Edith Manual Keyboard & Mouse 19th May 1994 The following details for the keyboard and mouse behaviour in Edith windows can be set in this dialog: The HELP KEY can either activate the MANUAL PAGE for the active window, or act precisely the same as the BACKSPACE key. The last option is included because it is a well-known problem of the ATARI keyboard layout that the HELP and BACKSPACE keys are so close together, and one often hits HELP when BACKSPACE is the victim one was aiming at. The NUMERICAL KEYPAD can either literally produce the symbols shown on the keyboard, or serve for a set of nifty operations. When PC-XT is selected, the 1-9 keys serve for cursor movement as on MS-DOS keyboards with NUM LOCK switched off. When WINDOW OPERATIONS is selected, the following keys on the numerical keypad have a special meaning: ( Vertically tile text windows ) Horizontally tile text windows / Fold text windows * Full active text window - Smaller font + Larger font 0 Iconify active window . Top/Bury active window Control plus a number key will move the active window to the edge (2, 4, 6, 8), the corner (1, 3, 7, 9) or the center (5) of the screen. Some of these shortcuts can also be found in the WINDOWS menu. When MOUSE JUMPS ALLOWED is selected, Edith will try to automatically move the mouse around so that the user need not get his hands off the keyboard. When ALWAYS AS ARROW is selected, the mouse will only take the arrow and busy bee shapes, and not the text cursor, thin cross, etc. Edith Manual Keyboard & Mouse 19th May 1994