August 2, 1993 What's New with PhidoQWK - Program is faster - Previous versions took about 30 seconds for 5 message bases, now takes about 25 seconds for same bases. - Program will now use the AORIGXXX.TXT file if found for your origin line - Program now allows the sysop to define the protocols available. Up to 6 external protocols can be defined. Please use option 18 of MAXICFG2.PRG before setting up program. - Program now has online help that sysop can define. Simple text file consisting of the following: # TEXT ! Where # is the entry number, TEXT is the text displayed to the user and ! is an end of entry marker. - Program will now properly handle and deal with messages addressed to QMAIL. Remote commands currently accepted are: ADD DROP MAXNUM MAXSESSION These commands will allow your users to remotely configure there setups. All they need to do is send ONE message to QMAIL, Subject: CONFIG and then enter all their commands. - Sysop window is now configurable - If you don't like it you can turn it off. - Main Menu now accepts, numeric or Alpha commands, ie C or 1 for config, 7 or Q for quit. - Online Help functions, User can now ask for help concerning a menu item. This can be done in 2 methods, Either hit 9 (or H) and place program in Help mode after which all commands will describe the associated menu choice OR select H # and see the help file associated with that #. # may not associate with a menu choice so be careful not to get confused with this method.