Bludgeon - Freeware Version Copyright Notice This version of Bludgeon is Freeware: copyright remains with the Seaton Shareware Cooperative; but the game may be freely copied and distributed provided no modifications are made to any file on this disk and no charge is levied other than to cover the cost of duplication, postage, and packaging. Registration This version of Bludgeon contains a single fully playable solo adventure. Further adventures can only be loaded and played with a registered copy of Bludgeon. The registered version of Bludgeon contains the following:- * The latest version of the Bludgeon program enabling any Bludgeon scenario to be loaded and played. It also includes the facility to design new adventures. * The latest version of "Generate" - a specially tailored program for creating new characters which can be loaded separately into Bludgeon Adventures. * Two complete playable adventures. * A 50 page user manual describing the complete Bludgeon Fantasy Wargaming system. Registered copies of Bludgeon are available from the following address for œ10:- The Seaton Shareware Cooperative 82 Harrington Drive Lenton Nottingham NG7 1JN Please make cheques payable to "Seaton Shareware Coop". N.B. Bludgeon requires 1MB to run successfully. Upgrades Bludgeon is not complete. It never will be. Modifications are being continually made in response to requests from regular users. The following is a list of some of the "priority" modifications to be implemented in the near future:- * Linking STs together using standard Midi leads so that several people can play simultaneously. * An extended range of spells (over 42 different spells have been requested!) * More sophisticated automatic "baddie" behaviour so that better "face to face" and "solo" adventures can be developed. Upgrades are only available to regi- stered users. Each upgrade contains:- * The latest versions of Bludgeon & Generate. * A complete solo or multiplayer adventure. * A newsletter which contains dis- cussions about how the programs can best be used and what additio- nal features users want to see incorporated in future releases (contributions from all comers are welcome). Since the first version of Bludgeon appeared in November 1991, there have been 12 issues of the Newsletter. In future, we plan to issue upgrades once every two months. To subscribe to the upgrade service costs œ15 for six issues. Philosophy The Bludgeon gaming system is not like a traditional computer game. Though Bludgeon adventures can be played as stand alone solo adventures (such as the adventure on this free- ware disk), the program was origin- ally conceived as a tool so that fantasy wargame battles could be enjoyed by multi-player groups either as tactical wargames or as a part of fantasy roleplaying adventures. Though the current program is still fairly limited in scope, it serves this basic purpose more than adequa- tely. For some time now we have been successfully using Bludgeon to run moderately large and sophisticated battles. It can only get better as time progresses. We have decided to release Bludgeon to a wider audience so that gamers with similar interests to ours can sample the benefits of computer mode- rated fantasy wargaming combat and hopefully share in its future deve- lopment. The Seaton Shareware Cooperative. August 1993. The End Bit To exit from this waffle, click on the cross in the top left hand corner.