Notes on Makediff v1.16. """""""""""""""""""""""" I have made a couple of minor changes to Makediff, mainly to allow it to create the HATCH.SYS file required by Jetmail for autosending of nodelists. These are the changes made. 1. Removed the code that added the (un)registered comment in the tearline. 2. Added a new keyword to the *.ctl files. the keyword 'Jetmail' in your *.ctl files will cause Makediff to create a HATCH.SYS file. 3. You may now define the path to write your hatch file to using the command HatchDir instead of AutoFilePath. Either command may be used, only the last one defined will be used if you try to use both of them. 4. Added two new options to the commandline ones to allow the extra info. required by Jetmail hatch files to be included. The commands themselves need to be preceded by a '-' character. These create the 'SendTo' and 'Locally' lines. For example: -sendto network -locally move These new options may also be hard coded into your *.ctl files. Simply add 'SendTo' and 'Locally' with their associated parameters in your ctl file. For example: SendTo Network Locally copy Hope it works OK. Robert Darling. Nest 90:104/0 90:104/100 AtariNet 51:504/0 51:504/1 FidoNet 2:440/375 email