A brief description of BT-Fax Convert v 0.56 (BTFC) The program can be run as either .TTP or .TOS. If you wish to pass parameters to the program from the desktop you must, of course, use .TTP. When using BT-Fax in conjunction with BinkleyTerm the fax file is saved in QFax format, this apparently being the program most commonly in use in continental Europe. In Britain and the United States, however, STraightFax seems to be the program of choice. The differences in file save formats between the two programs are small. QFax begins it's save files with a 256 byte header containing information about the fax page and the sender's return address. STFax's header is only eight bytes long and generally contains no more than the program ID, number of pixel lines and the resolution. Both programs decode fax data according to Huffman 1-dim. although STFax seems to be considerably more sensitive as each pixel line must end with the correct number of filler bits. BTFC recalculates fax pages from BT-Fax to STraightFax format using either BinkleyTerm's AfterFax command directly or via a batch file. The parameters which can be passed to BTFC are: -iP:\FOLDER\IN\ - source path for the fax file in *.Fnr format. -oP:\FOLDER\OUT\ - destination path for the file after conversion into *.Jnr format. -d - deletes the original fax after conversion. (Don't use -d until you've tested the program.) The date in the file name mmddhhmm.Fnr is retained by the converted file. If -d is not used, the original file extender will be changed from .Fnr to .Xnr. The program requires approximately 435kB of availble memory. If enough users of BT-Fax want to have STraightFax format available I'll incorporate the conversion directly into BT-Fax. If I don't hear from anyone I'll assume that there's no great demand for the conversion and I won't bother. - The program is FreeWare (c) 1993 Bo Andersson and may be distributed freely as long as there's no charge (including Download) and no changes have been made to it. - I guarantee neither function nor safety. Any damage caused by the use of BTFC remains the responsibility of the user. Caveat emptor! - If you have any questions or tips feel free to contact me at the address given below. - If further functions are required I will, time allowing, add them to BT-Fax or write a new program!! - I haven't yet seen the results with STraightFax but the programs works well with the fax viewer I wrote myself :-D I can be reached on: Bo Andersson 90:1101/113.0 @ NeST or 2:203/203.5 @ FidoNet.