Kwik Disk Configuration Editor Version 6.50 Copyright 1991 Magnum Software September 17, 1991 BUG REPORT!! ------------ Version 6.3 has a bug when creating the AUTO folder. DO NOT use version 6.3. Version 6.4 does not create the AUTO folder. It now must be done out side of the the Configuration Editor. You are now given a file selector box in order to set the path that you desire. Version 6.4 has a minor bug which is NOT at all harmful. When setting the directory path, the drive would be set but not the path. HISTORY: -------- Kwik Disk was first released as a Desktop Accessory in August 1988. It was intended to increase the access time for reading and writing to the floppy drives. As it was continually updated, we added the ability to select the seekrate for each drive separately, increased drive access speed and optimised the accessory to be as fast as possible and use as little memory as possible. Next we came up with a Kwik Disk program that would run from the AUTO folder. This would install Kwik Disk at boot-up and use as little memory as possible. Later it was further optimised until it would use LESS THAN 600 BYTES! All this was great. We had increased our access speed to as much as 200% while using a minimal amount of memory. What else could we possibly do to further improve this wonderful utility? Three things had not yet been done: 1) A configuration program (for the user to enter his/her own settings for boot-up time) 2) Compatability with all present and future versions of TOS 3) A version of Kwik Disk that would load from the bootsector of a floppy-disk and USE NO MEMORY AT ALL! Every one of the above features were built in to the Kwik Disk Configuration Editor (refered to as KDCE hereon). The KDCE created a custom version of the Kwik Disk Accessory, Auto Program and/or Bootsector Program tailored by you and specifically for your computer system. NOTE: With previous versions you had to create a version of Kwik Disk for each system you own, or a new version each time you updated your version of TOS. The KDCE is what sensed what version of TOS it was running under, NOT THE ACCESSORY OR PROGRAMS IT CREATED. This is no longer so in version 6.5. CHANGES IN v6.5: ---------------- Kwik Disk v6.5 no longer needs to be re-configured for each machine or each new version of TOS. Each program senses what version of TOS it is running under and not the KDCE as was in previous versions. Kwik Disk ACC no longer sets anything such as write verify, seekrate, etc. It is now used as a front end to the AUTO program or the Bootsector program. The Kwik Disk CPX, for Atari's Xcontrol Panel, works the same as the ACC, and you are encouraged to use it instead. This version of Kwik Disk has been completely re-written. The code is not fully optimized as of yet, but will be for registered users. HARD DRIVE ACCESS SPED UP: -------------------------- Hard drive users will definately want Kwik Disk installed. Kwik Disk now allows you to set the size of the FAT and DATA buffers. This acts something like a cache, and it will speed up both floppy and hard drive access dramatically. NOTE: The Bootsector program does NOT install the buffers. INSTRUCTIONS: ------------- There is no need to worry where to put the KDCE. A file selector box will now appear so that you may set the path of where to write the current file being written. An AUTO folder will no longer be created for the Auto Program if it is not present. When selecting the Bootsector Program you will be asked which floppy drive it should be written to. Once inside the KDCE you will see the settings you can make and the buttons to create the files. For additional help, select the 'Help' button within the program. SHAREWARE PLEA: --------------- Yes, here it is. The plea for your generous support. You now know that Kwik Disk has altogether been a project for over 2 years. It may be small but that was the intent and, its usefulness is quite big. More time was put into this little utility than many of you may have thought. We feel that a request of $10.00 is a reasonable justification for all the long hard work of creating Kwik Disk. If you like it, and use it, please print and fill out the attached form below (form not necessary but appreciated), and mail a check or money order to: Magnum Software KDP65 2871 S. 124th St. Milwaukee, WI 53227 We will then send you a disk with the latest version of the Kwik Disk Configuration Editor and demos of our latest products. For a list and prices of our latest products, send a SASE to the address above. Comments and Questions can be directed to the above address or: on CompuServe: 72550,2542 on GEnie: MAG.SOFTWARE on UseNet: or ...!!starnet!magnum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kwik Disk Plus v6.5 Regitration Form ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This form is not necessary for registration but is greatly appreciated for better service to you and all other Atari computer users. Gender: ------- Male Female Age: ______ ----------- Do you belong to a user group? ------------------------------ Yes No Online services subscribed to: ------------------------------ GEnie CompuServe UseNet PC Pursuit Delphi BIX Prodigy Other Computer used for: ------------------ Business Personal Both How many people use your computer? ______ ----------------------------------------- Computer Type (circle all that apply): -------------------------------------- 520ST 1040ST Mega ST 520STe 1040STe Mega STe TT030 STacy STylus ST Notebook Other How long have you owned your computer? ______ years. ---------------------------------------------------- What version of TOS does your computer have? -------------------------------------------- Disk 1.0 1.4 1.60 1.62 2.05 3.01 3.05 Other Don't Know Amount of Memory (main computer used): -------------------------------------- ST RAM (circle one): TT RAM (circle one): -------------------- -------------------- 512K 1Meg 2Meg 4Meg 16Meg None 2.5Meg 4Meg 10Meg Monitors (circle all that apply): ---------------------------------- Color Mono Multisync Moniterm Modem (circle all that apply): ------------------------------- Baud: Protocals: ----- ---------- 300 1200 2400 v.22 v.32 HST 4800 9600 14.4 MNP v.42 Other 19.2 Larger None Floppy Drive (cirlce all that apply): ------------------------------------- 3 1/2" single sided/double density (360K) 3 1/2" double sided/double density (720K) 3 1/2" double sided/high density (1.44Meg) 3 1/2" double sided/super high density (2.88Meg) 5 1/4" single sided/double density 5 1/2" double sided/double density 5 1/2" double sided/high density (1.2Meg) Other Hard Drive (circle total): -------------------------- 10 to 20Meg 21 to 40Meg 41 to 60Meg 61 to 100Meg 101 to 150Meg 151 to 200Meg 201 to 300Meg 301 to 400Meg 401 to 600Meg 601 to 1000Meg 1001+ Meg None Printer (circle one): --------------------- Daisy wheel 9 pin dot-matrix 24 pin dot-matrix Ink-jet Bubble-jet Laser None Please fill in brand & model:________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now go back and place an 'X' over all that you seriously plan to purchase in the next 12 months. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:____________________________________________________________________ Company:_________________________________________________________________ Street:_____________________________________City:________________________ State:___________________________Zip Code:___________Country:____________ Phone Number:____________________________________________________________ Comments & Suggestions:__________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________