Here is a brief rundown on some of the more useful options in FTP v2.2 -le:\pov\libs ; include paths -le:\pov\temp -mv2.2 ; POV language version (set to 1.0 or 1.4 for old POV files) +v1 ; verbose level +x ; break-out enable +ft ; use TARGA format output +q9 ; quality 0-9 +mb1 ; enable volume space partitioning (bounding slabs) +ulb ; enable light-buffer (has problems with some fancy lightsources) +uvb ; enable vista-buffer +ubq ; enable efficient bounding of quartic shapes +usi ; split CSG unions only if finite (usf) / split all CSG's (usi) -um2 ; CPU/FPU balance (depends on machine - use 'um2' on Falcon030 & 68882) +a0.2 ; antialising threshold (0.2 / 0.3 is good) +r3 ; rays per edge of ray-beam (3*3 = 9 element beam) +j ; use jittering/noise distortion on beam for smoother output +c ; continue with old aborted trace +w340 ; width +h480 ; height N.B: * NEVER use any of the new options with bounding turned off - it will die horribly. * The light buffer speeds up scenes with multiple lightsources. * The vista buffer speeds up scenes with multiple objects. :) Have hours (or shouldn't that now be minutes?) of fun! Doug @ BSS.