Bludgeon - Starting Quickly This Freeware version of Bludgeon is provided with a solo adventure ready to play. (New adventures can only be loaded or designed by registered users. Note also that partially completed games CANNOT be saved in this Freeware version). The initial screen will show the party of combatants under player control. Clicking on the button marked "plot" will access a "help" screen (like this one). This will tell you what the objective of the adventure is. It will also give some clues to help you navigate round the adventure. You can refer back to this help screen at any time in play. Instructions can be issued to each member of the party individually by pointing the mouse at them and clicking with the left mouse button. A menu will appear showing the various options available. These should be fairly self explanatory. However, further information can be obtained by clicking on the "help" button and then selecting "action modes". If you want to "view" the details of a combatant, point the mouse at them and click with the right mouse button. Their details will then appear on the right hand side of the screen. These are less self explanatory. You do not need to understand them to play the game. However, if you are interested, further information can be obtained by clicking on the "help" button and selecting "combatant attributes". Instructions can be issued to several combatants simultaneously by using the "group action" option. This is activated by clicking on the "group action" icon (three bods in a row). A group selection menu then appears. A variety of predefined groups are available. However, you will probably find that the "Ad Hoc (Point)" option is the most useful initially. Having selected this option, the mouse cursor will turn to a pointy hand. Click on all the combatants to be included in the group. When the group is complete, click on a floor tile to indicate that you have finished. The group action option is primarily used to set "group gotos" i.e. all members of the group goto a certain spot. If you set the group to "goto" the leader of the group and then issue individual goto commands to the leader of the group, the group will follow the leader around. This is useful for exploring corridors and generally wandering about. When initially loaded, the adventure will be "paused". To start things running you need to click on the large red button at the bottom right marked "Combat Is Paused". You can click on this button again at any time to repause the game. (N.B. You do not have to pause the game to issue commands to members of the party, though often you may find this helps).