BUGS AND FEATURES ================= "It's not a bug, it's an undocumented feature." omega is not just a large program, it is a large, complicated, and not particularly well written program. There are so many features that not all can be well tested, particularly in combination with one another. Therefore, it is likely that your version, whatever it is, has some bugs. The author always strives to correct bugs and remedy misfeatures, so if you send mail to brothers@paul.rutgers.edu, he will attempt to remedy the problem. Suggestions for further features, monsters, traps, items, dungeons, etc. are also welcome. Info for the Atari ST version: Laurence Brothers has stopped working on omega. This particular version for the Atari ST has been based on Unix version 0.75, and was ported by Hildo Biersma (biersma@dutikos.tudelft.nl). I am aware that quite a large amount of bugs remain, but am planning to remove as many as possible. So, if you find any bugs, want features added or any other changes, feel free to write. My real-world address should be in the 'readme.txt' file included in the distribution archive.