This is a simple little program I wrote so that I didn't have to load windows every time I boot. Usually, I go straight to Windows, but when you are trying some new AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS tricks, booting into Windows only to exit again is stupid and a waste of time (especially on my 8 MHz 80286). Therefore, I wrote WINWAIT.PAS. . . I know its no gigantic work of artful code, but it gets the job done. To implement it, use it in a batch file. It returns a DOS errorlevel 0 if you select Windows, errorlevel 1 if you select DOS. You might alter your AUTOEXEC.BAT as follows: winwait if errorlevel 1 goto :end win :end rem Add any final things here that you'd like to do before DOS, or just rem call it quits at ":end" (you may omit the "rem" lines!) I know there are similar--maybe even more sophisticated--programs out there, but I am too lazy to go searching over countless networks looking for them. So here you go. {Legal stuff:} I will assume no responsibility for your use or misuse of this program, nor will I retype your 100 page thesis, or re-key your 32000 entry database; face it--this program isn't that sophisticated (if you don't believe me, read the source code). I hereby release this software into the public domain. I don't ask for any payments, but if you really feel like donating to my cause, I can be bribed at: PO Box 462 Potsdam, New York 13676 Peter M. Deuel (Pete)