Here is version 1.0 of GrafX Display.... The major changes are as follows... Adding of up to 1600 pictures page (ofcourse who would really use it other than saying "Hey look here ...."), also this program now supports TNY pictures, watchit now, it does not check for resolution so if a medium or high resolution picture is loaded it will look kind of "different". Also supported is being able to name the Saved files. And last but not least a new key stroke has been added. Hitting -C will bring up a credits box.. NOTE: This program is freeware, and may be distributed freely as long as the two doc files stay with the program file. Thanks alot folks ! If anyone can think of anything else they would like seen in the program please let me know.... Jeffrey Kinzer 1216 A Essex Lane Chattanooga, TN 37343 Also , naturally if you find any nasty little bugs in this program, write to me or Leave EMAIL to L.MCCLURE on genie or LMCCLURE on Delphi...THANKS AGAIN.