_______ _______ ||. |__|. |__|| :|: | |: | |: .|| | || | |. |i______|i______| .chemicalchocolate. .issuefour. .%$!welcome to a juke production!$%. __.__ |\'_ _`/| _.--_.' @ `v' @ '.,--))._ _,----( `--'`m'`--' )_((_ __---`.__,-.-.__.' ))`-- `\ /' ,''`- ,/_._\.===-' ( ) '-v-' you can't see the sun go down, you can't see it rise, you can't even when it's in front of you. .-chemical chocolate issue four-. I would first like to apologize for any hype I might have created for this issue of Chemical Chocolate, because it _was_ going to be a really great issue. Something came up. Something better. I have decided to stop working on Chemical Chocolate and dedicate my writing abilities and artistic abilities to `Doomed to Obscurity Productions' and their future expansion. I recently had a nice conversation with Shadow Tao and Kojak that mad me rethink my position in the #zine community. The conversation I had with them made me realize the many possibilities there exists with dto. They helped me realize it's more than a 'zine thing. I have had fun with Chemical Chocolate, there is no doubt in my mind about that. And that is what I set out to do: have fun. So in my mind, Chemical Chocolate was as successful as it could of ever been. -juke chemical chocolate four was released on 4/1/96. -e0f.