DEFINITION MODULE MASSYM2; (* MAS/SAC Symbol System Definition Module 2. *) (* Import lists and declarations. *) FROM MASELEM IMPORT GAMMAINT; FROM MASSTOR IMPORT LIST; VAR COUNT, TRMAX: GAMMAINT; SYMTB: LIST; PROCEDURE ACOMP(A,B: LIST): LIST; (*Alphabetic comparison. A and B are symbols. t=+1,0,-1 according to whether A preceds, is equal, or follows B alphabetically.*) PROCEDURE ACOMP1(A,B: LIST): LIST; (*Alphabetic comparison, 1. subalgorithm. A and B are packed strings. s=-1,0,1 according to whether a preceds, is equal, or succeeds B alphabetically.*) PROCEDURE ASSOC(AL,L: LIST): LIST; (*Associate. L=(a1 b1, a2 b2, ...,a sub n b sub n), n ge 0, a is an object. If there is an i such that a=a sub i then P=(b sub i, ...,a sub n b sub n), otherwise P=().*) PROCEDURE ASSOCQ(AL,L: LIST): LIST; (*Associate equal. L=(a1 b1, a2 b2, ...,a sub n b sub n), n ge 0, a is an object. If there is an i such that a is equal to a sub i then P=(b sub i, ...,a sub n b sub n), otherwise P=().*) PROCEDURE ATTRIB(L: LIST): LIST; (*Attribute. L is a symbol. Returns the attributes of L.*) PROCEDURE EXPLOD(S: LIST): LIST; (*Explode symbol. S is a symbol, L its character list.*) PROCEDURE ENTER(L: LIST): LIST; (*Enter into symbol table. L is a character list, S the pointer to the corresponding symbol. If the symbol is not yet in the symbol table SYMTB, then a new node is created.*) PROCEDURE GENSYM(): LIST; (*Generate symbol. S is a newly generated symbol. NAM is advanced.*) PROCEDURE GET(S,AL: LIST): LIST; (*Get property. The property list of the symbol S is searched under indicator a. A is the property under a, if any, otherwise A is set to beta.*) PROCEDURE NAME(L: LIST): LIST; (*Name. L is a symbol. Returns the name of L.*) PROCEDURE PACK(L: LIST): LIST; (*Pack character list. L is a non-empty character list. B is the packed list.*) PROCEDURE PUT(S,AL,A: LIST); (*Put. The property A is stored on the property list of the symbol S under the indicator a.*) PROCEDURE REMPRP(S,AL: LIST); (*Remove property. Under indicator a on the property list of symbol S the property is removed.*) PROCEDURE SMEMB(S,L: LIST): LIST; (*Symbol membership. S is a symbol, L a list containing possibly also symbols. b=1 if S or a copy of S occurs in L, b=0 otherwise.*) PROCEDURE SREAD(): LIST; (*Symbol read. The next symbol is read from input. S is the symbol in the symbol table SYMTB.*) PROCEDURE SREAD1(): LIST; (*Symbol read, 1. The first non-alphanumeric character of the input stream terminates the symbol. L is the character list of the symbol, which is not entered in the symbol table.*) PROCEDURE STCNT(T: LIST; VAR S,P: LIST); (*Symbol table tree count. T is a symbol tree, S is the number of symbols in T, P the number of properties of all symbols of the tree. Since every symbol has a name property, P ge S.*) PROCEDURE STINS(B: LIST): LIST; (*Symbol tree insertion. B is a packed list of characters. S is a pointer to the corresponding symbol in the symbol table. If it is not yet in, a new node is created.*) PROCEDURE STLST(T: LIST): LIST; (*Symbol tree list. T is a symbol tree, L is the list of its symbols in alphabetic order.*) PROCEDURE STLSTI(T: LIST): LIST; (*Symbol tree list, in-order. T is a binary tree of symbols, L is a list of its symbols, with the root symbol appearing first.*) PROCEDURE STSRCH(T,AP: LIST): LIST; (*Symbol tree search. T is a binary tree of symbols, AP is a packed list of characters. If the symbol with the name AP occurs already in the symbol table T then S=() and otherwise S points to the entry.*) PROCEDURE STWRT(T: LIST); (*Symbol tree write. T is a binary tree of symbols. The symbols followed by their properties are printed in alphabetic order.*) PROCEDURE SYMBOL(AP: LIST): BOOLEAN; (*Symbol. AP is an object. Returns true if it is a symbol and false else.*) PROCEDURE SymSummary(); (*Summary of symbol system. The number of symbols in SYMTB and the number of their properties is written.*) PROCEDURE SYWRIT(S: LIST); (*Symbol write. The symbol S is written in the output stream.*) PROCEDURE SUBLIS(L,A: LIST): LIST; (*Substitution with list. L=(x1 e1, ...,x sub n e sub n), a and e sub i are objects. The x sub i are beta-digits or pointers to uniquely stored lists like symbols. B is A with the x sub i substituted by the e sub i.*) PROCEDURE UREAD(): LIST; (*Universal read. The next atom, symbol or list over atoms and symbols is read and stored under L. Blanks may occur anywhere, elements of a list may or may not be separated by a comma.*) PROCEDURE UWRITE(L: LIST); (*Universal write. L is an atom, symbol or a list over atoms and symbols. L is written in the output stream, followed by BLINES(0). *) PROCEDURE UWRIT1(L: LIST); (*Universal write, 1. subalgorithm. L is an atom, a symbol or a list over atoms or symbols. L is written in the output stream followed by a blank character, but not by BLINES. *) END MASSYM2.