Paris, the 28/12/1994 Hi, I had promised it some monthes ago, here is the first demo of "my" SuperBomberman on Falcon playable enough to be spread. It already repre- sents many hours of brainstorming, but I think it begins to be nice. You can play it (or better, beta-test it ;-) with X,C,V,D and Left Shift for the white player, cursor keys and right shift for the black player, and joystick for the red player. Punch, kick and remote bonuses are only partially coded, so I didn't include them in this demo-version. Maluses seems also a bit bogus, since sometimes they last forever !!! So, better avoid them, just try them once. And now, here's the deal : I wanted to release this game as a "free- shareware". I may not do it as a shareware, since it's (C) Hudson Soft. I may only do it as a freeware, I think, but hey, if I don't make any money with it, don't even hope to see anything else from me. Some guys told me they were interested in releasing it as a commercial game, changing graphics and music... So, it's up to YOU, Falcon users to decide : either you support me a lot by the "free-shareware" way, and not only you'll pay this game only a few bucks (I think 100FF, 20$, 30DM and so on is a reasonnable price (for the FULL game of course :)), either you don't, and you'll have to pay between twice and three times this price...Let me know your opinion, by mailing or e-mailing me them. And remember : FALCON NEEDS SHAREWARE GAMES !!! Marc BOURLON (Archangel) Marc BOURLON 10, rue des Tanneries 75013 PARIS FRANCE e-mail: