B l o u f G a t e [BETA VERSION] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Public Domain Fidonet/Usenet Gateway Software Originally written by Vincent Pomey & Franck Arnaud INTRO BloufGate is a public domain buggy Fidonet/Usenet gateway software which acts as an interface beetwen a Fidonet node producing packets to a point system (the gateway). BloufGate converts these packets from the Fidonet node to news and batchsmtp batches. It converts news batches and incoming emails from the RFC setup to Fidonet packets imported by the fidonet node's tosser. It has the following features: - Export/imports RFC1036 Newsbatches - Exports BATCHSMTP OR RFC822 email - Export/Imports Fidonet Type 2 packets (PKT) - Imports RFC822 mails - Bidirectional conversion of multiple part user names (replys to Jean.Pierre Smith.Average are correct instead of the common Jean Pierre Smith Average) - Can use xx.fidonet.org for local mails of the nodes and pxx.fxxx.etc for other systems (or optionally the second form for everything) - Optionally bounces messages too large (fido>rfc way) - Optionally adds Galactic headers :-) - Optionally does checking on Internet address before converting - (Limited) gating of moderated groups (that is it doesn't gate groups marked as moderated on the fido>usenet way, it is a feature) - Optionally bounces mails from unlisted fidonet nets, add net name in Organization: field. It uses a compiled list of nets (for space and convenience reasons), and is provided with a nodelist compiler. It may be easily extended to support any type of compiled nodelist. - Supports proposed ^RFCID: (fsc-0070) controls. - Supports protosed ^REPLYTO ^REPLYADDR (fsc-00??) controls. No real documentation is provided, you'll have to read the commented sample configuration, this intro document, the usage page of the program, and ultimately the source code. If someone want to write a documentation or remove all the english language mistake of the existing ones, s/he is most welcome. LICENSE The software is full public domain. Any part or all of the source code can be copied, distributed, used and sold freely without any restriction. USAGE Edit the blouf.cfg file to fit your system. A sample commented blouf.cfg is provided with this distribution. blouf.cfg must be in the current directory or you should specify either -c on the command line (example: "-c/usr/lib/fido/blouf.cfg") or a BLOUFRC environment variable. The -d option on the command line displays the parsed config file. The blouf program has the following syntax: 1) Convert fidonet PacKeTs to RFC mails ======================================= blouf -fido ... Input: : Fidonet type 2 packet Output: Various files in rfc outbound directory ("outrfc" dir in blouf.cfg) <8-hex-digit>.rfc: RFC822 or BATCHSMTP email files <8-hex-digit>.nws: RFC1036 news batch, uncompressed 2) Convert RFC mails to PKT =========================== blouf -mail [-t] ... Input: : RFC822 email file : optional envelope address, it otherwise uses the header's To: field. Output: <8digit>.pkt: Fidonet PKT in PKT outbound dir, should be your fidonet inbound directory. ("outpkt" dir in blouf.cfg) Note: On UNIX/Sendmail systems, you can put "blouf -mail -t " as your mail agent for *.fidonet.org. OR blouf -mbox [-t] Input: : a mailbox file is simply RFC822 email messages destined for one user concatenated into a text file. : optional envelope address, it otherwise uses the header's To: field. Output: <8digit>.pkt: Fidonet PKT in PKT outbound dir, should be your fidonet inbound directory? ("outpkt" dir in blouf.cfg) Note: This is mainly useful to process a mailbox on, eg, a KA9Q system Examples: blouf -mail this.rfc blouf -mail -ttom.jennings@f23.n1.z1.fidonet.org mailtom.txt blouf -mbox -tjoe.user joe.txt 3) Convert News bacthes/single article files (uncompressed) to PKT ================================================================== blouf -news Input: : RFC1036 news batch / single article file Output: <8digit>.pkt: Fidonet PKT in PKT outbound dir, should be your fidonet inbound directory? ("outpkt" dir in blouf.cfg) Note: typically produced by a program like SLURP on a NNTP system 4) In all commands ================== "blouf -d" displays the configuration (you can check your config file has been correctly parsed). WARNING: RFC mail/news is supposed to come from a unix system with only as a line separator, if your package produces DOS newsbatches with cr/lf, convert the files to lf! (ka9q is such a package) Mixed mode are not supported. (don't mix -mail,-news,-fido). Multiple files allowed, so such a thing as blouf -news /usr/lib/uucp/*.rfc with a wilcard expanding shell (unix-like) should work.