(* DIP Polynomial Ideal Decomposition 0 System Definition Module. *) DEFINITION MODULE DIPDEC0; FROM MASSTOR IMPORT LIST; PROCEDURE DIGFET(P,IL,JL: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive polynomial system G basis successful extension test. P is a goebner basis of dimension 0 in inverse lexicographical term ordering. i and j are indexes of variables where an field extension is required. t=1 if the extension was successful t=0 else. *) PROCEDURE DIGISM(P: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive polynomial system G basis index search for extension multiple univariats. P is a goebner basis of dimension 0 in inverse lexicographical term ordering. I is a list of indexes of variables where an field extension is required or I=() if no field extension is neccessary. *) PROCEDURE DIGISR(P: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive polynomial system G basis index search for extension reductas. P is a goebner basis of dimension 0 in inverse lexicographical term ordering. I is a list of indexes of variables where an field extension is required or I=() if no field extension is neccessary. *) PROCEDURE DINTFE(T,IL,JL: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive polynomial system normalized tupel field extension. Using trial values for transcendent parameter. T is a normalized tupel of a zero set with a final goebner basis of dimension 0. i and j determine the variable indexes for the field extension. TP is a list of normalized tupels for the field extension for T. *) PROCEDURE DINTSR(T: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive polynomial system normalized tupel separation refinement. T is a list of normalized tupels with final goebner basis of dimension 0. TP is a list of normalized tupels for some field extensions for T. *) PROCEDURE DINTSS(T: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive polynomial system normalized tupel strong separation. T is a list of normalized tupels with final goebner basis of dimension 0. TP is a list of normalized tupels for some field extensions for T. *) PROCEDURE DINTZS(N: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive polynomial system nomalized tupels from system zero. N is a zero set. T is the list of nomalized tupels of N. *) PROCEDURE DIRGZS(VB,PB,W: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive rational groebner basis zero set. VB is a rest of a variable list. PB is a groebner basis. W is the total variable list. N is the zero set of P. *) PROCEDURE DIRLPD(A,VP: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive rational polynomial list primary ideal decomposition. A is a non empty list of distributive rational polynomials representing a groebner basis. the polynomials in a have r variables. L=(l1,... ,ln) with li=(pi,ei,vpi,qi) i=1,... ,n where qi = ideal(pi**e,A) with A contained in qi and e maximal. Ideal(pi) is a prime ideal in at most r+1 variables. VPI is the variable list vor pi. *) PROCEDURE DIRLPW(A,V,L: LIST); (*Distributive rational polynomial list primary ideal decomposition write. A is a non empty list of distributive rational polynomials representing a groebner basis. the polynomials in a have r variables. L=(l1,... ,ln) with li=(pi,eli,vpi,qi) i=1,... ,n where qi = ideal(pi)**e with A contained in qi and e maximal. Ideal(pi) is a prime ideal in at most r+1 variables. VPI is the variable list vor pi. *) PROCEDURE DIRPDA(A,VP: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive rational polynomial list primary ideal decomposition over Q(alpha). A is a non empty list of distributive rational polynomials representing a groebner basis. The polynomials in A have r variables. L=(l1,... ,ln) with li=(pi,ei,vpi,qi) i=1,... ,n where qi = ideal(pi**e,A) with A contained in qi and e maximal. Ideal(pi) is a prime ideal in at most r+1 variables. VPI is the variable list vor pi. *) PROCEDURE DITFZS(N: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive polynomial system tupel from zero set. N is a zero set. T is a list of tupels of then zero set. *) PROCEDURE DITSPL(T: LIST; VAR T0,T1: LIST); (*Distributive polynomial system zero set tupel split. T is a list of normalized tupels of a zero set. T0 is a list of normalized tupels of a zero set with a final goebner basis of dimension 0. T1=T-T0. *) END DIPDEC0.