Notes for Dan Hollis' HARDWARE.TXT file in Atari Works format. Filename: ST_HREGS.STW - AW formatted version of HARDWARE.TXT ST_HREGS.FMT - AW stylesheet for ST_HREGS.STW Fonts used: Bitstream Arrus Black 36 pt. Bitstream Charter Black 14 pt. Classical Garamound Bold 12 pt. Monospace 821 11 pt. Swiss 721 11 pt. Bitstream Charter 10 pt. Humanist 521 10 pt. Suggestions for printing: This document was created with the intention of printing on both sides of the paper. Since Atari Works currently does not utilize features conducive to this you will need to take steps in order to successfully print both sides and maintain a high quality output. The following procedure may be considered a royal pain in the ass. However, if done correctly, you will be rewarded with a document that rivals professionally created texts. First, the page layout assumes your printer is setup so that an ascii text w/o formatting will have a left margin at the left edge of the paper. In other words, any hardware switches in your printer for margin settings should be set to off or 0. The tractor feed should be adjusted so that the first mark on the paper bail lines up with the left tear perforation. The paper should also be aligned so that the first line of print will be at the top of the page. Make a note of what this lines up with on the printer. You will need to turn the paper over and align it as close as possible to where it was when you began. You may want to print a few lines using the printers self-test or an ascii text dump to check your alignment. Next, if your using continuous paper, make sure you have enough paper to print 17 pages plus a leader sheet at the beginning and one at the end. Before printing the text, test the output by having AW print 1 copy starting at page 3, and ending at page 3. If you are satisfied with the way it is aligned, then tear off the page you just printed, leaving enough paper for a leader and if necessary, a trailer and turn it over and reinsert to test the back. Before printing the backside you must go into Page Setup and reverse the left and right margins so that left becomes .75" and right is 1.25". Then go into Header/footer and reverse the left and right sides by changing #L to #R and #R to #L. Now, after checking your printer alignment and making sure the paper is rightside up and correct orientation, tell AW to print 1 copy starting at page 4, and ending at page 4. If all goes well, you are ready to proceed, otherwise retrace your steps and see what went wrong. Most mistakes are the result of the paper being inserted backwards, upside down, or misaligned. Once you have a decent test copy its time to load your paper and do it to it. Check your paper alignment. Check the Header/Footer to see that the ones on the first is #L and second is #R (remember we changed them during the test run). Likewise do the same in Page Setup. Left margin should be 1.25", right margin .75". Now we are ready to print. A good print spooler, such as CodeHead's ramdisk/spooler from the Codehead Utilities is really helpful for this type of printing. Since AW has no way to automatically print both sides of the paper we are going to have to print one page at a time. With a print spooler, this is not as bad as it sounds. From the print dialog, tell AW to print 1 copy, starting at page 1, ending at page 1. Part way through the print job, AW will finish dumping to the spooler and remove the print in progress alert box. You may now call up print and tell AW to print 1 copy of the next page. Remember to input the ending page as well as the starting page. Also remember you are only printing odd number pages this go around. If necessary, keep a scratchpad to help you remember what page you're on. You should be able to input all of the pages by the time AW is a third to half way through printing, depending on buffer size and printer speed. Afer all pages have printed, eject the final page and tear it off. Carefully inspect the pages for duplicates, ommissions, bad printouts, etc. If you find problems you can still use the good pages by making notes of where to either skip or eject pages when doing the other side. That way only the screwed up pages need be redone entirely. Carefully, fold the paper and insert it into the tractor. You did remember to leave the leader page intact, didn't you? Check and double check that you loaded the paper blank side out, top of page first, and recheck paper alignment. Before starting the backside, remember to go into Header/footer and reverse the #L and #R on both header and footer. Do the same with Page Setup by reversing Left and Right margins - change left to .75" and right to 1.25". Now you can start printing again. This time however, print only even numbered pages, one at a time. Refer to your notes if you had any pages that were skipped, duplicated, or otherwise messed up. Hint: reprint any bad pages starting with the backside, after completing the main run. That way you will have one less change to make in the Header/footer and Page Setup dialogs. Hopefully, the next version of Atari Works will include an option for printing both sides without having to do all these gymnastics. But for the time being, excellent results can be achieved this way. Bob Semaan Semtek