Maxi*FREQ revision history... ----------------------------- 1.00 => First version to get basics in place. 1.01 => Fixed nasty bug that would zero OKFILE and the FREQLIST if times were invalid. 1.02 => Fixed some potentially nasty bugs involving the banner file and special OK files. It will now ignore BannerFile and SpecialOKs processing if those directives are not present in MAXIFREQ.CFG. Archiver is optional...if no Archiver keyword is present, then Maxi*FREQ will leave the FREQLIST unarchived. If you do use Archiver, you need to have a corresponding ArcParams keyword as well! Maxi*FREQ will abort if MAXIFREQ.CFG is not found. If you get this message, then there are two possible reasons for it: 1. Your batch file needs to set the path to the directory from which Maxi*FREQ runs! 2. Your MAXIFREQ.CFG isn't in the same directory as Maxi*FREQ...and it absolutely must be there! Finally, I didn't realise that the SpecialOKs file could be used to password-protect certain files. It is useful only for those files that are not in your regular download areas...if you password protect a file that is in your regular DL areas, you are likely to get a duplicate entry in your OKFILE (which will defeat the purpose of password protection!). See the documentation for SpecialOKs for the way to do it! :) I am thinking of a way to efficiently allow password protection of certain files in the download areas which may be available in a later update (I can do it one of two password for an entire area or individual passwords for certain files *IN* an area...the first one is easy, the second one isn't!). A big thank-you goes out to Bill Scull for pointing out all of these bugs (and leaving three bug reports on my system after my labour day holiday!) and unrealised features! 1.03 => Killed Bill's extra newline bug...oops! :) 1.04 => Added two feature requests from Bill Scull... The first is the full five lines of a FoReM/Turbo file description until the line grabbed has no characters or all five lines has been written. I also completely revamped the statistics reporting functions and added a new "total filesystem" statistic at the end which lists all areas, files, and bytes taken (it's a recap of all of the individual areas). Let me know what you think about the output! :) SunFox