ORDERING INFORMATION Licensing your copy brings you wonderful benefits. Such as: - Gets rid of that nagging reminder window that comes up when you perform certain functions. - Entitles you to one hour of phone support for 90 days. - Insures that you have the latest version of the product. - Gets you on our mailing list so you are occassionally notified of updates and our other Windows products. Martinsen's Software Order Form Name: ____________________________________________________ Company:____________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ City: ________________________ St:______ Zip:___________ Phone: (______)_________________ Country:________________ ** Please note, if any of the prices below differ from a notice on your shareware version of the program, please include a copy of the program with your order to recieve the lower price ** ____ INI Manager @$29.00 : _______.____ ____ WallPaper Manager @$29.00 : _______.____ ____ WallPaper Manager-3D @$39.00 : _______.____ ____ SysInfo Manager @$10.00 : _______.____ ____ ScratchPad @$59.00 : _______.____ ____ Contacts @$59.00 : _______.____ Sub-Total: _______.____ ____ Shipping @$ 6.00 : _______.____ Total: _______.____ Please enclose a cashiers check payable to Martinsen's Software; or you may use Amex, Visa, or MasterCharge. For credit cards, please enter the information below: Card #:__ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Expiration date: ____/____ Signature: _________________________________________ Where did you hear about or get a copy of our products? ____________________________________________________________ Send to:Martinsen's Software 5501 Tullis Drive Building 2, Suite 304 New Orleans, LA 70131 or call: (504) 394-6045 (Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery)