Book DataBase 1.3 June, 1992 -- Version 1.3 -- Book DataBase 1.3 -- Second Comment line was added. Data structure was expanded accomodate future changes. A conversion program (CONV13.GFA) has been included for users upgrading from previous versions. See CONV13.DOC for instructions for use. Nasty bug in sort routine fixed. -- Version 1.2 -- Book DataBase version 1.2 -- Explicit support for TT medium resolution, blocking use in TT low and high resolutions. Desktop icon added to distribution package. -- Version 1.1 -- Book DataBase version 1.1 -- Minor bugs fixed. Some typos in the Help text and doc file, window scroll error with two-line records, and some text file names. Available from local clubs, BBSs, or send me a disk, mailer, and return postage. -- More Records? -- There have been some inquiries about a version of the program which will handle more then the default number of books. I have decided make available a customized expanded edition of the program at a small charge. However, some warnings apply: -- Speed -- I have not tested the program at full capacity. I do not know how efficient the sorts and even the format will prove out. I currently have about 520 books catalogued, and the full sort into 'series' order takes about 40 seconds. -- Memory -- There will be a fixed memory cost of 5K per 1000 potential records. Strings are allocated dynamically, but all authors, series, titles, and comments have to fit in your machine at one time, or an error will occur. I estimate 75 to 100K per 1000 potential records. Translation: For 5000 records, memory could be a problem on a 1 megabyte machine. A hard drive will be mandatory for data storage. (Remember, there will be two copies of the data files on disk at once.) -- Ordering -- Expanded version 1.3 -- Specify maximum number of records. If you find out later you underestimated, we can work something out. Minor changes can be accommodated. Ask, but no promises. $20.00 US. Special deal: send me a disk, mailer and return postage; put some local PD or shareware programs, pictures, interesting text files, or ? on the disk; save $10! Custom versions and data migration -- give me an idea of your requirements and we'll talk. -- Crystal Ball -- Future plans for Book DataBase. I don't know for sure. I wrote the program to fulfill my own book cataloging needs. Some possible directions are mentioned in the doc file. Without feedback, I'll go with what works for me. Let me know what you would like included. Things I am considering for future versions: 1) User defined report formats. 2) Much more flexible Select criteria. 3) Improved handling of secondary authors. 4) More sort options. 5) Custom dialog handling for more direct access to data. 6) Ability to handle multiple book files. 7) Unlimited note text for each volume. I am contemplating putting these changes in a Version Two of the program. However, due to other commitments, it will not be soon; probably not until 1993-1994. Until then, I will only make bug fixes to the version one edition of the program, should that become necessary. -- Address -- Timothy Early 975 Diamond Street San Diego, CA 92109