-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/3/96 I apologize to everyone for my actions I took today on #zines.. In all of my times that I mass deoped or mass kicked everyone, I neglected to think about my friends. I'm really sorry to everyone that I really pissed off. I haven't been in my right mind today. To Fat Slayer, Mogel, Cerkit, Gaurdian, tMM, and others who were witness to my incredibly lame & stupid actions, I'm really sorry. I'm not asking for you guys to understand me or even like me. I'm just letting you know that I regret what I did today. There have been many things going through my head lately, so I'll be taking a break from everything for a while. My Internet account runs out in 2 days, so for a while, I won't be geekin' on the 'Net. This isn't a stupid "d0ud I quit the scene forever!@#!" letter, I'm just saying that I'm limiting myself for awhile. When I will renew my account is unknown. Most likely, I'll stay away for a week or so, and then get the check from my mom, and renew. Who knows. If you really need to talk to me, get my phone number from someone. .. and yes, I will be at Dummercon. I doubt you really care or anything, but I just want to apologize to the 6 or 7 or 8 people I may have pissed off today. Have a nice day. -- Edicius [Jonas e'Zine] --------------------------------------------------------------------------