->¯ Teddy-TERM Font Show Utility ®<- Copyright (c) 1994 M.J.Matts This program is a part of the Teddy-TERM package! This small utility will allow you to view a font file that can be used by Teddy-TERM. If a font file is invalid it will just be displayed as garbage, although some checks are made by the utility, in which case it is not advisable to use with Teddy-TERM. The fonts ending with _B are bold variations and the _I ones are italics. You may prefer to use an italic font instead of a bold font when running in ANSI emulations with less than 16 colours. There are 4 ways to run the program --------------------------------------- 1) By running it and then using the fileselector. 2) By installing it as an application for *.FON files, then it will be started when you click on a FON file. 3) By dragging the FON file to the utility program via TOS >2.06 and replacement desktops. 4) By entering the font file path and filename on the commandline.