; ; File: winsock.def ; System: MS-Windows 3.x ; Summary: Module definition file for Windows Sockets DLL. ; LIBRARY WINSOCK ; Application's module name DESCRIPTION 'BSD Socket API for Windows' EXETYPE WINDOWS ; required for all windows applications STUB 'WINSTUB.EXE' ; generates error message if application ; is run without Windows ;CODE can be FIXED in memory because of potential upcalls CODE PRELOAD FIXED ;DATA must be SINGLE and at a FIXED location since this is a DLL DATA PRELOAD FIXED SINGLE HEAPSIZE 1024 STACKSIZE 16384 ; All functions that will be called by any Windows routine ; must be exported EXPORTS accept @1 bind @2 closesocket @3 connect @4 getpeername @5 getsockname @6 getsockopt @7 htonl @8 htons @9 inet_addr @10 inet_ntoa @11 ioctlsocket @12 listen @13 ntohl @14 ntohs @15 recv @16 recvfrom @17 select @18 send @19 sendto @20 setsockopt @21 shutdown @22 socket @23 gethostbyaddr @51 gethostbyname @52 getprotobyname @53 getprotobynumber @54 getservbyname @55 getservbyport @56 WSAAsyncSelect @101 WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr @102 WSAAsyncGetHostByName @103 WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber @104 WSAAsyncGetProtoByName @105 WSAAsyncGetServByPort @106 WSAAsyncGetServByName @107 WSACancelAsyncRequest @108 WSASetBlockingHook @109 WSAUnhookBlockingHook @110 WSAGetLastError @111 WSASetLastError @112 WSACancelBlockingCall @113 WSAIsBlocking @114 WSAStartup @115 WSACleanup @116 __WSAFDIsSet @151 WEP @500 RESIDENTNAME ;eof