TAC-CAT LIBRARIAN [Tucson Atari Central disk CATalog Librarian] Programmer: Sanford M. Furrow, IV Language: GFA Basic 2.02 Version: 1.00 Howdy! (That's the way we say "Hello" out here in Arizona.) You have acquired a specialized disk catalog system. This is NOT designed to act as a floppy/hard disk file cataloger (like the excellent "SuperDirectory" from Michtron). "TAC-CAT Librarian" is for those of you who are involved in the process of selling floppy disks. I wrote this program for the Tucson, Arizona Atari ST users' group, TAC. As we are a newer ACE User's Group, our PD Library is still fairly small. However, we intend to provide the service of selling PD disks to our members who do not own modems. The "TAC-CAT Librarian" was designed to aid us in organizing, describing, managing, and expanding our disk library. I have offered version 1.00 into the public domain in the hope that other Atari ST users' groups will find it useful. Most of the use of the program is covered with the HELP command available in most major areas. You can access HELP by clicking on the HELP box of the main screen. When not working with the main screen, press the HELP key to get information about the area you are currently using. I recommend that you run through the Help screens from the main screen as soon as you run the program. Then you will find out about the somewhat hidden features in TAC- CAT Librarian. Here is what TAC-CAT LIBRARIAN currently does.... 1. Create multiple catalog files of up to 500 disk descriptions in each file. 2. Specify pricing for both single and double sided disks. 3. Allow optional price reductions for multiple disk purchases. 4. Allow optional discount settings for User Group member purchases. 5. Allow the setting of Shipping costs. 6. Include disk TITLE, CODE, FORMAT, and DESCRIPTION for each disk listed in the catalog. 7. Allow setting various billing options. 8. When printing the hardcopy catalog, automaticly print at title page specifying disk pricing, shipping costs, availability of discounts, user group information (librarian's mailing address as well as the general mailing address for other user group info), and catalog title. The catalog can be printed in a single or double column format. A "Disk Order Form" prints automaticly to reflect acceptable billing as well as all required information for orders. 9. Allow for the configuration of any fairly standard printer (I got it to work with my Star SG-15 and my Hewlett Packard LaserJet II). 10. Include various disk utilities to aid in the creation of library disks to be included in the catalog. I think you'll start to see what the program is all about once you run it and try out a test printing. The primary idea behind this program is to make it easier to generate nicely formatted printed catalogs for you to distribute to prospective buyers. Of course, you don't have to charge for disks if you don't want to. "TAC-CAT Librarian" is a SHAREWARE program. Although I'm only asking $15 for registration of the program, I'm really most interested in getting the needed info to send out future upgrades to the program. Upgrades will ONLY be available by mail. Heck, I'd be happy with ten bucks if you don't want to send the full $15. Let me know if you like the program. Anyhow, send a check or money order to: Sanford M. Furrow, IV 2116 E. First Street Tucson, Arizona 85719 I can also be contacted on GEnie as "S.FURROW". I am looking for ANY good suggestions for program improvements. I am currently working on the following enhancements: Keyboard Commands. User Definable Quick Category Flags. More Catalog Manipulation Commands (like moving a disk description from one catalog to another, catalog combine, and catalog extract). Extended Printer Support. More Printing Options (including multiple catalog printing from disk). Discounting by Flat Rate OR Percentage. Specified View options to see only disks that you want to work with. Catalog Descriptions. And whatever else I can think of.... One rather important item I should mention is the companion program I'm working on called "TAC-CAT Order." This program is going to use the data files created by TAC-CAT Librarian and provide for disk orders to be made from the computer terminal rather than from a printed catalog. Among other things, the potential customer who uses "TAC-CAT Order" will be able to view the information about each disk in the catalog file(s), add or remove disks from their order, always see the current dollar total of the order, and all using a simple mouse interface. After the customer has decided to place the order, he/she will be asked a few questions concerning form of payment, mailing address, etc. Then, with a flick of a switch, the printer will print an order form so that all the customer needs to do is include payment and mail the order. An option will also be available that will allow an order to be sent to disk instead of the printer so that orders can be received via your bbs. Registration of your copy of "TAC-CAT Librarian" automaticly entitles you to the latest upgrades of "TAC-CAT Order" and "TAC- CAT Librarian" (as they are finished). All this for $15? Not bad. Thanks. Sanford (Sam) M. Furrow, IV