;The program searches for CONVERT.TXT and CONFIG.SYS in the CWD and creates ;a new file NEW_CONF.SYS with the addresses inserted. ; ;This is only for people having a lot of Key-statements in their Binkley- ;config and where it's easier to convert the data within an editor than to ;type in all data into Semper. ; ;Use it or refuse it! :-))) ; ; address # usealias #password#prefix#phone ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 2:244/4343.0@fidonet.org#2:243/6207.2@fidonet.org#password#prefix#phone# 90:400/400.0@nest.ftn#90:400/100.2@nest.ftn#test#atdp#0421-irgendwas# 2:244/4345.0@fidonet.org# #tictoe# # #