Fission-Free Neutron Bomb: Schematics and short description

In a fission-free Neutron bomb an efficient driver would generate enough fusion energy to cause the explosive shock wave to compress the core to hyper-densities of 10,000 times the norm. The liner, a heavy metal of variable density would profile the shock wave for maximum compression. Because of size considerations, yields would probably be limited to a kiloton or less and, in such things as artillery shells, the device would be a cylinder rather than a sphere. This would be less efficient but, with high compression, the weapon would still be highly effective. The details illustrate the idea for an enhanced radiation neutron device. The core might release around 900 tons of TNT equivalent with up to another 100 tons coming from the surrounding shell. An example of a suitable liner might be a copper-beryllium alloy and the driver would be made of a dense metal such as iridium.

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