========================================================================== BBS-INFO v1.2x Last Changes: 28 Mar 92 ========================================================================== (c) Stephan Slabihoud, Gustav-Ohm-Str.72, D-46236 Bottrop ========================================================================== S H A R E W A R E ========================================================================== For shareware details refer to AVALON.TXT ========================================================================== If you have any ideas directed at manual or program, please send them directly and per crashmail to me! INTRO: ====== Want to have a statistic about your messagebase? No Problem! BBS-INFO gives you statistical information about all areas you receive. START: ====== Another it's-so-simple-to-start product: BBS_INFO sysop [file] [>[>]logfile] sysop Your FIDO name (the one from the message header). [file] Where is AREAS.BBS? Give the whole filename (with path-information) if AREAS.BBS is not in the same folder as BBS-INFO. Otherwise, forget about this parameter. [logfile] If you hate screen outputs, give a logfilename where the statistic is written to. EXAMPLE: ======== BBS_INFO "Stephan Slabihoud" e:\fido\areas.bbs | Screen output BBS_INFO "Stephan S" e:\fido\areas.bbs >>logfile | Append to logfile HISTORY: ========= V1.00 - First official version V1.10 - Messages FROM: and TO: the sysop are counted, too. V1.20 - Maximum of 500 areas (100 before).