This is the Beta version (Vers. 0.6, 17.6.1993) of TRANSFIL.EXE: A few bugs have been ironed out, and hopefully this now works without major hitches. The translation of Cardfiles into Textfiles and vice versa has been cleaned up and is now more exact. A link to Notepad and Cardfile programs has been included for easy viewing of results. Of course Notepad cannot view large textfiles File name: One line description: Translates Wincard files to Text and back Author: Peter Horn Email address: HORNPETE@UCTVAX.UCT.AC.ZA Self-documenting: Yes (Helpfile) Source included: No Size: 61K zipped; 150K unzipped with help file 10 lines description: contains the files: transfil.exe transfil.hlp readme.txt Copy them into any directory and start transfil.exe from either the filemanager or the program manager. The program translates Windows cardfiles to tab-delimited textfiles and tab-delimited textfiles to Windows Cardfiles. Warning: There is currently a limit on the number of records (cards) which is 700:. And each card may not contain more than 350 letters (including tabs). A line of text which is longer than this will be truncated. (This is a limit imposed by WINCARD!) Each tab in the textfile is translated into a Return (#13#10) and uses up space, so a lot of tabs in your textfile will fill the card more quickly, and can make it "inaccessible" to cardfile although the number of letters in that card are less than 350 This program is copyright by Peter Horn. It may be freely copied and used, but commercial or corporate users must get a license from the author. Any questions and comments to: Peter Horn 43 Trevor Road Lansdowne 7764 Republic of South Africa Tel. and Fax: +27 +21 696-1983 EMail: IN%"HORNPETE@UCTVAX.UCT.AC.ZA"