Contents of this CDROM

The Hobbes OS/2 Archive

Thousands of OS/2 programs, including utilities, service packs and more.
Click here to order!

Note: The April edition of Hobbes has a minor problem with os2view.exe (the CDROM browser program). There is a patch available: hobs_fix.exe hobs_fix.txt.

John C. Dvorak's Favorite Discs: The best of the best ... Hobbes OS/2 CDROM ... This company has a crop of neat CDROMs -- this is but one. I have found lots of nifty utilities, fonts, and other goodies on this CD. - John Dvorak, PC Computing

The Hobbes OS/2 CDROM brings the Internet's largest collection of OS/2 material within your grasp. We constantly update Hobbes on the Internet (, so you get the freshest in OS/2 shareware and freeware.

This 2 disc set contains:

Need to know more about OS/2? Look no further. You get OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions lists, newsletters, and programming help as well as IBM's Red Books.

With 1,312 megabytes (4845 files) of programs and documentation to customize your working environment, you'll own the most comprehensive selection of shareware and freeware for OS/2.

For the low price of admission, you can save money if you copy a few of these files from the CDROM rather than paying to download them from a commercial on-line service, or making long-distance calls to OS/2-specific bulletin boards. - OS/2 Magazine

Price: $29.95
Subscription: $19.95
Released: April 1997