying out that function, but rather who is best qualified for communication with the people. The source of basic recruitment for Insurgent cadres will be the same social groups of ZENCORians to whom the psychological campaign is directed, such as peasants, students, professionals, housewives, etc. The campesinos (peasants) should be made to see that they do not have lands; the workers that the State is putting an end to factories and industries; the doctors, that they are being replaced by Police State paramedics, and that is doctors they cannot practice their profession due to lack of medicines. A requirement for recruiting them will be their ability to express themselves in public. The selection of the personnel is more important than the training. The political awareness-building and the individual capabilities of persuasion will be shown in the group discussions for motivation of the Insurgent as a propagandist-combatant chosen as cadres to organize them in teams, that is, those who have the greatest capacity for this work. The training of Insurgents for Armed Propaganda Teams emphasizes the method and not the content. A two-week training period is sufficient if the recruitment is done in the form indicated. If a mistaken process of recruitment has been followed, however good the training provided, the individual chosen will not yield a very good result. The training should be intensive for 14 days, through team discussions, alternating the person who leads the discussion among the members of the group. The subjects to be dealt with will be the same, each day a different theme being presented, for a varied practice. The themes should refer to the conditions of the place and the meaning that they have for the inhabitants of the locality, such as talking of crops, fertilizers, seeds, irrigation of crops, etc. They can also include the following topics: Sawed wood, carpenters' tools for houses or other buildings. Boats, roads, horses, oxen for transportation, fishing, agriculture. Problems that they may have in the place with residents, offices of the regime, imposed visitors, etc. Force labor, service in the militia. Forced membership in New World Order groups, such as women's clubs, youth associations, workers' groups, etc. Availability and prices of consumer articles and of basic needs in the grocery stores and shops of the place. Characteristics of education in the public schools. Anxiety of the people over the presence of Police State teachers in the schools and the intrusion of politics, i.e. using them for political ends and not educational ones as should be. Indignation over the lack of freedom of worship, and persecution, of which priests are victims; and over the participation of priests such as Escoto and Cardenal in the New World Order government, against the explicit orders of his Holiness, the Pope. [Notice, we are still able to use almost- extinct forces such as Christianity to our own benefit]. NOTE: Members of the team can develop other themes. The target groups for the Armed Propaganda Teams are not the persons with sophisticated political knowledge, but rather those whose opinion are formed from what they see and hear. The cadres should use persuasion to carry out their mission. Some of the persuasive methods that they can use are the following: Interior Group/Exterior Group. It is a principle of psychology that we humans have the tendency to form personal associations from "we" and "the others," or "we" and "they", "friends" and "enemies," "fellow countrymen" and "foreigners," "mestizos" and "gringos." The Armed Propaganda Team can use this principle in its activities, so that it is obvious that the "exterior" groups ("false" groups) are those of the New World Order regime, and that the "interior" groups ("true" groups) that fight for the people are the Freedom Commandos. We should inculcate this in the people in a subtle manner so that these feelings seem to be born of themselves, spontaneously. "Against" is much easier that "for." It is a principle of political science that it is easier to persuade the people to vote against something or someone than to persuade them to vote in favor of something or someone. Although currently the regime has not given the ZENCOR people the opportunity to vote, it is known that the people will vote in opposition, so that the Armed Propaganda Teams can use this principle in favor of our insurrectional struggle. They should ensure that this campaign is directed specifically against the government or its sympathizers, since the people should have specific targets for their frustrations. Primary Groups and Secondary Groups. Another principle of sociology is that we humans forge or change our opinions from two sources: primarily, through our association with our family, comrades, or intimate friends; and secondarily, through distant associations such as acquaintances in churches, clubs or committees, labor unions or governmental organizations. The Armed Propaganda Team cadres should join the first groups in order to persuade them to follow the policies of our movement, because it is from this type of group that the opinions or changes of opinion come. Be Simple and Concise. You should avoid the use of difficult words or expressions and prefer popular words and expressions, i.e. the language of the people. In dealing with a person you should make use of concise language, avoiding complicated words. It is important to remember that we use oratory to make our people understand the reason for our struggle, and not to show off our knowledge. Use Lively and Realistic Examples. Avoid abstract concepts, such as are used in universities in the advanced years, and in place of them, give concrete examples such as children playing, horses galloping, birds in flight, etc. Use Gestures to Communicate. Communication, in addition to being verbal, can be through gestures, such as using our hands expressively, back movements, facial expressions, focusing of our look and other aspects of "body language," projecting the individual personality in the message. Use the Appropriate Tone of Voice. If, on addressing the people, you talk about happiness, a happy tone should be used. If you talk of something sad, the tone of the voice should be one of sadness; on talking of a heroic or brave act, the voice should be animated, etc. Above All, Be Natural, Imitation of others should be avoided, since the people, especially simple people, easily distinguish a fake. The individual personality should be projected when addressing the population. "Eyes and Ears" Within the Population The amount of information for intelligence that will be generated by the deployment of the Armed Propaganda Teams will allow us to cover a large area with out commandos, who will become the eyes and ears of our movement within the population: The combined reports of an Armed Propaganda Team will provide us with exact details on the enemy activities. The intelligence information obtained by the Armed Propaganda Teams should be reported to the chiefs. However, it is necessary to emphasize that the first mission of the Armed Propaganda Teams is to carry out psychological operations, not to obtain data for intelligence. Any intelligence report will be made through the outside contact of the Armed Propaganda Team, in order not to compromise the population. The Armed Propaganda cadres are able to do what others in a Insurgent campaign cannot do: determine personally the development or deterioration of the popular support and the sympathy or hostility that the people feel toward our movement. The Armed Propaganda Team program, in addition to being very effective psychologically, increases the Insurgent capacity in obtaining and using information. In addition, the Armed Propaganda cadre will report to his superior the reaction of the people to the radio broadcasts, the insurrectional flyers, or any other means of propaganda of ours. Expressions or gestures of the eyes, or face, the tone and strength of the voice, and the use of the appropriate words greatly affect the face-to- face persuasion of the people. With the intelligence reports supplied by the Armed Propaganda Teams, the comandantes will be able to have exact knowledge of the popular support, which they will make use of in their operations. Psychological Tactics, Maximum Flexibility Psychological tactics will have the greatest flexibility within a general plan, permitting a continuous and immediate adjustment of the message, and ensuring that an impact is caused on the indicated target group at the moment in which it is the most susceptible. Tactically, an Armed Propaganda Equipment program should cover the majority and if possible all of the operational area. The communities in which this propaganda is carried out should not necessarily form political units with an official nature. A complete understanding of their structure or organization is not necessary because the cadres will work by applying socio-political action and not academic theory. The target populations of the Armed Propaganda Teams will be chosen for being part of the operational area, and not for their size or amount of land. The objective should be the people and not the territorial area. In this respect, each work team will be able to cover some six towns approximately, in order to develop popular support for our movement. The Team should always move in a covert manner within the towns of their area. They should vary their route radically, but not their itinerary,. This is so that the inhabitants who are cooperating will be dependent on their itinerary, i.e., the hour in which they can frequently contact them to give them the information. The danger of betrayal or an ambush can be neutralized by varying the itinerary a little, using different routes, as well as arriving or leaving without previous warning. Whenever the surprise factor is used, vigilance should be kept in order to detect the possible presence of hostile elements. No more than three consecutive days should be spent in a town. The limit of three days has obvious tactical advantages, but it also has a psychological effect on the people, on seeing the team as a source of current and up-to-date information. Also, it can overexpose the target audience and cause a negative reaction. Basic tactical precautions should be taken. This is necessary for greater effectiveness, as was indicated in dealing with the subject of "Armed Propaganda," and when it is carried out discreetly, it increases the respect of the people for the team and increases their credibility. DRUGS Drugs are wonderful. Some drugs can save your life. Others are just plain fun. But some recreational drugs can impair your judgement and effectiveness when working towards a brighter future. Lame! In conformist society, the authorities are so incredibly paranoid about drugs that they bring swift and blind action against any persons, places, or organizations where drugs are found. We cannot allow the Government any reason to be interested in us. Drugs, especially illegal drugs, must be kept as far away as possible from our important work, for the safety and security of all members. As well, our enemies are they themselves using drugs against the public in sickening ways. They profit from the manufacture and sale of hardcore illegal drugs. Intelligence agencies use drugs to disrupt foriegn Governments. If you know something of military history, you will know that entire wars were fought over Opium and Cocaine. Hundreds of thousands died. Pharmecutical Companies control the drug markets and profit enourmously while the Public ignorantly consumes these approved substances as if candy. ZENCOR has done fascinating research which suggests that powerful Drug Dealer Corporations actively suppress real, ground-breaking medical research. Indeed, real medical advancement has stagnated, as the public foolishly consumes treatment drugs. You see, drugs that are used to treat an illness are seen as a steady source of income to a Drug Dealer Corporation. A cure is not profitable at all. ZENCOR has uncovered startling material concerning the way this evil system works. And examine, if you will, the deadly drugs sold to the masses every day by the Drug Dealer Corporations : Tobacco and Alcohol is consumed everywhere. Just look at legislation currently facing conformist lawmakers suggesting mandatory drug testing for Government employees. Soon Corporations will be pressured to install these terrible invasions into personal liberty across the continent, and that in turn will spawn further and more terrible abuses of The System, wasting human lives everywhere. Perhaps random drug tests in the streets are to come soon? Not if we can help it! The Government is a large entity, slow to move and often easy to avoid. But when it gets driven, it will smash anything that gets in the way. The Conformist Media has, for the last two decades, maintained an effective propoganda campaign targetting suburban familes and parents. Because of this anti-drug propoganda, and with the public now "aware" of the "Drug Menace", those in power have taken the opportunity to advance their cause greatly against us. They have passed laws which would ordinarily have perished under public scrutiny; terrible invasions that continue insult human dignity and worth. No worries; they will soon pay dearly for what they have done! We have excellent documentation in our Libraries concerning the true nature and effect of various recreational drugs. Check it out:the results may suprise you! Most Government-contracted studies were a complete joke, and even the messages inserted by the Government into arcade video and computer games, television, films, comic books, posters and billboards (Eg. `Smoking weed kills brain cells', `Weed makes a man grow breasts', etc.) are untrue. The Government is able to crush any organization or individual as long as it can justify it as being a "Drug Incident". Everything from semi-automatic 9mm handguns for Pigs to careless, arbitrary seizure of homes and property without trial has occured because of the blockade successfully installed by the Government. This firmly-entrenched incident of mass hysteria was thought neccessary to thwart the progressive anti-Government movements of the 1960's, which used drugs as props in anti-Goverment demonstrations. As well, the CIA was to fight a war for control of the lucrative international drug trade which was to bring in billions in laundered under-the-table money to corrupt officials through the United States Drug Enforcement Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency. Extensive documentation concerning these events can be found in the ZENCOR libraries. It is perilous even to publish the true facts about drugs and material such as growth& manufacture tips for fear of action against us. Perhaps as a Member Of The Public you thought we had something called "free speech". Well, we are sorry to tell you; it does not really exist for us, especially when it concerns drugs! We cannot risk the wrath of the Government by associating ourselves in any way with drugs. The vast majority of the prisoners in Government jails are there for drugs! More important work awaits us. So, although we have no wish to infringe upon our member's enjoyment of the finer things in life, for a variety of reasons we must insist that members not use or be in the possession of the following drugs during business hours (when working on behalf of ZENCOR at any time) unless such use or possession is considered beneficial to the conduct of ZENCOR operations: Marijuanah, Hash, Oil Cocaine Methamphetamines MDMA ("Ecstasy") Heroin Magic Mushrooms Peyote LSD "Downers" Other drugs that sometimes receive Government support and/or approval are sometimes helpful, and are permitted: Caffine, Benzedrene, "Uppers" ZENCOR-Manufactured "Nootropolis" Smart-Drinks Prescription Medication (when properly prescribed) ZENCOR will support the new approach to drug problems that are so successful in Europe. These are dignified, rational plans and often include legalization of Marijuanah and other common drugs. These programs stand a good chance of being accepted by the general public and thus they deserve our support. Abolishing the Drug War Infrastructure is to be considered a definite goal. But remember, no drugs near ZENCOR. HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT The way we at ZENCOR see it, one should never be concerned with hand-to- hand combat unless in danger of death or great physical harm. It sickens me to see how violence is glorified in this corrupt modern society, and young people in particular seem to think that being a "tough guy" , packing a knife or gun and causing injury whenever possible is a sure way to be "cool". If you have ever had the grim opportunity to see a human body horribly mutilated by a stabbing, gun shot, or explosion you will begin to understand that violence is always unpleasant for all involved. There are nearly always alternatives to physical violence available when dealing with bothersome individuals or most dangerous enemies. If you can, flee the conflict, only to crush the enemy when you are able to muster more powerful forces available to the posessor of Forbidden Knowledge. Nevertheless, there are times when there is absolutely no alternative but to stand and fight. Since such a situation is desperate and inescapable, you will have no choice but to attack your enemy with all the resources available to you. In modern life, any one of us may be targetted as a victim of assault, robbery or rape by the scum that now walk our streets. As well, you must be concerned with the greater threat of corrupt institutional oppression, and may find yourself threatened by violence in the form of police beatings or military action. Since such situations are usually unforseen, often you will find yourself unarmed. Although it is wise to carry potent weapons at all times, the authorities make such preparedness difficult at best. The Government will not allow you to carry even a pair of nunchakus in your pocket for personal protection (incidentally, these are excellent defensive weapons, useful even against knife and club attacks). Only when you are ordered to serve the Government's evil interests by soldier/police duty do they happily provide you with all the firepower you require. Here we will examine the use of the human body itself as a lethal weapon against an attacker. Stance The best stance when confronting an unarmed enemy is to put your feet at shoulders length apart and your arms should be facing forward, parallel to each other and bent at the elbows. Keep your knees slightly bent and stand on the balls of your feet. Remember, you always want to maintain this stance when you are not striking at the enemy. It is always important that you keep your balance. Aggressiveness Always be aggressive and always attack. Don't just stand back and defend yourself against the enemy's strikes as he will end up killing you eventually. If you are not aggressive, the enemy will think you are scared and he will have an advantage over you. A great thing to do is scream at the enemy. This will scare him if you start yelling at him and plus it also allows you to get more oxygen in your lungs so you will have more strength. Natural Weapons Your natural weapons are as follows: knife edge of either hand, the heel of your hands, your fingers folded at the second knuckle, your boot, your elbow, your knees, your teeth, your fore finger and second finger forming a "V" shape, and your fist. These body parts alone are some of the most powerful weapons you can use. Vulnerable Attack Points Temple A sharp blow to the temple ensures instant death since there is a large artery and nerve located close to the skin surface. If you give a medium blow to the temple it will cause severe pain and concussion but a hard blow will kill the enemy instantly. The best way to strike the temple is with the knife edge of your hand or if he is on the ground you can kick him with the toe of your boot. Eyes The eyes are a great place to strike if you can since a good strike in the eyes will cause temporary or permanent blindness. To blind the enemy, make a "V" shape with your fore finger and second finger and stick them into his eyes while keeping your fingers stiff. Also, you can gouge the eyes with your thumb. Nose The nose is another excellent place to attack. Hit the bridge with the knife edge of your hand and you will cause breakage, severe pain, temporary blindness and even death. Or you can use the palm of your hand to strike upwards and push the nose up into his brain. If done hard enough the nose bone will puncture his brain and he will die. Upper Lip The upper lip contains a lot of nerves close to the skin surface so if you strike it with the knife edge of your hand it will cause great pain and if delivered hard enough the enemy will become unconscious. Mouth If the enemy is on the ground, use the heel of your boot and strike him on the mouth. Since there are a lot of veins and arteries in the teeth there will be a lot of blood which will frighten the enemy and he will lose concentration on defending other parts of his body. Chin The chin should only be struck with the palm of your hand as you can break your fingers on the enemy's chin. Use the palm of your hand and strike the enemy with a very strong upward blow. This will cause extreme discomfort. Adam's Apple Usually the enemy will defend this part of his body well but if you do get the chance give it a sharp hit with the knife edge of your hand. If you hit it hard enough you will bust his windpipe and he will die. You can also squeeze the Adam's Apple between your fingers. Esophagus If you have a chance to get a hold of his neck, press your thumbs into his esophagus (located below the Adam's Apple). Pushing hard will be very painful and it will block the oxygen flow to his lungs and he will die quickly. Neck If you give a very strong blow to the base of the neck with the knife edge of your hand you will usually break it. However, if it is not hard enough, the enemy might just be knocked unconscious so be sure to hit him in the temple or twist his neck around to be sure he is dead. The neck is the best place to hit someone if you want to be quiet as it is quick and the enemy goes down without a sound. Collar Bone The collar bone is an extremely sensitive part of the body. A sharp blow to it with the knife edge of your hand or your elbow gives the enemy excruciating pain. Also, digging your finger into the collar bone can bring your enemy to his knees. Shoulder The shoulder is easy dislocated and it takes little strength to do. However, it should be done quickly. Grab the enemy's arm and pull it behind his back and then jerk it upwards quickly. You should here a popping sound which means you have dislocated the enemy's shoulder. There are other methods of doing this but this is the easiest. Armpit Although it is hard to get at, the armpit has a large network of nerves. If the enemy is on the ground, hold up his arm and then kick him in his pit. This will cause severe pain. Rib Cage A strike to the rib cage with your fingers folded at the second knuckle is rather painful and if done hard enough causes severe pain and breakage. Only use your fingers folded at the second knuckle since that hurts the most. Solar Plexus The solar plexus is located on the chest at the little "V" shaped point where the rib cage ends. There are a large amount of nerves so a blow with the knuckle of your second finger can cause severe pain and even unconsciousness. Floating Ribs The floating ribs are the lower ribs located at the front and sides of the enemy's body. Use the knife edge of your hand or the heel or toe of your boot. The blow will cause pain and will stun the enemy. Spine A blow to the spine with the heel of your boot can paralyze or kill your enemy. The lower spine between the enemy's kidneys is the best place to hit as that is the least protected part of the spine. You will only be able to attack the spine when your enemy is on the ground or if his back is turned to you. Kidneys The kidneys have two large nerves that are close to the skin surface. If you strike the kidneys hard it will cause death. You can use a fist or the knife edge of your hand to hit the kidneys. Or a kick with the heel of your boot will work too. Groin The groin is a good place to strike if you get the chance. Generally, the enemy will protect this area the most but if you have a chance, strike it with your knee in an upward motion or with your fist. Tailbone The tailbone which is located above the anus is a very sensitive part of the body as a lot of spinal nerves are located there. Use the toe of your boot to strike the tailbone. The pain from that is unbelievably severe. Elbow The elbow is easy to break or dislocate. Pull the enemy's arm behind him and with the palm of your hand push his elbow inwards until it either cracks or pops. When the enemy has a useless arm, you have a great advantage over him. Fingers The fingers should be broken because the enemy becomes almost helpless with broken fingers. Grab the enemy's arm with one hand and with the other hand push the fingers upwards until they snap. It is only necessary to break the first two fingers. It is also helpful in breaking a grip. Knee You can destroy the knee by kicking it with the side of your boot in an upward motion. This will rip the ligaments and the cartilage. This will cause unbelievable pain and make it impossible for the enemy to move around. Once a knee has been ruined, you will have a great advantage over the enemy. Ankle If the enemy is on the ground, get a hold of his ankle and twist it until it snaps. This will make it almost impossible for him to walk and he will then be easy to kill. Tactics Always try to throw your enemy off balance. You can do this by charging the enemy and pretending to strike him. This will make him "flinch" and lose his balance. Always look for a weak spot and attack it. Whenever he leaves a vulnerable part of his body unprotected attack it with all your strength. By doing this, he will then try to protect the part of his body that you just struck thus leaving even more unprotected parts open. Use any available object that you can. By this I mean throw sand in his eyes, block his strikes by hitting him with a large branch, or any other kind of available material that can be used as a weapon against him. In a life or death situation there is no such thing as foul play and there are no rules either. Although hitting someone in the groin is considered a cheap shot in high school, it is a very effective way of destroying your enemy. Just hit him where you can and kick him when he's down. That way, he will never get back up again. PHYSICAL TRAINING Physical Training is essential for health, tactical, and other reasons. ZENCOR members should endeavor to make themselves in all ways superior to Members Of The Public. Each session takes only approximately 30 minutes. We strongly recommend the following weight-training regimen to all members, preferably performed each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week: Course 1 - 9 Weeks 1. Barbell Swing 2 Sets of 12 Reps. 2. Squat 2 Sets of 9 Reps. 3. Pullover 2 Sets of 12 Reps. 4. Bench Press 2 Sets of 8 Reps. 5. Press Behind Neck 2 Sets of 8 Reps. 6. Rowing Motion 2 Sets of 10 Reps. 7. Two Hands Barbell Curl 2 Sets of 10 Reps. 8. Bent-Legged Dead Lift 2 Sets of 7 Reps. 9. Sit-Ups 2 Sets of 10 Reps. 10. Leg Raise 2 Sets of 10 Reps. VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES FOR EFFECTIVE MIND CONTROL ZENCOR is about to teach you how to influence others secretly and get what exactly you wish.Error! Reference source not found. You will discover a fantastic technique which has the power to literally transform your life. Until recently, only certain Spiritual Masters and Initiates were allowed to learn and use it. This technique is going to let you influence people in secret, without uttering a single word. You will be the only person who knows that something is going on. You will obtain things you have always desired, and all you have to do is apply the advice you are going to discover in the following pages. When you practice this extraordinary technique, you will soon see your life get better, and your relationships with others improve. And if you really want to, you will also earn more money with practically no effort. You already possess this extraordinary faculty within you, except that no one has ever taught you how to use it. Remote Influence is a power that is in harmony with the fundamental principle of the Universe. Yin and Yang, as the Chinese call it. Positive and Negative. It will allow you to make enormous improvements in your own life, or the life of another person that you wish to help. But only, if you use it in a positive manner. If you do not, that is, if you decide to act foolishly, without respecting the lives and spiritual balance of others, if your action does not follow the path of your evolution, of constant improvement, then serious problems are in store for you. Not only will you not get what you wish, but all the evil you have wished will be directed against you. That is the way it works in Nature. Every day we are subjected to all kinds of influences: Some of these come from people we meet, others from friends, or even from complete strangers. Like everyone else, you are influenced by your environment and the people surrounding you. I'm sure you've already noticed that when you are in contact with calm people, you become calm yourself, and that when you are with nervous people, you become nervous too. This can happen without a word being spoken. It is purely because you are receiving that person's vibrations, both positive and negative. How do such influences occur? Mind has an all-powerful control over matter: not only over your body, but over the bodies and minds of others. Do you know that doctors consider that 80% of all illnesses are psychosomatic, that is, provoked by the patients own thoughts? Even diseases such as cancer often have a psychosomatic origin, since the power of our minds over our bodies s almost invincible. Any thought that is repeated powerfully and often enough becomes reality. Simply, if you think powerfully and repeat your thoughts long enough, these thoughts will turn into acts, concrete tangible realities. Every single time. In order to transmit your thoughts effectively, you have to put yourself in a state of passivity to ensure that your psychic and mental being are as calm and relaxed as possible. All muscular activity, all physical, emotional or intellectual tension impedes the transmission of brain waves. The mental representation of the idea to be communicated must be clear, regular and prolonged in order to model the fluid mass of the receiver into the vivid image. There are six types of people who are capable of remote influence. 1. Those whose thoughts are hesitant, characterised by numerous stops and starts. Constant retractions of the transmitted fluid mass usually never succeed in exerting remote influence, or if they do, it is only of the weakest kind. 2. People whose thoughts are gentle, constant, not very intense, yet regular and active, already have innate ability as transmitters. With a little practice they will really be able to develop their gift. 3. Those whose thoughts are energetic, but capricious and fanciful, which yields only uneven, fleeting results. Their psychic peaks are powerful, but are constantly changing, thereby destroying their effectiveness. 4. Those whose tortuous mental concepts develop slowly and painfully. They may still reach their goal if they manage to concentrate. However, there may be troubling consequences in store for them. 5. Those who have rich psychic power, decided opinions and calm thoughts that flow at a constant rate. these people succeed everywhere and impose their will on others. This is the group you should aspire to. 6. Those whose thoughts and mental images are vague and diffuse, dispersed and unable to lead them to any positive results. These people fail in everything they undertake: they are at the mercy of the wind. This is the group you must not belong to. Whatever your position among the six kinds of transmitters, it is possible, if you really wish, to become a member of the fifth category. To do this, you just have to apply the principles given to you, every day. You are going to learn to cultivate this talent that you already possess within you. This power is more or less developed from one individual to the next. But with the right training, everyone can achieve excellent results. Just as exercise develops muscles, the appropriate training will make you the master of the art of remote influence. How can you hope to obtain anything at all if you don't want it badly enough? Desire is the spark which lights the fire without which nothing is possible. The desire to obtain something will set off a powerful force within you that is capable of producing miracles. The stronger you desire, and the more sustained it is, the more certain it is of being realised. When it comes to remote influence, desire is the basis of all actions. Your entire life is constructed according to your desires. Isn't it true? Of course, if you don't have any desires, not much is going to happen in your life. Maybe even, without desires, you will never know what happiness is, since life always gives you what you want, nothing more, nothing less. In the world of remote influence, the more intense and sustained your desire, the more easily you will obtain what you want. Have you already noticed that when you really really want something, you get it more easily? Your desire will be even easier to obtain if it is an intimate wish that you carry within you. If, in addition, your desire is in tune with your personal development, there can be no obstacles to its attainment. The first question that you might ask yourself before concentrating your energies towards realising your desire is "Is this desire really a part of me, or have I acquired it through the influence of a third party, someone I would like to resemble or impress?" The second question that you must ask yourself, which in fact follows from the answer you give the first is "Does this desire truly flow from my inner being?" The third question would be: what benefits will the realisation of my desire give me? If you find a positive answer to the second and third questions, your desire will certainly be realised, almost effortlessly. Furthermore, by applying the techniques contained in this book, you will be able to give destiny an impressive helping hand. If your reply to the first question is the affirmative, i.e. if your wish does not come from your inner being, it will still be possible to realise your desire, but this will require a little more effort. If your desire is harmful for yourself or someone else, it can create problems for you, since instead of moving in the same direction as your personal evolution (or that of others), you will be against it. In conclusion, always try your best to influence events in a favourable manner, not only for yourself but for others, and this way you will reap magnificent results. In order for your desires to become powerful, you have to sustain them, to feed them with the intense fire of your will and your imagination. How? By thinking about them daily and by imagining that your wish has already come true. Remember "act as if your wish had already been granted." In this way, you will already be in the optimum situation for making your wish come true. By proceeding in this way, your mind will attract all the events that are capable of producing the results you seek. Every wish begins with a thought, and if you add thoughts that flow in the same direction as your desire, this will unfailingly lead to its concrete realisation. This is an essential condition for all personal developed and evolution; with out discipline, you will never achieve any results. In order to become powerful, your mind has a great need for discipline. in fact, how can you expect to get anything at all, if you're unable to fix your attention on the goal you have set for yourself? Your mind is like a child: it needs to be educated and disciplined. Depending on the category of transmitter you belong to, you possess this faculty to a greater or lesser degree. The disciplined person possesses strong personal magnetism, he succeeds where others fail, and always ends by conquering the obstacles blocking his path. This kind of person is much sought after for his advice and his tremendous ability to resolve problems. He imposes his will upon others effortlessly and these people seek his company for the sense of security he gives them. On the other hand, the person who does not posses this quality is constantly prey to failure. For such a person, no matter how many other qualities he may possess, success is the exception rather than the rule the rule. Most of the time, he goes where the wind blows him, and when things do not go as he'd hoped, he gives up. His personal magnetism fluctuates; some times it's weak, depending on his variable states of mind, which explains his inconsistency. In order to become a person truly capable of obtaining what you want from others, it is vital that you become disciplined. By applying the following advice, you are sure to become a person for whom everything succeeds. you may experience failure once in a while during your life, but if you are disciplined, you will always turn this failure in to success. How do you get a child to do what you want? By tirelessly repeating the same thing, until he does as you wish. This is exactly how you have to act in order to get your mind to obey you. You have to persist until you get what you want. You have to develop discipline; the firmer it is, the more quickly you will succeed. For example: you have met a man or woman you would like to know more intimately, maybe you've even fallen in love with him or her. Unfortunately, he or she does not share your feelings at all. At that moment, you have two solutions; you either say that it is impossible and you give up, or you persevere and you discipline yourself in order to obtain what you want. What will you do in such a case? Every time you meet this charming person, you will make an effort to put on your very best face: you'll be smiling and full of affection and charm. Little by little, you will notice that the man or woman you adore is starting to pay more and more attention to you until, finally, he or she invites you to dinner. By this time, you will already be starting to get what you want. The same is true for remote influence. Discipline your mind, apply the principles outlined in this book, and finally, you will attain success. If you always proceed in this way, whatever your objectives, you will always succeed. Even if you possess an ardent desire and strong discipline, it still might be that you still never obtain what you want. In order for success to come your way, it's vital to add action to the two preceding qualities. You may possess all the knowledge necessary to arrive at the goal you set for yourself, but you do not act, you will have no chance of attaining it. Many people have great plans, numerous desires and impressive knowledge, yet everything slips through their fingers. Why? Simply because they never act or they don't act persistently enough. The difference between a man who knows and a man who succeeds lies in his action. Everything that you read in this book is the fruit of experience born of practice. If you apply the principles and techniques that have been set down here, if you act, your plans will always be met with success! Don't always look for excuses not to do something. On the contrary, act as often as you possibly can. Never be satisfied just with reading: apply what you read. Every time you read or learn something that is of interest to you, put it into practice, find out if what it says actually works. If you apply this principle, your life will change totally! Many people are filled with principles and prejudices; anything that doesn't fit their way of thinking must be false. Unfortunately for them, these people are limiting their own possibilities by thinking that they are always right. They never put their beliefs in question; the only thing they care about is their own opinion. Whatever you do, never belong to this category of people. Get off the beaten track, put everything into question as often as you possibly can while following your instincts. Act as often as possible: whenever the opportunity presents itself. Whenever possible, do immediately everything you can right away; don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today! If you read this method without applying these techniques and principles, it will only give you a little extra knowledge, but if you act, if you apply and practice what it says, then your whole life will be transformed. ACT NOW. There are three major obstacles that could prevent your plans from succeeding. These barriers are a true curse in the domain of remote influence, but as they say, "once bitten, twice shy," they will soon be powerless against you because you will know how to unmask them and render them harmless. Keep the three following words in mind and be constantly on your guard against them. The three predators to which so many fall victim along their way are: doubt, fear and fatigue. Doubt is to the mind what the thorn is to the foot. Wherever it makes it presence felt. everything goes wrong. When you doubt your own powers, you diminish your abilities by half. This is why it is vital for you to know the miracle remedy that will free you from this curse forever. All great men, at one time or another, have uttered the phrase that you are about to discover. It possesses magnificent, extraordinary virtues. Throughout the centuries, in many civilisations, the power of these few words have been demonstrated time and time again. In order to conquer doubt: attempt to see the good side of things! Have you ever noticed that when you look at depressing and ugly things, it is as if you were impregnated with their flavour, and that every time this happens, you feel more unhappy and more pessimistic? However, if you look at the good side of things, things which please you, you naturally become more optimistic and feel more self-confident. So, if you really want to overcome the curse of doubt, try your best to see the good side of things. Everything that exists has a good and bad side. It all depends on how you look at it. If you continually try to see the good side of things, you will become increasingly enthusiastic and will gain more and more confidence in yourself. By continuing to act in this way, you will eliminate doubt from your life. Furthermore, the more you look on the good side of things, the more these things will impregnate you with their positive power, and attract even more positive events towards you. The simple phrase "attempt to see the good side of things!" is one of the keys to happiness in your life. Fear paralyses you and keeps you from progressing. It is also a major obstacle to the success of your remote influence exercises. When you are afraid, your energy level diminishes and you lose your vital power. The only thing you have to fear is fear itself, because it is this that is preventing you from progressing along the road of life. Why be afraid? You possess within you all the ingredients for success. Everything is possible if you apply the principles contained in this method. Try, and you will see that what I ma saying here is absolutely correct. So why be afraid? Here now is a miraculous trick for mastering your fear: when you feel fear taking hold of you. "breathe calmly and deeply for one or two minutes. At the same time think about a pleasant event in your life and visualise it mentally." You have certainly noticed that when you are afraid, it becomes more difficult to breathe, that you need more air, and this is why, when you are afraid, the best thing is to first of all breathe deeply and calmly. Fear is always set off by memory or an event that makes you feel ill at ease. Of course, you may not be aware of this, since it may come from deep within your subconscious. This is why every time you feel afraid, you must breathe calmly and deeply and visualise a pleasant experience in your life, in a totally relaxed manner. It's almost as though you were turning on the light in a dark room: the same thing is happening inside you. Fear is caused by the dark events that we have experienced in our lives. By visualising a positive event from our past, we light up this area of darkness. Remember, every time fear poisons your life "breathe deeply and calmly, think about a pleasant event in your life and visualise it mentally." By applying this famous technique, you will see that in one or two weeks, it will become a conditioned reflex, and you will only need a few seconds to become perfectly calm and confident once more. Tiredness plays a very negative role in your life. It's practically impossible to use remote influence when you are feeling tired. Why? Because the body and mind always use their reserves of energy for their own functioning before using them for other purposes. Remote influence needs a body and mind that are rested and alert. At such a moment, your thoughts have all the strength they need for you to exert a powerful action. When you are tired, it is more difficult to concentrate. You find everything distracting and sometimes you even tend to fall asleep. If this happens to you, go to sleep and start again when you wake up. Don't worry, you will wake up quite naturally when you are rested and afterwards, you will be extremely efficient once more. The one and only remedy against fatigue is "rest and sleep". Rest and sleep are two indispensable requirements for your inner balance. Never deprive yourself of either. Every time you feel tired, rest, if possible, sleep. Don't find all kinds of excuses such as "I still have to do such and such." No. Rest first and do it afterwards. In any case, you know very well that when you are tired, it takes twice as long to do the same work. When you feel overcome by fatigue and sleepiness, lie down and have a nap. Maybe all you need is a quarter or half-hour of sleep. This will so you so much good that you will more then make up for the lost time, no matter what you have to do. Have you noticed that when you are tired, you can't sustain your concentration, and nothing seems to work? Don't keep on trying, take a nap! Don't try to use remote influence when you are tired, because you won't get results. Indulge in a short, recuperative nap and you will be totally alert and in top shape to accomplish miracles. Certain times of the day are better then others for practising remote influence. When you get up in the morning, after your shower, drink a large glass of water and practice your remote influence program, following the principles revealed in this method. Another very effective time is in the afternoon and early evening, between four and eight p.m. The evening, between eight and ten p.m., is also effective. If you know the time that the person you want to influence usually goes to bed, this can be very helpful to your action, since at that moment, he or she is at his or her most relaxed, and is more receptive then when he is involved in some activity or another. Above all, avoid eating just before practising the remote influence technique; this will weigh down your spirit, since digestion calls for a considerable expenditure of energy. If you are returning from work, first take a little time to wind down and relax before beginning. If you are really hungry, eat something light before you begin your remote influence exercises. One very important secret for success is: choose the timetable that suits you bet and discipline yourself to always do your exercises at the same time every day. It is very important that you respect this principle. Why? When you discipline yourself to practice at the same time every day, two things happen that have immense importance for your success. 1. You will condition your mind to be ready and effective every day at the same time. By using this approach, you will create a condition reflex which greatly increases your power. 2. The person on whom you are practising your power will also be conditioned by the regularity of your program, and his or her mind will be more receptive, and therefore easier to influence. Perhaps you aren't always able to practice your technique at regular times. In this case, do them when you can. Be enthusiastic about your practice sessions. Take pleasure in your program - it shouldn't be a chore! Think of the marvellous results you are going to achieve and of all the changes this will bring about in your life. As you know, it is very difficult for an excited or depressed mind to be a good transmitter; therefore, the first step is to become calm before you attempt to practice remote influence. Before practising the remote influence method, you should first of all direct your energies towards obtaining a state of deep physical and mental relaxation. Your reference point will be that you will feel marvellously calm and relaxed. Your body and mind will have reached a state of peace and contentment. At that moment, you can start the remote influence technique with the maximum chance of success. Let us now consider the technique of self-hypnosis, which is capable of ridding you of all your tensions and relaxing you completely. First of all, stretch out comfortably on your bed or sit in a comfortable armchair. Then concentrate on one single point either above you (the ceiling) if you are lying down, or in front of you if you are sitting. Now begin by saying the following sentences to yourself in your head and try to feel the effects that they produce on you. 1. I am concentrating on this point harder and harder, and the more I concentrate on this point, the more my body and mind are relaxed. 2. My eyelids are becoming heavy and my eyes are getting more tired with every passing second. 3. I want my eyes to close, and I close my eyes. 4. I feel calm and relaxed; my body is growing heavier and heavier and at the same time I can feel myself relaxing. My eyes are firmly and completely closed. I am now going to relax my body (begin with your feet and move upwards towards your head. 5. Now I am concentrating all my attention onto my feet, which are growing heavier and heavier and are becoming relaxed. 6. A gentle, blissful warmth is vibrating throughout my whole body. 7. My legs are becoming relaxed and are growing heavier (concentrate on this feeling, but don't force it.) 8. My stomach is relaxing and growing heavier now ( while thinking about this, concentrate on the part of the body that relates to your suggestion, without attempting to force it, simply by focusing your attention.) 9. My hands and arms are growing heavier and are becoming relaxed. 10. My chest, my neck, and the back of my neck are growing increasingly relaxed with every passing second. I feel good, marvellously good. 11. My head is relaxing more and more. It's becoming clearer, my thoughts are calm, calm, calm. 12. In this state, every thought I wish to transmit is so powerful, so very powerful that nothing can stop it from reaching its target, whatever the distance separating me from it is Repeat this sentence mentally three times. It is after this step that you will actually begin the remote influence phase. 13. Now, form a mental image of the person to whom the message is addressed. This image must be as vivid and real as possible; keep it in your mind's eye for about five minutes, but do not exceed this time. 14. Send your message by simply thinking about it strongly and imagine that it is entering the person through the middle of his or her forehead (which is the most sensitive telepathic reception zone). Do this for five to ten minutes depending on the state you have achieved. As soon as you start to feel tired or tense, stop, rest, and begin again a few minutes later if necessary. Do not, however, take more then fifteen minutes to do this. Phrase your message in the form of a suggestion: that is, it must be positive, as short as possible, and to the point. Think about your message by concentrating all your attention onto it. The more you are absorbed by it, the better you will succeed. The more it is present in your mind during the session, the better you will succeed. But once again: relax! Don't force it. Act with conviction that your message is going to be received and that your wish will come true. Don't forget that "everything that you believe to be true is true or becomes true". Let's say that you would like to get a large sum of money. In this case, simply visualise the sum of money that you would like to get. It is always important to always finish your session with one last clear transmission of your message. The rest five minutes to recuperate and relax. Little by little, you will develop a taste for this marvellous remote influence exercise and will be very happy to practice it (especially when you see the results it can produce). Remember, you can practice it when you wake up, before going to sleep or at any other time during the day, if it's impossible for you, you to do it at fixed times. But for more precise instructions, refer back to the section "the best times of day to practice remote influence". At first, you will proceed as indicated in the "Practising Remote Influence" section. After a few days, you will already notice that you can relax much more quickly and that you will only need three or four minutes to attain deep relaxation. Then, usually after two or three months, you will notice that the mere fact of thinking of relaxing will be enough to trigger this state of relaxation. The same is true for remote influence itself. At first, you will need a relatively long time to obtain what you wish. Even though results vary greatly from one individual to another, it should not take you more then three weeks to a month before you begin to perform minor miracles. The more you practice, the more you will obtain rapid spectacular results. You will often find it difficult to believe, but one day the time will come when it will all happen very quickly, since your mind will have become very efficient. One simple thought will be enough to produce the influence. HEALTH Sleep is important! Always take time to rest properly. During this time, put your work and the worries of the day behind you, and relax! ACCOUNTING & FINANCE ZENCOR's advancement is primarily tracked by two spread-sheets: the progress record and the budget. Transactions are processed and condensed by order-processing systems and individual reports and extrapolated into a useful format so that all agents can observe the organization's success. Both of these spread-sheets are maintained by the President. It is also highly recommended that all agents maintain personal budgets to manage individual finances. You may wish to use the ZENCOR budget as a model for your own. SITE MAINTAINANCE Any location (physical or electronic) at which ZENCOR operations are conducted is referred to as an Operational Site. Primarily to thwart Government interference, these sites must be protected at all costs. Individual parameters such as lighting, heating, power supply, access control and equipment are maintained by the Site's Administrator in order to provide an environment as conducive to efficient operations as possible. Computerized control systems should be implemented at these sites whenever possible to free Administrators from such tasks. NAVIGATION Navigation is an important aspect of many operations, both clandestine and otherwise. When planning a travel route using any type of map, use way-points to plot an optimum course. Refer to these points as way-point 1, way-point 2, etc. 3 * 1996 ZENCOR. All rights reserved. For amusement purposes only.

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