DJ_BothSides for Windows User Guide Version 1.3 demo A versatile utility for the Hewlett-Packard Deskjet 500 printer David Tilley June 1992 This document contains printer text enhancement which makes it unsuitable for viewing with an editor. Program and document (0Nİ(10U Copyright David Tilley, 1992. This is a demonstration version of DJ_BothSides that will not process more than 16 pages of text. For the unlimited version, send a cheque for 20 pounds sterling or 38 US dollars (or banknotes in another currency equivalent to 38 US dollars) to: David Tilley, 67 Tolworth Park Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 7RJ, UK. Upgrades for those who bought version 1.1a or earlier cost 6 pounds sterling or 10 US dollars. Upgrades from version 1.2a cost 2 pounds sterling or 4 US dollars (which covers diskette and postage, but not a printed manual). Don't forget to complete and send the registration form at the back of this guide. This will ensure you receive information on upgrades and a product which better suits your needs. A site licence agreement is available on request. Freely distribute the demo version to your friends and colleagues. DDIISSCCLLAAIIMMEERR:: whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this software works as documented, the author accepts no liability for damage or loss that may occur in its use. ii DDJJ__BBootthhSSiiddeess ffoorr WWiinnddoowwss UUsseerr GGuuiiddee VVeerrssiioonn 11..33 ddeemmoo CCoonntteennttss 0 Introduction ............................................... 1 1 Requirements ............................................... 1 2 Installation ............................................... 1 3 Facilities ................................................. 2 4 Limitations ................................................ 2 5 Comments ................................................... 3 6 Running DJ_BothSides ........................................ 4 6.0 The `Document' Menu ..................................... 4 6.1 The `Port' Menu ......................................... 8 6.2 The `Help' Menu ......................................... 8 7 Loading the Paper ............................................ 9 8 Hints ...................................................... 10 8.0 ASCII Text Files ........................................ 10 Appendix A Error Messages ..................................... 11 Appendix B Problems .......................................... 11 Appendix C Registration and User Response Form ................... 12 iii ħħħħ AAcckknnoowwlleeddggmmeennttss ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ The Deskjet 500 printer is a product of the Hewlett-Packard Company. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines. Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CG Times, a product of AGFA Corporation, is based upon Times New Roman under licence from Monotype Corporation plc. Garamond, CG Century Schoolbook and CG Triumvirate are licensed from AGFA Corporation. AGFA is a registered trademark of Agfa-Gevaert AG. Prestige Elite and Letter Gothic are licensed from URW. All other trademarks are acknowledged. Martin Woerlee of Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands for beta-testing version 1.2. Simon Heather of East Grinstead, West Sussex for many useful suggestions. Sol Guber of St. Louis, Missouri for his HP LaserJet II report. iv v_1_._3__d_e_m_o__________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s___________________p_a_g_e__1_ ħħħħ 00 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ Welcome to the demonstration version of DJ_BothSides for Windows. DJ_BothSides prints ASCII text files on both sides of the paper, saving the time-consuming business of using a wordprocessor or DTP program. It will save many trees and as much as 5 pounds for each 500-sheet pack. You'll save even more with the `double-column' and `folded' options, which can also extend the life of your print cartridges. It's ideal for program listings, READ.ME files, on-line manuals, magazines and help, e-mail and proofing drafts prior to typesetting. Its facilities - and limitations - are summarised in Sections 3 and 4. ħħħħ 11 RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ To run DJ_BothSides, you need: * a Hewlett-Packard Deskjet 500 (or compatible) printer, * an IBM PC-compatible computer, * Microsoft Windows 3.0 or 3.1, and the following five files: FFiillee nnaammee DDeessccrriippttiioonn BOTHSIDE.EXE The DJ_BothSides executable program BOTHSIDE.HLP On-line help (binary) BOTHSIDE.SET Default options (binary) BOTHSIDE.TXT This document READ.ME Changes from previous versions Please note that BOTHSIDE.SET files for versions 1.1a and earlier are incompatible with this release. ħħħħ 22 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ Copy all the above files into a directory of your choice. DJ_BothSides is installed like other Windows applications. If you don't know how to do this, consult chapter 3 of your Microsoft Windows User's Guide. p_a_g_e__2___________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s__________________v_1_._3__d_e_m_o_ ħħħħ 33 FFaacciilliittiieess ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ DJ_BothSides provides the following facilities: * Full multitasking (to a Centronics parallel printer port) * Automatic selection of an appropriately-sized typeface (Courier or Letter Gothic) and page orientation (portrait or landscape) * Support for A4, US letter and US legal paper sizes, and envelopes * Optional double-columning and `folded' booklet output * Optional page footer of page number, file (or system) date, file name and file path * One-inch left-hand margins for easy filing, or optional page centering * Can print files up to 171 characters wide, files up to 132 characters in portrait orientation * Optional CG Times output and support for Hewlett-Packard's Prestige Elite and Garamond Collection font cartridges * Optional partial printing * Optional print run report or minimized icon during a print run. * User-specifiable tab character expansion ħħħħ 44 LLiimmiittaattiioonnss ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ DJ_BothSides should not be used with non-ASCII, wordprocessor-specific or PostScript files, nor with files containing graphical images. (Note that many wordprocessors can export an ASCII file, which DJ_BothSides can print.) It performs reasonably on files containing characters that are displayable on the screen, together with backspace, form-feed and tab. Many European accented symbols are printed also. It will not print files containing form-feeds which are more than the maximum page depth apart. Some loss of columniation may occur when a proportionally-spaced typeface is selected. v_1_._3__d_e_m_o__________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s___________________p_a_g_e__3_ ħħħħ 55 CCoommmmeennttss ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ All known bugs, except those listed in Appendix B, are cured in this release. Please report others you find. Since DJ_BothSides has not been tested on other Hewlett-Packard printers (except the LaserJet II, with which it doesn't work) or with the Olivetti JP 350 and the Fujitsu B100 or B200, reports on how it behaves with these are also welcome. E-mail your bug and printer reports - and suggestions for improvement - to: on JANET or | on Internet or | or dtilley@cix.uucp on UUCP/Usenet or post them to the address on page ii. p_a_g_e__4___________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s__________________v_1_._3__d_e_m_o_ ħħħħ 66 RRuunnnniinngg DDJJ__BBootthhSSiiddeess ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ Double click on DJ_BothSides' `book-and-disk' icon. You will then see the titles of three click-down menus whose functions are described below. ħħħħ 66..00 TThhee ``DDooccuummeenntt'' MMeennuu ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ The `Document' menu looks something like the following: ---------- | D_ocument | |------------------- | F_ile... | | P_rint | | Print m_inimized | | R_eport | | O_ptions... | | S_ave options | |-------------------| | Ex_it | ------------------- The `Print' menu item is disabled on first entry. FF__iillee...... Use this item to bring up the Windows file selector. Choose the name of the file you wish to print. The `Print' item is enabled once you've selected a file. PP__rriinntt Click on this item to print the selected file using the default (or previously selected) options. DJ_BothSides takes a second or two to locate the document's left and right margins, during which the `margins cursor' is displayed. The `diskette cursor' is shown while a page to be printed is being read and the `printing cursor' is shown whilst a page is sent to the printer. A dialogue form appears prompting you to reinsert the paper between the printing of the back and front pages; see Section 7. The `Options' menu item (see below) is used to select print options different from the defaults. PPrriinntt mm__iinniimmiizzeedd Click on this menu item to cause DJ_BothSides' main window to shrink to an icon when you click on `Print'. (Reports and the special cursors are disabled when you select this item.) BothSides makes a beep when it's ready for paper reinsertion and when it's finished sending a document to the printer. v_1_._3__d_e_m_o__________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s___________________p_a_g_e__5_ RR__eeppoorrtt Obtain a report on your print run comprising: * File name, date and size * Number of words, lines and pages * Number of blank lines and leading blank lines * Left- and right-hand margins, and width * Average line length * Maximum page depth * Whether all lines are terminated by CR/LF * Occurrence of control and non-standard characters * A summary of the document's output format In producing its report, BothSides disregards text in a line after the escape character. The special cursors are disabled when reports are requested. OO__ppttiioonnss...... When you click on this item, a dialogue form appears with numerous buttons and entries subdivided into groups as follows: PPrriinntt qq__uuaalliittyy DD__rraafftt||LL__eetttteerr Radio buttons that select draft or letter-quality output. (I recommend high-grade paper with the latter.) PPaappeerr ssiizz__ee AA44__||UUSS lleett__tteerr||UUSS lleegg__aall||EEnnvv__eellooppee Radio buttons that select the following paper sizes: * European A4 (210 x 297 mm), * US letter (8.5 x 11 in), * US legal (8.5 x 14 in), * European DL envelope (110 x 221 mm) or US No.10 envelope (4.12 x 9.5 in). An envelope address will have approximate 50 mm (2 in) left-hand and top margins provided the envelope is loaded as indicated on page 1-8 of the Deskjet 500 Printer Owner's Manual. CCoolluummnn ffoorrmmaatt SS__iinnggllee||DDoouubb__llee||FF__oollddeedd Radio buttons that select single- or double-columned or booklet output (which you fold in half). N.B: proportionally-spaced fonts and centred output are unavailable when double-columned or folded output is requested; double-columned output is unavailable for files containing form-feeds; folded output has half-inch margins. p_a_g_e__6___________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s__________________v_1_._3__d_e_m_o_ MMaarrggiinn 11__--iinncchh LLHH||CC__eennttrreedd Radio buttons that select a one-inch left-hand margin or centred output. (Centering is unavailable when a proportionally-spaced font is selected.) FFoonntt MM__oonnoossppaacceedd||PP__rrooppoorrttiioonnaall||PPrreessttiiggee EE__lliittee||GGaa__rraammoonndd CCoolllleeccttiioonn Four radio buttons that select the font to be used. Those that come as standard with your Deskjet 500 are: * The Courier and Letter Gothic mmoonnoossppaacceedd fonts. Which of Courier and Gothic is used depends upon the maximum line width. * The CG Times pprrooppoorrttiioonnaall font. Those available on cartridge from Hewlett-Packard and which are supported by DJ_BothSides are: * The PPrreessttiiggee EElliittee monospaced font. * The GGaarraammoonndd proportional font collection. You are invited to choose a character size from 10-, 12- or 14-point if you select this font. PPaaggee nnuu__mmbbeerr ffooootteerr PPaaggee ##__||PPaaggee ##//__##||NN__oonnee Radio buttons that cause page numbers to be printed at the foot of each page - or not at all with `None'. When `Page #/#' is selected, the total number of pages is also printed, separated from the page number by the solidus `/'. `Page #/#' is unavailable when the `Start' or `End' entry is changed (see below). DDaattee ffooootteerr FFii__llee ddaattee||SSyy__sstteemm ddaattee||NNoo__nnee The `File date' radio button causes the date of creation or most recent amendment for the file being printed to appear at the foot of the page. `System date' causes the current date, as known to your system, to be printed instead. No dates are printed when you select `None'. FFiillee nnaammee ffooootteerr FFiilleennaammee ffooootteerr__ ...... Check this box to cause the name of the file being printed to appear at the foot of the page... ......wwiitthh ppaatthh__ ...and this one to print its path also. v_1_._3__d_e_m_o__________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s___________________p_a_g_e__7_ None of the above page footer options is available for files containing form-feeds. PPaaggee rraannggee aanndd ttaabb eexx__ppaannssiioonn ``SSttaarrtt'' aanndd ``EEnndd'' These entries are used to print some of the pages of a document. By default, all pages are printed. ``TTaabbss'' This entry specifies the expansion of tab characters (default: 4). OOKK Confirms your options selection. CCaanncceell Cancels your options selection. SS__aavvee ooppttiioonnss...... Select this menu item to save your choices for the next time. EExx__iitt Exit DJ_BothSides. p_a_g_e__8___________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s__________________v_1_._3__d_e_m_o_ ħħħħ 66..11 TThhee ``PPoorrtt'' MMeennuu ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ The `Port' menu looks something like the following: ------- | P_ort | |---------------- | LPT1_ | | LPT2_ | | LPT3_ | |----------------| | C_OM1 | | CO_M2 | | COM_3 | | COM4_ | |----------------| | A_ddresses... | ---------------- LLPPTT11__ ttoo LLPPTT33__ Used to identify the parallel port to which your Deskjet is connected. CC__OOMM11 ttoo CCOOMM44__ Used to identify the serial port to which your Deskjet is connected. AA__ddddrreesssseess...... Click on this menu item and select the `Calculate' button to determine the parallel printer port address. This stops an `Unrecoverable Application Error' when the printer is switched off. ħħħħ 66..22 TThhee ``HHeellpp'' MMeennuu ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ The `Help' menu looks something like the following: ------ | H_elp | |------------------------ | I_ndex... | |------------------------| | A_bout DJ_BothSides... | ------------------------ II__nnddeexx...... Accesses DJ_BothSides' on-line help information. AA__bboouutt DDJJ__BBootthhSSiiddeess...... Displays the program's version number and copyright notice. v_1_._3__d_e_m_o__________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s___________________p_a_g_e__9_ ħħħħ 77 LLooaaddiinngg tthhee PPaappeerr ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ Load your Deskjet's input hopper as normal. DJ_BothSides will send the bbaacckk pages of your document to the printer first and then display a dialogue form prompting you to reinsert the paper, but don't do this until the Deskjet's busy light ssttaayyss off. Remove the paper (possibly including a blank page on top) from the output hopper. [N.B: once you are familiar with using DJ_BothSides, this is the time to check for unexpected, completely blank pages in case the Deskjet had fed two pages at once. Remove any before you reload the paper.] Reinsert the sheets wwiitthhoouutt cchhaannggiinngg tthheeiirr oorrddeerr all together into the iinnppuutt hhooppppeerr (on top of any unused sheets), making sure that the pprriinntteedd ssiiddee iiss oonn tthhee ttoopp,, and: * if DJ_BothSides selects ppoorrttrraaiitt mmooddee,, make sure the top edge of the paper (nearest the first line) goes into the hopper first ((ttuurrnn tthhee ppaappeerr tthhrroouugghh 118800 ddeeggrreeeess)),, or * if llaannddssccaappee mmooddee is selected, make sure the left-hand edge of the paper (nearest the first column) goes into the hopper first ((nnoo rroottaattiioonn iiss nneecceessssaarryy)).. N.B: with portrait paper orientation, lines are printed parallel to the shortest edge of the paper; with landscape orientation, they're printed parallel to the longest edge. Ensure that the paper is nicely stacked and then click on the [Ready] button. The document arrives in the output hopper the right way up in the correct order. Very occasionally, the Deskjet will feed two sheets at once, messing up the whole process. It's best to start again from scratch if this occurs. If you've enabled reports, pressing the [Esc] key will stop subsequent pages being printed. N.B: you'll have to wait while pages, sent to the printer before you pressed [Esc], are printed. p_a_g_e__1_0__________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s__________________v_1_._3__d_e_m_o_ ħħħħ 88 HHiinnttss ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ ħħħħ 88..00 AASSCCIIII TTeexxtt FFiilleess ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ Whilst DJ_BothSides' operation is essentially automatic, I recommend the following text widths for single-column output and all paper sizes (except envelope): PPrreessttiiggee oorr GGaarraammoonndd CCoouurriieerr LLeetttteerr GGootthhiicc CCGG TTiimmeess 1100--pptt 1122--pptt 1144--pptt 67 80 ~86 ~100 ~86 ~74 The widths for the proportional fonts are necessarily approximate. Unless CG Times, Garamond or Prestige is selected, a smaller point-size and/or landscape orientation is triggered for documents wider than 81 characters: DDooccuummeenntt wwiiddtthh ((cchhaarraacctteerrss)) UUSS lleetttteerr 8822--9944 9955--113322 113333--115577 AA44 8822--110022 110033--113322 113333--117711 UUSS lleeggaall 8822--112266 nn//aa 112277--221111 PPoorrttrraaiitt Courier 6-pt, 20 cpi, 10 lpi, n/a lpp: 104/97 (A4/US letter) LLaannddssccaappee Courier 12-pt, 10 cpi, n/a Courier 6-pt, 16.67 6 lpi, 48 lpp (option) cpi, 10 lpi, 75 lpp I recommend the following page sizes (depth in single-spaced lines, width in characters) for paginated, pre-formatted text intended for folded output (which is always in 6- or 12-point Courier): 1122--ppooiinntt,, 66 llppii,, 1122--ppooiinntt,, 77 llppii,, 66--ppooiinntt,, 1100 llppii,, PPaappeerr 1100 ccppii 1166..6677 ccppii 1166..6677 ccppii ssiizzee DDeepptthh WWiiddtthh DDeepptthh WWiiddtthh DDeepptthh WWiiddtthh US letter 47 46 54 74 74 74 A4 47 50 54 81 74 81 US legal 47 60 54 100 74 100 The [PgUp] key on the numeric keypad acts as a toggle that suppresses or activates printing (if reports are requested), useful for obtaining statistics on a document and a print sample. But be careful: more than a single press of [PgUp] during a print run could produce muddled output. Eighty-page documents begin to get unmanageable for folding and anything less than a heavy-duty, long-arm stapler. Reduce the chance of double-feeding by using high-grade paper (greater than 80 gsm or 16.4 pounds). v_1_._3__d_e_m_o__________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s__________________p_a_g_e__1_1_ ħħħħ AAppppeennddiixx AA EErrrroorr MMeessssaaggeess ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ "A line in the document is too long." The length of at least one line in the document exceeds the maximum permitted (> 400). SSoolluuttiioonn:: reduce the tab size. "A printed line will be too long." The length of two adjacent lines `across the fold' exceeds the maximum permitted (> 400). This is often due to the combination of underline and bold. SSoolluuttiioonn:: reduce the text enhancement. "Document is too wide for folded output." or "Document is too wide for two columns." or "Your document is too wide for printing." SSoolluuttiioonnss:: reduce the tab size and/or select single-column output. If neither of these works, there's probably something peculiar about the file. "Double-columning is unavailable for files containing form-feeds." SSoolluuttiioonnss:: select single-column or folded output. "Final page is before start page." or "Start is after last page." or "You can't start at page 0." or "Invalid integer entry." SSoolluuttiioonn:: refill the `Start' and `End' entries. "Form-feed position exceeds the maximum page depth." The page depth of a pre-formatted document is too large for the paper. SSoolluuttiioonn:: read the hints in Section 8.0 and reformat the document. "The demo doesn't print more than 16 pages. Buy the full version." Self-explanatory. ħħħħ AAppppeennddiixx BB PPrroobblleemmss ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ * It is easy to crash DJ_BothSides - and Windows - if you do strange things with the communications ports, like selecting a modem port or an empty diskette drive. (Windows' File and Print Managers can behave similarly.) * When the program is LOADed from WIN.INI, the minimized icon only appears once it's covered by the mouse (in Windows 3.0 only). * Use with Superbar 1.0 can hang the machine. p_a_g_e__1_2__________________D_J___B_o_t_h_S_i_d_e_s__f_o_r__W_i_n_d_o_w_s__________________v_1_._3__d_e_m_o_ ħħħħ AAppppeennddiixx CC RReeggiissttrraattiioonn aanndd UUsseerr RReessppoonnssee FFoorrmm ħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħ Please send me the _full_ version of DJ_BothSides. I enclose a cheque payable to D.Tilley for 20 pounds sterling or 38 US dollars (or banknotes in another currency equivalent to 38 US dollars). Upgrades to purchasers of v1.1a cost 6 pounds sterling or 10 US dollars, whilst upgrades from v1.2a cost 2 pounds sterling or 4 US dollars (covering just media, p & p). Your name: ________________________________________________ Title: ______ Address: _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Post/zip code: ____________________ Signed: _____________________________ E-mail: ___________________________ Diskette size: 3(10UĞ-inch / 5Ĵ-inch (circle one) The remaining questions are optional: Where did you obtain DJ_BothSides? _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Windows: version ______ Your printer (if not a DJ 500): _________________ Your cartridges (include make if it's not Hewlett-Packard): __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ How could DJ_BothSides or the User Guide be improved? Continue on another sheet if necessary. Post the completed form together with your remittance to: David R. Tilley, 67 Tolworth Park Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 7RJ, UK.