XStatic Control for Windows NT Operating System, October release. (c)1992 Babarsoft, 10/28/92 by Mark Gamber Xstatic is a 3-D "label" control which is used to give a "raised" or "lowered" effect to text in the control or other controls placed on top. To begin using XStatic, copy XSTATIC.DLL to your development directory and, from the Dialog Editor, select "File_Open Control" and pick the file from the list- -box displayed. If all goes well, you should see the control in the Custom Control dialog box available from the toolbar. Double-Click Xstatic to display a dialog box of options. You may select if the control looks "raised" or "lowered", text and text justification. Simple, quick and to the point. XStatic may be freely distributed and included with other applications royalty free as long as you, the user, indemify and hold harmless the software and it's author from any damages incurred, whether real or imaginary. The software may not be altered in any way. If you are unable to agree with these terms, delete the software and pretend you never saw it in the first place. The author may be reached at the following locations: America Online E-Mail: PCA MarkG Compuserve Mail: 76450,2754 Internet Mail: pcamarkg@aol.com