Here's a little help with the NlUpdate program. Take a look at the enclosed NLUPDATE.TOM file (a batch file for use with Tomshell, the CLI I use). :nodelistupdate cd p:\nl\ nlupdate.ttp : : NodeList Updater checks my protected inbound folder and processes : new nodelists and nodediffs automatically. If there isn't anything new, : it doesn't do anything, just exits. I run it every night. : set owrite on cp *.dat k:\bt\nl\ cp *.idx k:\bt\nl\ cp ????user.lst k:\bt\nl\ :finished Not much to it, is there? NlUpdate does almost everything for you, which is what's really nice about it, of course. Most of the batch file you see here is actually unneccesary, I'm just a little overcautious about data loss. I run Parselst and NlUpdate from my P: drive, but I actually use copies of the parsed nodelist on the K: drive. That way, if anything goes terribly wrong before the batch file gets to the copy commands ("cp" in Tomshell), I'll still have a good copy of last week's parsed lists. Here's my config file: NetFile K:\BT\PROT\ NodeList P:\NL\ StatusLog K:\LOGS\NLUPDATE.LOG Lis1 CZ atarlist 1 -catarinet.cfg -oatar Lis2 CZZ nodelist,nodediff 11 -cfidonet.cfg -onode Lis3 CZ nestlist 1 -cnest.cfg -onest NListComp P:\NL\PARSELST.TTP ArcImp C:\ARCSHELL\ARC.TTP xw ArcExp C:\ARCSHELL\ARC.TTP aw LzhImp C:\ARCSHELL\LHA.TTP x LzhExp C:\ARCSHELL\LHA.TTP a -m ZipImp C:\ARCSHELL\ZIPJR.TTP -x ZipExp C:\ARCSHELL\ZIPJR.TTP -a NewList E:\ATARNETS\ ListArea P:\LISTS\ DiffArea P:\DIFFS\ LOG This setup assumes that the Nestlist and Atarlist files are coming in complete. If they ever change to use weekly diff files like Fidonet does, then I can just change the relevant config lines and NlUpdate will handle all the donkey work. After unarchiving the new lists, NlUpdate will then repack them as Zip files for me, and keeps the latest "1" of each type. The new Zips are placed in the NewList directory. I haven't seen anything in the ListArea or DiffArea, so I don't know what they're really for, but as long as my setup is working, I'm not going to kill the folders, either. %^) The "NodeList" folder should contain your Parselst.TTP and various config files, for simplicity (see the "NListComp" line in the config file above). Any questions? Call me voice at 1-318-439-3289, or call the STarship at 1-318-439-6963 and ring for a chat. Rich Tietjens aka Captain Blade Sysop, STarship