pv.doc Powerview Image Viewer documentation qpeg386.doc QPEG Image Viewer documentation acrobat.txt Adobe Acrobat documentation catalog.txt Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - English catalog.fre Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French catalog.ger Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German catalog.ita Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Italian catalog.spa Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Spanish catalog.jpn Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Japanese catalog.pdf Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe Acrobat format view.doc Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on this CDROM wwasc2_8.zip Win95/NT: WindoWatch Vol.2 No.8 in Ascii format wwasc2_9.zip Win95/NT: WindoWatch Vol.2 No.9 in Ascii format wwwin2_8.zip Win95/NT: WindoWatch Vol.2 No.8 authored in Acrobat wwwin2_9.zip Win95/NT: WindoWatch Vol.2 No.9 authored in Acrobat abepsf42.zip Win95/NT: Aberrated optics diffraction point spread fcns btutor11.zip Win95/NT: Blackboard typing tutor crw32_1.zip Win95/NT: ClassRoom Windows for Win95, 1of2 crw32_2.zip Win95/NT: ClassRoom Windows for Win95, 2of2 cv35332.zip Win95/NT: Unit of measure converter (32-bit) cxptw131.zip Win95/NT: Curve fitting w/nonlin regression & splines dtafit30.zip Win95/NT: Nonlinear curve fitting and data plotting fls32_40.zip Win95/NT: Windows make-your-own flashcards system. EVAL fr400us.zip Win95/NT: French Lesson v4.0 (32 bits) English interface gbk32v21.zip Win95/NT: Gradebook: Weighted grades, 10+ reports, more gep300i.zip Win95/NT: Gepasi 3.0: Simulation of biochemical kinetics grcad114.zip Win95/NT: GraphCAD v1.14: Data plotting program grinw220.zip Win95/NT: Grinwich v2.20: Distances on earth surface hmn32v11.zip Win95/NT: Hangman: Input words, play, and learn mc32_172.zip Win95/NT: Master Converter 32 1.72: Fast unit converter moonris3.zip Win95/NT: Sun and moon rise and set times + moon phase movoc_09.zip Win95/NT: Professional vocabulary manager and trainer rrd22.zip Win95/NT: RocketReader: Complete speed reading system EV rreafb20.zip Win95/NT: Learn to read playing 'Go Fish' skymap31.zip Win95/NT: High-accuracy Windows 95 planetarium snook2.zip Win95/NT: MD simulator for atomic collisions in solids th401us.zip Win95/NT: Thai Lesson v4.01: 32 bits, English interface tmap20.zip Win95/NT: Software for TIN, Contours, DEM ws32_14.zip Win95/NT: Weekly Speller, practice weekly spelling lists alwin101.zip Win3.x: Alarm Clock 10.1: Config multiple alarm/timer ass95110.zip Win95/NT: Mathematic, financial and vectorial calculator asso410.zip Win3.x: Mathematic, financial and vectorial calculator bra95110.zip Win95/NT: Scientific calendar, complex & trig calculator bravo410.zip Win3.x: Scientific, calendar, complex & trig calc cal31101.zip Win3.x: Calendar+ promotional software cal95100.zip Win95/NT: Calendar+ promotional software calc9534.zip Win95/NT: Sci/eng/stats/fin/conversion calculator calex165.zip Win95/NT: Explores and generates calendar, Lunar Events calmon11.zip Win95/NT: Clock/alarm/scheduler/performance monitor cdalrm20.zip Win95/NT: Alarm clock tray utility-CD, MIDI, etc clktk20.zip Win95/NT: ClockTick: Alarm clock/reminder pgm. 95/NT 4.0 ctcal13.zip Win95/NT: CT Calendar v1.3: Desktop calendar ein95110.zip Win95/NT: Scientific, trig, complex & financial calc einst500.zip Win3.x: Sc.,trigon.,complex and financial calculator gtk16.zip Win3.x: Displays the world's 30 time zones as clocks haca035.zip Win95/NT: Happy Calendar: simple PIM for happy people int410.zip Win3.x: Financial and vectorial calculator int95110.zip Win95/NT: Financial and vectorial calculator intclock.zip Win95/NT: International Clock math9540.zip Win95/NT: MathWiz Financial calculator cashflow analyzer meas410.zip Win3.x: Financial calculator mitc100.zip Win95/NT: Displays time/date for local and 4 locations pcalc10w.zip Win3.x: Printing financial calculator/adding machine sch_102.zip Win95/NT: Simple calendar/scheduler/alarm/cron scpmcc11.zip Win3.x: Metric unit conversion calculator v1.1 slabacus.zip Win3.x: Slabacus 1.1: Slide Rule and Abacus simulation stopwtch.zip Win95/NT: Stop Watch utility with a memory swatch10.zip Win95/NT: Small stopwatch program t95_100.zip Win95/NT: TIME95!: World time for Windows 95 tclock12.zip Win3.x: Clock with graphics and sounds wfclck12.zip Win3.x: Displays clocks with flags on background wrldc23.zip Win3.x: Displays multiple time zones on your desktop wtclck22.zip Win3.x: Displays analog or digital clocks world cities alanal11.zip Win95/NT: A utility for EMWAC Server Log File Analysis. aldn210g.zip Win95/NT: DNEWS v2.10 - A fast, efficient, low management NNTP news server. almail10.zip Win95/NT: NTMail Server v2.10 - SMTP, POP for WinNT 32-bit services that provide SMTP and POP3 support for NT allowing NT to act as a mail server. alml1125.zip Win95/NT: Mail Daemons for NT Alpha version 2.11 beta release. alphadt.zip Win95/NT: DECtalk Software provides an easy to use Application Programming Interface (API) so your applications can speak. alw_ax.zip Win95/NT: Astronomy Lab AXP generates animated movies that simulate a host of astronomical events. avsview.zip Win95/NT: AVS Viewer. axp_ac.zip Win95/NT: Astronomy Clock AXP. axp_bo.zip Win95/NT: Bog AXP, game. axp_ha.zip Win95/NT: Hangman AXP is a computerized version of the well-known game of hangman. axp_mj.zip Win95/NT: MIDI JukeBox AXP allows you to select and play multiple MIDI and/or .WAV files. Requires NT 3.1 or later and compatible MIDI output device. axp_pz.zip Win95/NT: Puzzle-8 AXP is a computerized version of th well-known 8 tile puzzle. axp_sw.zip Win95/NT: Stopwatch AXP. axp_tc.zip Win95/NT: Talking Clock AXP. bg.zip Win95/NT: This short example program bg works similarly to the START command in CMD.EXE or the UNIX shell bg command to start a background process. bnt6a90.zip Win95/NT: Backup Exec 6.0 bytemark.zip Win95/NT: BYTE Magazine's BYTEmark benchmark program, release 2. clmail04.zip Win95/NT: CLMail 0.4 (15Nov95) Console-mode utility for sending SMTP mail from Win32 system. compress.zip Win95/NT: Compress program for Alpha systems running Windows NT, includes source. csh_demo.zip Win95/NT: Hamilton C Shell(tm) Demo for Windows NT on DEC Alpha. cshalpha.zip Win95/NT: CSH port for Alpha. dc21040.zip Win95/NT: DC21040 driver kit. emacs_a.zip Win95/NT: Emacs v19.17 for Alpha machines running Windows NT. faua.zip Win95/NT: Fragmentation Analysis Utility fc30e32d.zip Win95/NT: File Commander 3.0E (ASP) Allows addition of programmable menu items to the WIN 3.1. File Manager. Makes File Manager into a fcnt_a.zip Win95/NT: Frag Checker for Windows NT version 5.0 (Digital Alpha-AXP systems) by Acme Developers. fingerd0.zip Win95/NT: FingerD - A finger service for Windows NT, version 0.4 by Dean Troyer. flex23.zip Win95/NT: Flex v2.3 full release. fw35_1.zip Win95/NT: Firmware update for Alpha AXP machines, before NT Daytona installation. gd25b.zip Win95/NT: Binaries: diff, diff3, sdiff, and cmp. giftrans.zip Win95/NT: GIFTrans v1.12. Convert any GIF into a GIF89a. Source code included, also code to analyze GIF contents. grcsbnt.zip Win95/NT: RCS 5.6.4 executables built from gr564s.zip gsalpha.zip Win95/NT: Gopher Server 0.91 hsalpha.zip Win95/NT: Freeware EMWAC HTTP server 0.99 for Windows NT. hyperoid.zip Win95/NT: Asteroids game. imsalpha.zip Win95/NT: EMWAC Internet Mail Service 0.40 mazelord.zip Win95/NT: Mazelords is a 3-d maze game. The objective is to get as high a score as possible by zapping other players, and by destroying automated drones which wander around the maze. When there are no other players, zapping drones still makes an interesting game in itself. mglalpha.zip Win95/NT: MOGLE, MicroStation OpenGL Engine version mview.zip Win95/NT: MPEG player for Windows NT. news.zip Win95/NT: News for Windows NT is a 32-bit Internet newsreader and requires Windows NT 3.51 nfsalpha.zip Win95/NT: PC-NFS for Windows NT is a kernel-based network file system, NFS, client that enables NT systems to gain access to any system running as an NFS server. Evaluation copy. nt35_sp1.zip Win95/NT: Windows NT 3.5 U.S. Service Pack 1 (Alpha). ntbann.zip Win95/NT: NTbanner is a little utility that shows the memory-utilization of Windows NT. ntobjanl.zip Win95/NT: NT Object Module Analyzer ntperla.zip Win95/NT: Perl for Alpha systems running Windows NT pdtools.zip Win95/NT: Many (unix-like) utilities, including sources; uniq, unshar, unzip, wvn, xvi, yacc, roids, ntzip, mawk, grep16, fold, flex, memacs, compress, xstr, cmp, chsrc, much more. perftool.zip Win95/NT: Performance Tools perl5090.zip Win95/NT: Perl 5.001 pov2.zip Win95/NT: POV, Persistance Of Vision 2 raytracer executable povdoc_2.zip Win95/NT: POV Docs povscn_2.zip Win95/NT: POV Scenes ramdiska.zip Win95/NT: Ram disk driver for Alpha systems sed.zip Win95/NT: GNU sed. serweb_a.zip Win95/NT: WWW Server for Windows 3.1 and NT version 0.3 slnet14a.zip Win95/NT: A telnet daemon for WinNT snap253a.zip Win95/NT: Snapshot/32 v2.53 for DEC Alpha NT. ssp_axp.zip Win95/NT: AXP Screen Saver Pack sweep275.zip Win95/NT: SWEEP v2.72 virus scanner tclntaxp.zip Win95/NT: Tcl scripting language for Windows NT. ue312nta.zip Win95/NT: MicroEMACS version 3.12 unzip.zip Win95/NT: unzip utility unzip512.zip Win95/NT: unzip utility unzip513.zip Win95/NT: unzip utility wb50q32d.zip Win95/NT: WinBatch 32 Interpreter version 5.0Q. we31a32d.zip Win95/NT: WinEdit 32 Pro for Windows NT on DEC Alpha's whois.zip Win95/NT: WinWhois for Winsock Applications, Beta Version 1.0 windev.zip Win95/NT: WINDEV v1.55 ASP - An integrated program development environment. winvn_99.zip Win95/NT: WinVN is a Windows and NT-based, fully RFC 1036 compliant on-line news reader. wsalpha.zip Win95/NT: WAIS Server 0.3 wsftp32.zip Win95/NT: Winsock FTP client yacc.zip Win95/NT: Yacc zinc_dem.zip Win95/NT: Zinc cross compatibility development platform zip.zip Win95/NT: ZIP utility zip201.zip Win95/NT: ZIP utility zlxv23.zip Win95/NT: An upgrade for the ZLXp-E Accelerated OpenGL driver amedemo.zip Win3.x: AME Info: Arabian Middle East bus. info - DEMO calclink.zip Win95/NT: Calculator to link numberic fields in MS Access 7.0 clscrsvr.zip Win3.x: Delphi screen saver template v1.0 - DEMO col21.zip Win3.x: The Collector v2.1: Image Database dbms10.exe Win95/NT: MS Access utility to back/restore databases detaddin.exe Win95/NT: Excel add-in to calculate determinants dragsh2.zip Win95/NT: Drag Logger:Records Data Input for Fine Tuning easy7.zip Win95/NT: Easy Accounts cashbook & multi-currency accounting system filcln1.zip Win3.x: Cleans up common typographical problems fmanj75.zip Win95/NT: Simplified file manager for WinWord 7.0 grf21_fx.zip Win3.x: Data Mining/EIS/DSS - MS Access graph inc ODBC grf71_fx.zip Win95/NT: Data Mining/EIS/DSS - MS Access graph inc ODBC komaddin.exe Win95/NT: Excel add-in for complex numbers mataddin.exe Win95/NT: Excel add-in to invert 3x3 matrices maxs31.zip Win95/NT: Permits remote users worldwide to use Access databases pgpword7.zip Win95/NT: Military strength password protection Word95 pmchur32.zip Win95/NT: Parish Manager Church - membership organizer psic03na.zip Win95/NT: Point of Sale Inventory Control for Retail Stores psic9503.zip Win95/NT: Point of Sale Inventory Control for Retail Stores qbrws3.zip Win3.x: Get (un)used qry/tbl in MS Access raffle.zip Win3.x: Program to make Raffle tickets repl7.zip Win95/NT: Search & replace utility for MS Access 7.0 replcr1.zip Win3.x: Replaces multiple text strings or styles shipfast.zip Win95/NT: UPS ShipFast v1.0: UPS shipping manifest sys snipp101.zip Win95/NT: Snippets: Free-form 32-bit text database swcust13.zip Win3.x: Shareware Customer Database version 1.3 wrdsmth1.zip Win95/NT: Automates document development archv58b.exe Win3.x: Compression utility w/file management tools arjshell.zip Win95/NT: ArjShell 1.1: Shell for ARJ v2.41 or higher bbuu10.zip Win95/NT: Encoder/decoder interface for uu/base64 cdrip994.zip Win95/NT: CD-Ripper: 32-bit, all-purpose RAR/ZIP utility dmf10.exe Win95/NT: DMF v1.0 - format floppies to higher capacities ezsfxpro.exe Win95/NT: EasyZIP Self-Extractor Pro ZIP utility pk250w16.exe Win3.x: PKZIP v2.50 for Windows 3.1x, 16-bit version pk250w32.exe Win95/NT: PKZIP v2.50 for Windows95/NT, 32-bit version winarj95.zip Win95/NT: WinArj95 is a Windows-Shell for ARJ Archives winlite1.zip Win3.x: Shrinks MS-Windows programs by compression winzip31.exe Win3.x: WinZip v6.2 for Windows 3.1 winzip95.exe Win95/NT: WinZip v6.2 for Windows 95 wlite.zip Win95/NT: Zips, unzips and creates self-extactor. Win95 wzipse20.exe Win95/NT: WinZip Self-Extractor: Win32 xferp111.zip Win3.x: XferPro 1.1.1: UU/XX/MIME/Binhex en/decoder zipexplr.exe Win95/NT: Allows MS Explorer to explore ZIP files zippro.exe Win95/NT: Allows Explorer to manage ZIP/TAR/GZIP files zprow225.zip Win3.x: Program compression utility zw32.exe Win95/NT: Zip Whacker v3.2 zip shell program 95darpro.zip Win95/NT: BiblePro Bible Study Tool: Darby Classic 95kjvpro.zip Win95/NT: BiblePro Bible study tool: King James advent31.zip Win3.x: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Advent Divine Justice advent95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Advent Divine Justice aqdas95.zip Win95/NT: Kitab-i-Aqdas Tool-Win95: Baha'i/Bahai bahai95.zip Win95/NT: The Baha'i Writings study tool (Bahais) glean31.zip Win3.x: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Gleanings glean95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Gleanings gpb95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: God Passes By hidden31.zip Win3.x: Hidden Words from Baha'i Writings hidden95.zip Win95/NT: Hidden Words from Baha'i Writings iqan31.zip Win3.x: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Kitab-i-Iqan iqan95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Kitab-i-Iqan pray31.zip Win3.x: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Prayers pray95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Prayers quest31.zip Win3.x: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Answered Questions quest95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Answers Questions secret31.zip Win3.x: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Divine Civil secret95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Divine Civil selabd31.zip Win3.x: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Abdu'l-Baha selabd95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Abdu'l-Baha sm31hidn.zip Win3.x: Hidden Words Standard: (Baha'i/Bahai) sm95hidn.zip Win95/NT: Hidden Words Standard: (Baha'i/Bahai) ss9531.zip Win95/NT: SwordSearcher95 v3.1: Bible study application svfv95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf:7 val. 4 val tabbah31.zip Win3.x: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Baha'u'llah tabbah95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Baha'u'llah travel95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: Travel Narrative wob95.zip Win95/NT: Baha'i/Bahai Bookshelf: World Order 16psiv10.zip Win3.x: Inventory Organizer: Track of your inventory 32psiv10.zip Win95/NT: Inventory Organizer: Track of your inventory 401k231.zip Win3.x: Tracks and analyzes Retirement Plan savings aastock.zip Win95/NT: StockTick 2.0: Pers. Investment Portfolio Mgr acref101.zip Win3.x: Auto A/C reference guide afmw9521.zip Win95/NT: Portfolio Management for investors afw14s.zip Win3.x: Employee attendance database for Windows autotc14.zip Win3.x: Vehicle Expense/Maintenance System bilpnt16.zip Win95/NT: Billpower NT: Professional time & billing bilpwr16.zip Win3.x: Billpower: Professional time & billing corplib.zip Win3.x: Corporate Library: Track loaned books, assets esa1612a.zip Win3.x: Computer shop/store quatation/pricing software ezl97b32.zip Win95/NT: Loan/mortgage manager/amortizer (32-bit) ezloan97.zip Win3.x: EZ Loan Manager 97: Loan/mortgage manager firew205.zip Win3.x: Fire Dept. tracking database frmpln15.zip Win3.x: FIRM PLAN: Professional office scheduler frmpnt15.zip Win95/NT: FIRM PLAN 32: Professional office scheduler gl10b.zip Win3.x: GL Store, Double Entry General Ledger keys21.zip Win3.x: Track keys issued to employees manlink.zip Win3.x: ManLink accounting system. Req. Lotus Approach metafx21.zip Win95/NT: MetaStock Format data editor w/ split searcher mpme211.zip Win3.x: Preventive maintenance program pay.zip Win3.x: The Payroll Store for Windows qchart21.zip Win95/NT: MetaStock Format data charting and printing stocks95.zip Win95/NT: Stock price analyzer tdsk9s10.zip Win95/NT: Trading/commodity futures ref w/charts - DEMO terotech.zip Win3.x: Computerized maintenance management timbil15.zip Win3.x: TIME 'N BILL: Professional time & billing timbnt15.zip Win95/NT: TIME 'N BILL 32: Professional time & billing timoney.zip Win3.x: Time=Money v1.0: Helps prioritize your tasks tmcard21.zip Win3.x: Tracks time & attendance and accrues benefits uselog10.zip Win95/NT: Logs tax deductible computer use wl100.zip Win95/NT: Time logging application for businesses callid22.zip Win95/NT: Personal Caller ID: Displays calling party nr. cdrm05w3.zip Win95/NT: Renegade Echomail Processor cmnet21d.exe Win95/NT: CommNet v2.1 csw301.zip Win3.x: CompuServe Forum message database fax_n513.zip Win3.x: Fax from Windows NT/95/3.1x, single or network fax_v513.zip Win3.x: FaxMail for Windows 3.x/95 send/receive fax mblmsg11.zip Win95/NT: Customizable alpha-numeric paging software modem513.zip Win95/NT: Fine tune Modem and resolve COM-IRQ problems netmon11.zip Win95/NT: Replace Win95 modem lights with graph newnum11.zip Win95/NT: Convert French phone numbers to new format q95demo.exe Win95/NT: Qmodem Pro for Windows 95 v2.0w vocg27_1.zip Win3.x: Voicemail, Caller ID, Paging & FOD system, 1/3 vocg27_2.zip Win3.x: Voicemail, Caller ID, Paging & FOD system, 2/3 vocg27_3.zip Win3.x: Voicemail, Caller ID, Paging & FOD system, 3/3 zow302.zip Win95/NT: ZOC v3.02: Terminal program for Win95 2do13.zip Win95/NT: PIM alternative to organize tasks according to user specifications autodemo.exe Win95/NT: Introductory demo for Win95 clockz.zip Win95/NT: Clockz displays the current time of 4 different time zones csh_axp.zip Win95/NT: Subdirectories with all the executables for the DEC Alpha version of Windows NT. csh_doc.zip Win95/NT: Documentation in PowerPoint presentation format csh_pcl.zip Win95/NT: An HP LaserJet PCL version of the User Guide and Language Reference manual. Prints as over 320 pages. csh_ps.zip Win95/NT: A raw Postscript version of the User Guide and Language Reference manual. Prints as over 320 pages. csh_txt.zip Win95/NT: An ASCII text version of the manual. Prints as over 410 pages. csh_x86.zip Win95/NT: Subdirectories with all the executables for the Intel version of Windows NT. cwnm301a.zip Win95/NT: Multi-party video conferencing program for Microsoft NetMeeting cwnv301a.zip efmc95.zip Win95/NT: Encyclopedia of Christianity Demo (inc. Rejoice! game) fmbossnt.zip Win95/NT: Program to output FM radio on their PC ibotdemo.zip Win95/NT: Programming basics teacher kvt_10.zip Win95/NT: Win95/NT telnet emulator (supports VT100,VT220,VT320,VT420) mipbez2.zip Win95/NT: WinBez freeware program nacgis2.exe Win95/NT: Shareware graphics program with numerous features nsdnt401.zip Win95/NT: Demonstration of NSCleanNT of95_us.exe Win95/NT: Microsfot Office for Windows 95 Autodemo U.S. ver. pixeldm.exe Win95/NT: 3D Utility for Render/Convert/Build 3D Objects & Logos plusdemo.exe Win95/NT: Microsoft Plus demo. pw16.zip Win95/NT: "Profits Warning" Demo on-line share trading game pw256.zip Win95/NT: "Profits Warning" Demo on-line share trading game rendc102.zip Win95/NT: Photorealistic Scanline Renderer (For Win 95/NT) rrd22.exe Win95/NT: Speed reading teacher program rw43b4n1.exe Win95/NT: Chinese platform for displaying GB and BIG5 code [1/2] rw43b4n2.exe Win95/NT: Chinese platform for displaying GB and BIG5 code [2/2] rw43upd3.exe Win95/NT: RichWin Upgrade package from Beta 0.5 to Beta 3 servu20.zip Win95/NT: Serve-U FTP server (daemon) (For Win 3.1/95/NT) tldemo32.exe Win95/NT: Time logger for consulting - Exports, invoices webw100b.zip Win95/NT: "Live Eye" camera feed for the web xdeep32.zip Win95/NT: X Window Server/X11 client binaries (X11R6 based) xkims09a.zip Win95/NT: NT Internet Mail Server (ESMTP/POP3) 3d_theme.zip Win95/NT: 3D theme for MSPLUS! bush16s.zip Win95/NT: Bush-Sixteen Stone Desktop Theme v1.0 desktopt.zip Win95/NT: Allows the use of Desktop Themes without Plus! f1thm101.zip Win95/NT: F1 Theme for Win95 & Plus! 3_dfc120.zip Win95/NT: 3-D Fotocube + your pictures = 3-D animation air952a.zip Win95/NT: Flying airplanes screen saver 32-bit babyscr1.zip Win95/NT: Baby Screen Savers v1.1 for Windows 95 ball952a.zip Win95/NT: Hot-air balloon colorful screen saver, 32-bit bblizz.zip Win95/NT: A blizzard of stars swirl and bounce around bird952a.zip Win95/NT: Animated flying bird screen saver 32-bit blackout.zip Win3.x: Blackout: Freeware screen saver carnat.zip Win3.x: Carnations Screen Saver: Free screen saver clok952a.zip Win95/NT: 3-D clock screen saver 32-bit conge110.zip Win3.x: ConGen Windows screensaver suite cool_101.zip Win95/NT: Use your company logo as a screen saver csavss13.zip Win95/NT: 3D Solar System screen savers daisies.zip Win3.x: Daisies Screen Saver: Free floral screen saver dmsday15.zip Win3.x: Doomsday v1.5 : Atomic blast screen saver fade.zip Win3.x: Color Fading screen savers fish952a.zip Win95/NT: Tropical fish screen saver 32-bit flashbox.zip Win3.x: FlashBox screen saver frac1610.zip Win3.x: Seractal ScreenSaver v1.0: Endless fractals frac3210.zip Win95/NT: Seractal ScreenSaver v1.0: Endless fractals fung.zip Win3.x: Fun Graphs: Screen saver fxsav28f.zip Win3.x: FXSave: Multimedia screen saver getapple.zip Win3.x: GetApple screen saver hidethat.zip Win95/NT: Customizable screen saver with security hotspt20.zip Win95/NT: CT HotSpot v2.0: ScreenSaver utility jur952a.zip Win95/NT: Jurassic dinosaur screen saver 32-bit kilobite.zip Win3.x: Kilobites screen saver life_v4.zip Win3.x: Liferule v4.02: Game of Life as .EXE & .SCR lss101.zip Win3.x: Luke's Screen Saver I: Create a screen saver medcol.zip Win3.x: Meddling With Colors: screen saver myoss23.zip Win3.x: Make Your Own screen saver from image files prvbs.zip Win3.x: Proverbs screen saver quotsv20.zip Win3.x: Motivational quote screen saver recbounc.zip Win3.x: Rec-Bounce!: Screen saver redroses.zip Win3.x: Red Roses Screen Saver: Free screen saver saverx3.zip Win3.x: Screensaver engines for Win3.1 and Win95 scravi4.zip Win3.x: Screen-Saver: Avi/Mov & CD player v4.0 scrnpx20.zip Win3.x: JPG/image screen saver, 100 transitions shade10.zip Win95/NT: Screen saver modeled on the demo Amnesia sky952a.zip Win95/NT: Plummeting skydiver screen saver sndpix20.zip Win3.x: Turn BMP/JPG/TIF/WAV into screen saver snwxmas.zip Win95/NT: Christmas screen saver x Win95 sobusy11.zip Win3.x: I'm So Busy! screensaver v1.1 for Win3.1/95 spa952a.zip Win95/NT: Photo-realistic Space animated screen saver spcir.zip Win3.x: Space Circles screen savers tulips.zip Win3.x: Tulips Screen Saver: Free floral screen saver ufo952a.zip Win95/NT: Flying UFO screen saver wavelogo.zip Win95/NT: Display bitmaps/pictures in nice wave pattern webss.zip Win95/NT: WebSS v1.0B4: WEB screen saver winscr1.zip Win3.x: Screen Saver Pack 1 for Windows wwplanes.zip Win3.x: WWII war planes screen saver zucche_m.zip Win95/NT: Halloween ScreenSaver x Win95 allicons.zip Win95/NT: Win95 icons (in 256 color) exicon.zip Win95/NT: Basta.com's ExIcon - Utility to capture and export icons icnct510.zip Win3.x: Extract/convert/capture/print/edit/create/icon icoset1.zip Win3.x: Scott Feeney's Icon Set 1 photo141.zip Win3.x: Create/Edit photo-realistic icons wyiv95.zip Win95/NT: A great image viewer with many useful functions bjwin95.txt Win95/NT: Description file for bjwin95.zip d1712_ms.exe Win95/NT: DEC Print Server 17/12mb/Net d176_ms.exe Win95/NT: DEC Print Server 17/600/Net d17_ms.exe Win95/NT: DEC Print Server 17/Net d20_ms.exe Win95/NT: DEC Turbo PrintServer 20/Net d32_ms.exe Win95/NT: DEC Print Server 32/Net d40_ms.exe Win95/NT: DEC Print Server 40 Plus/Net d5100_ms.exe Win95/NT: DEClaser 5100/Net dc3500_1.exe Win95/NT: DEClaser 3500 ver 1.0 lexoptra.exe Win95/NT: Lex Mark Optra PS ver 4.0 lj791en.exe Win95/NT: HP LaserJet 5P Printing System Drivers lpt.exe Win95/NT: LPT printers w/ bidrect communications. tk240171.exe Win95/NT: Tektronix Phaser 240 ver 1.1 tkph1401.exe Win95/NT: Tektronix Phaser 140 ver 1.0 tkph3401.exe Win95/NT: Tektronix Phaser 340 ver 1.0 tkph4401.exe Win95/NT: Tektronix Phaser 440 ver 1.0 tkph5401.exe Win95/NT: Tektronix Phaser 540 ver 1.0 2000nt39.zip Win95/NT: Always IN2000 SCSI Driver for NT. 4mms2.exe Win95/NT: 4mm DDS2 DAT driver for NT 82595.exe Win95/NT: NDIS 3.0 Netcard Drivers for Windows NT adobe41.exe Win95/NT: Adobe Post Script Driver v4.1 ami48.zip Win95/NT: AMI SCSI card driver for NT c320nt.zip Win95/NT: Crescendo C320 FDDI/CDDI NIC driver for NT cd55ant.zip Win95/NT: Teac CD-55A Driver (final beta) chincdnt.zip Win95/NT: WinNT drivers for Chinon CD-ROM w/ unsupported SCSI. cmd600.zip Win95/NT: CMD EISA CSA-6000 SCSI card driver for NT cnr35flc.zip Win95/NT: Conner 3200 & 4000 SCSI Tape driver for NT ctf30.zip Win95/NT: Cabletron F30XX FDDI DNI NIC driver for NT ctf70.zip Win95/NT: Cabletron F70XX FDDI DNI NIC driver for NT ctt20.zip Win95/NT: Cabletron T20XX token-ring NIC driver for NT ctt30.zip Win95/NT: Cabletron F30XX token-ring NIC driver for NT dtc3290.zip Win95/NT: Jan93 drivers for the DTC3290 controller for NT. ee16nt.zip Win95/NT: Intel Etherexpress driver for NT elink3nt.zip Win95/NT: NT driver for 3Com Etherlink III (3C509) adapter. ex2501.zip Win95/NT: Exabyte 2501 tape driver for NT fl32nt.zip Win95/NT: Intel Etherexpress flash32 NIC driver for NT hpisa.zip Win95/NT: HP ISA ethernet adapters driver for NT hpmca.zip Win95/NT: HP MC LAN adapter/16 TP driver for NT hpscan2.zip Win95/NT: HP ScanJet drivers 10/93 update for Windows NT. ibm4mm.zip Win95/NT: IBM 2gig 4mm tape drive driver for NT ibmsyn.zip Win95/NT: IBM Multiprotocol Adapter Driver SRC. lm_marnt.zip Win95/NT: Logitech mouse driver. lmousent.zip Win95/NT: Logitech Windows NT mouse driver mapmem.zip Win95/NT: Device Driver to map physical Memory. mpu_nt.zip Win95/NT: MPU401 driver for Window NT msdlc32.exe Win95/NT: Data Link Control (DLC) Protocol mtm_nt.zip Win95/NT: Mitsumi CD-ROM driver for NT ncrpci35.zip Win95/NT: NCR SCSI SDMS PCI Windows NT 3.5 Drivers. nflex.zip Win95/NT: Compaq netflex NIC driver for NT ni6510nt.zip Win95/NT: Win NT drivers for Racal-Interlan NI6510 ethernet card. nt111.exe Win95/NT: MIMCDAEB.SYS driver for Windows NT nt_130.zip Win95/NT: Trantor T130 SCSI adapter driver for NT pwrchut.exe Win95/NT: American Power Conversion (ups) qlogic.zip Win95/NT: Qlogic SCSI adapters driver for NT s4mm.zip Win95/NT: Sony SCSI tape driver for NT sankyo.zip Win95/NT: Sankyo SCSI tape driver for NT sb_nt.zip Win95/NT: Creative Labs WinNT drivers (SBP2/SB16/CDROM) slp11.zip Win95/NT: Somar SLP v1.1 - NT driver for Seiko SLPro Windows NT printer driver for the Seiko Smart Label Printer Pro. Allows printing to the SLPro from any windows application. Also, DLL to allow easy printing of address and shipping labels from 32 bit Visual Basic programs. smc16.zip Win95/NT: SMC 16-bit ethernet NIC driver for NT smc32.zip Win95/NT: SMC ethercard elite 32 ultra NIC driver for NT tctok.zip Win95/NT: Thomas-Conrad token-ring NIC driver for NT unimodv.exe Win95/NT: Unimodem V v7mirnt.exe Win95/NT: Spea V7 Mirage Video driver for WinNT w95ir.exe Win95/NT: Infrared Driver wavlan.zip Win95/NT: NCR WaveLAN AT and MCA adapters driver for NT wd7000dr.zip Win95/NT: Western Digital WD7000FASST SCSI controller NT driver. wntdl.zip Win95/NT: Info on the MS driver library mdmtelin.exe Win95/NT: Telindus Aster 4 PSTN TT/Partita PC/PO 14.4 SFP wdlqds.exe Win95/NT: QDS Active 144UB/144UF/288UB modem driver wdlrock.exe Win95/NT: Rockwell RCV144ACF modem driver mousesys.exe Win95/NT: Mouse Systems PC Tracball II 5/25 elnkpl.exe Win95/NT: 3Com 3C505 EtherLink Plus evx16.exe Win95/NT: Everex SpeedLink /PC16 (EV2027) (network) ewrk3.exe Win95/NT: DEC EtherWORKS 3 /BNC, 3 /TP, 3/COMBO hpfend.exe Win95/NT: Hewlett-Packard HPJ2573A 10/100VG Selectable Hewlett-Packard HPJ2577A 10/100VG Selectable i82593.exe Win95/NT: ZDS (network) Z-Note ibmtok4.exe Win95/NT: IBM (network) Auto 16/4 ISA Token Ring irmadca.exe Win95/NT: DCA IRMAtrac Convertible, Convertible MCA, IRMAtrack HardTop ISA 4/16 irmatrac.exe Win95/NT: Microdyne IRMAtra 16/4 Convertable (ISA)/(MCA) ncc16.exe Win95/NT: Tulip (network) NCC-16 ndis89xr.exe Win95/NT: Proteon P1892 proNET 4/16 Token Ring netflx3.exe Win95/NT: Compaq NetFlex3/E, NetFlex 3/P olitoken.exe Win95/NT: Intel TokenExpress 32 EISA 16/4 olitokol.exe Win95/NT: Olicom 32-bit Token Ring Server pe2ndis.exe Win95/NT: Xircom Pocket Ethernet I/II (PE1/2) pe3ndis.exe Win95/NT: Xircom Pokcet Ethernet III (PE3) pro4.exe Win95/NT: P1340/2/6/7 ISA Token Ring, P1830 MCA Token Ring racalni.exe Win95/NT: Racal ES3210 EISA Ethernet, NI5210/16, NI5210/8 NI6510 rtl8029.exe Win95/NT: Realtek RTL8029 PCI Ethernet skethw95.exe Win95/NT: SysKonnect SK-NET G16/G32+ Ethernet skfew95.exe Win95/NT: SysKonnect SK-NET FDDI EISA skfiw95.exe Win95/NT: SysKonnect SK-NET FDDI ISA skfmw95.exe Win95/NT: SysKonnect SK-NET FDDI MCA sktokw95.exe Win95/NT: SysKonnect SK-NET TR 4/16+ slan.exe Win95/NT: NCR StarCard, StarLAN 16/4 ISA/MCA Token Ring NAU, StarLAN 4ISA Token Ring NAU, WaveLan AT/MC smc8232w.exe Win95/NT: SMC 8232 EtherCard Plus Elite32 Ultra smcpwrw.exe Win95/NT: SMC 8232 EtherPower PCI streamer.exe Win95/NT: IBM Auto LANStreamer PCI, EtherStreamer MC 32, LANStreamer MC 32 ubnei.exe Win95/NT: Ungermann Bass 2040 NIUpc, 3030/NIUps, 3035 NIUps/EOTP 3270 NIUpc, 4035 NIUpc/EOTP, NIC/ps, NUI,ps, pcNIU, pcNIU/ex 128K, pcNIU/ex 512K cdupgw95.exe Win95/NT: Sound Blaster CD-ROM Upgrade for Win95 sbidew95.exe Win95/NT: sbide.sys v1.12 & sbide.mpd v1.02 aha1542x.exe Win95/NT: Adaptec drivers AHA-1542CP aic78xx.exe Win95/NT: Adaptec drivers AHA-2910/40/30 cpqfws2e.exe Win95/NT: Compaq 32-Bit Fast-Wide SCSI-2E pc800.exe Win95/NT: Iomega PC800B pci.exe Win95/NT: SIO PCI-to-ISA Bridge ppa3.exe Win95/NT: Iomega Zip 100 ql1000.exe Win95/NT: QLogic Fast! SCSI, Q PCI, IQ PCI-10 ql400.exe Win95/NT: QLogic Fast! SCSI, EISA, ISA, PCMCIA-10, VESA Local ql510.exe Win95/NT: QLogic Fast! SCSI PCI Basic rt1600nt.exe Win95/NT: Rancho Technology RT1600 sparrow.exe Win95/NT: Adaptec AhA-1530P t128.exe Win95/NT: Adaptec Trantor T128 t130.exe Win95/NT: Adaptec Trantor T130 t338.exe Win95/NT: Adaptec Trantor T338 wd7296a.exe Win95/NT: Western Digital WD7193, WD7197 crystal.exe Win95/NT: Crystal Audio Drivers digispch.exe Win95/NT: Portable Sound DIGISPCH driver esswin95.exe Win95/NT: ESS Audio Drivers modemwav.exe Win95/NT: AST Research (Audio) Advantage 14400 voice/data/fax sb16awe.exe Win95/NT: Creative Technologies Sound Blaster 16 & AWE 32 Drivers sbw95up.exe Win95/NT: Sound Blaser 16/AWE32 Driver updates (Revision 3) vodafax.exe Win95/NT: AST Research (Audio) Advantage 2400 data/9600 fax 1571_210.zip Win95/NT: Matrox MGA Series Drivers for Windows NT 3.5 for Intel. Verion 2.10.015, Dec 20 1994. 1597_110.zip Win95/NT: Matrox MGA Millennium Series Drivers for Windows NT 3.5/3.51 on x86 CPUs. Version 1.10.023, Sep 08 1995. 64nt3520.zip Win95/NT: Windows NT Device Drivers Version 1.50 for ATI video cards. 8514.exe Win95/NT: 8514/A Compatible driver 0 Windows 95 Video Drivers 864wnt.exe Win95/NT: Stealth 64 DRAM Windows NT v3.1 drivers. agx_nt.zip Win95/NT: Pre-beta Hercules Graphite drivers for Windows NT. ark.exe Win95/NT: ARK Logic 1000PV, 2000PV display adaptors artgrp.zip Win95/NT: Windows NT drivers for Artist Graphics video card. atib2.zip Win95/NT: ATI Drivers (3/26/93) for Windows NT. atimct.exe Win95/NT: Graphics Xpression PCI/mach64 and WinBoost PCI/mach64 drivers atiunt03.zip Win95/NT: Graphics Ultra Pro/+ Drivers. avance.exe Win95/NT: Avance Logic ALG 2301B 4.00.461 (display) baliw95.exe Win95/NT: Western Digital Paradise Bali32 accelerator driver bignt201.zip Win95/NT: Win NT 3.1 Drivers for all SPEA V7Mirage/Mercury Cards. bignt302.zip Win95/NT: Win NT 3.5 Drivers for all SPEA V7Mirage/Mercury Cards. gtw95218.exe Win95/NT: Diamond GT Windows 95 Drivers with InControl Tools 95 gxe64nt.zip Win95/NT: Number Nine GXE64 drivers for Window NT 3.5. hg_nt.zip Win95/NT: Beta NT display driver for the Hercules Graphite cards. hi128108.exe Win95/NT: Hawkeye '95 for the Imagine 128 hi464102.exe Win95/NT: Hawkeye '95 for the GXE64 & GXE64Pro hi4vi102.exe Win95/NT: Hawkeye '95 drivers for the Vision 330 and Trio Cards i128.exe Win95/NT: Number Nine display adaptor i128nt35.zip Win95/NT: Number Nine Imagine 128 drivers for Windows NT 3.5. k5426_d5.zip Win95/NT: GD5426/28 Drivers for Win NT 3.1 release 1.41. m531nt35.zip Win95/NT: Number Nine Motion 531 drivers for Windows NT 3.5. m771nt35.zip Win95/NT: Number Nine Motion 771 drivers for Windows NT 3.5. m93nt1.zip Win95/NT: ATI Mach8/Mach32 March 93 Beta Windows NT Drivers. macxw4.exe Win95/NT: ATI Graphics Pro Turbo PCI (mach64) mga95x64.exe Win95/NT: Matrox MGA Millennium display adaptor miro100.zip Win95/NT: NT 3.1 drvr(v1.0 7/94) for Crystal 10sd,20sd,20sv,40sv. miro210.zip Win95/NT: v2.10 2/94 drvrs for Miro s3 801, 805, 928 based cards. miront35.zip Win95/NT: v1.00 10/94 drvrs for Miro 10sd, 20sd, 20sv, 40sv. motv204.exe Win95/NT: Hawkeye '95 drivers for the Motion 771/531 Vision 331 & Trio Video Cards mxxnt8.zip Win95/NT: ATI's NT drivers for 8514/Ultra, Ultra+, Ultra Pro,etc. nt128351.zip Win95/NT: Number Nine Imagine 128 drivers for Windows NT 3.51. nt_s3.zip Win95/NT: S3 Video Driver for NT. ob600ss.exe Win95/NT: HP OmniBook 600 p9_nt.zip Win95/NT: Windows nt drivers for orchid p9000. stealth.exe Win95/NT: Diamond Stealth 64 drivers. Graphics 2120XL/2200XL Video/2120XL/2200XL/3240XL/3400XL trid94xx.exe Win95/NT: Trident Microsystems display adaptors, TGUI 9440 AGi - Linear addressing drivers. trid96xx.exe Win95/NT: Trident Microsystems display adaptors TGUI 9660 XGi-PCI, TGUI 9680 tridnt35.zip Win95/NT: WINDOWS NT 3.5 Video Miniport Driver for Trident 8900C, and Trident 9000, Trident Compatible Graphics Adapters triont35.zip Win95/NT: Number Nine Trio drivers for Windows NT 3.5. v330nt35.zip Win95/NT: Number Nine Vision 330 drivers for Windows NT 3.5. v7mirnt.zip Win95/NT: Latest Spea V7 Mirage Video drivers for Windows NT. vga.exe Win95/NT: VGA Compatible driver viper.exe Win95/NT: Diamond Viper PCI, Viper VL display Adaptors vnt101.zip Win95/NT: Viper VLB Windows NT release v1.01. vpcint.zip Win95/NT: Viper PCI Windows NT drivers v1.00. vprnt100.zip Win95/NT: Diamond Viper drivers for MS Windows NT,version 1.00. vs950728.exe Win95/NT: ViewSonic 14ES, 17GA, 17GS, 17PS, Optiquest 1000S Optiquest 1769DC wntw32.zip Win95/NT: WinNT Tseng W32/W32i/W32p Video Driver 12/30/93 cygnu102.zip Win95/NT: Cygnus: High-performance 32-bit hex editor edtpad11.zip Win95/NT: EditPad: Text editor to replace NotePad ee_105.zip Win95/NT: Easy Edit for Windows95 v1.05 greped20.zip Win95/NT: Text Editor with Grep function (v2.0) njc40b5.zip Win95/NT: Chinese Word Processor and related tools. njj40b5.zip Win95/NT: Japanese Word Processor and related tools. not9510s.zip Win95/NT: Notepads+: Replacement for Win95 Notepad qpd32100.zip Win95/NT: QuickPad/32: Small editor with many features scratch3.zip Win95/NT: OLE Editor: RTF, captures clipboard and more txp3222.zip Win95/NT: TextPad 2.2: 32-bit text editor for Windows 95 vim45src.zip Win95/NT: Vi Improved v4.5: Text editor, Source vim45w32.zip Win95/NT: Vi Improved v4.5: Text editor, EXE+docs we96p32i.zip Win95/NT: WinEdit 96n: 32 bit Programmer's Text Editor ze32v215.zip Win95/NT: Brief, Wordstar, Epsilon editor for Windows95 arasan32.zip Win95/NT: Arasan 32 NT game ccj02b.zip Win95/NT: Chinese Checkers Game for JAVA v1.0.2 ccjaplet.zip Win95/NT: Chinese Checkers Game for JAVA / applet ccjp02b.zip Win95/NT: Chinese Checkers Game for JAVA v1.0.1 chaos16.exe Win95/NT: Chaos Overlords 16-bit graphics Internet Playble Demo chaos8.exe Win95/NT: Chaos Overlords 8-bit graphics Internet Playble Demo demo95.exe Win95/NT: Sega's Comix Zone galaxy.zip Win95/NT: Stellar Motion and Galaxy Evolution simulation gomoku12.zip Win95/NT: The BEST implementation of the game of Go-Moku (five-in-a-row) groom200.exe Win95/NT: Collection of internet board games gub11nox.exe Win95/NT: Gubble Game Demo by Actual Entertainment without DirectX drivers gubdem11.exe Win95/NT: Gubble Game Demo by Actual Entertainment with DirectX drivers hwsiir1.exe Win95/NT: Hardwood Solitaire v2.0 release 1 multrs10.zip Win95/NT: Tetris game with TCP/IP capability (play over the internet) nova.exe Win95/NT: High action, 3D rendered asteroids style shoot 'em up novanodx.exe Win95/NT: High action, 3D rendered asteroids style shoot 'em up (without the DirectX files) ssj01.zip Win95/NT: Sheriff game for JAVA thingy10.exe Win95/NT: ASCII maze game with ghosts vortex95.exe Win95/NT: Vortex Computerized board game gnu_bin.zip Win95/NT: GNU binaries for NT gnu_lib.zip Win95/NT: GNU libraries for NT gnu_man.zip Win95/NT: GNU software manual pages gnusrc.zip Win95/NT: GNU software source code x11r6.zip Win95/NT: X11R6 ported to Windows NT bark10.zip Win95/NT: Barking Cards 96 Lite: Animated card maker bmpwiz.zip Win95/NT: Utility for working with BMP Files bpicvu24.zip Win95/NT: Picture viewer ezview33.zip Win95/NT: Fast, easy graphics viewer and converter framet1.zip Win95/NT: Clips & tiles many BMPs into 1 BMP gwsw95.exe Win95/NT: Graphics Workshop for Windows 95 hysnp275.zip Win95/NT: (ASP) HyperSnap v2.75: Screen capture imagevie.exe Win95/NT: Image Viewer for Win 95 img95315.zip Win95/NT: Complete 32-bit image management system iview215.zip Win95/NT: Fast image viewer/converter for Win95/NT iview32.zip Win95/NT: Image View 1.1a -32: Image Viewer - 32 bit kvec_w10.zip Win95/NT: Command line utility for converting raster graphics to vector graphics kvec_w13.zip Win95/NT: KVEC v1.3 for Win95: Raster-vector converter locovw10.zip Win95/NT: LocoView95 1.04: Graphics viewer and slideshow ocr.exe Win95/NT: Optical Character Recognition application pichrt11.zip Win95/NT: Simple Delphi 2 PieChart unit + source pixcl40s.zip Win95/NT: Graphics-imaging-mmedia language toolkit quant.zip Win95/NT: Quant v1.1: Image quantizing program splt300w.zip Win95/NT: HP-GL/2, HP-GL & DXY-GL plotter simulator symdyn95.zip Win95/NT: Symmetrical dynamic pattern generator ustrt10.zip Win95/NT: Drawing program: Vectorial/Paint hybrid zplot32.zip Win95/NT: ZPlot v3.24: Fractal-creator (32-bit version) 32psca10.zip Win95/NT: Car Organizer: Organize info about car models bbdb96.zip Win95/NT: The BaseBall DataBase bbkk10.zip Win95/NT: Blackboard kopykat bey03_vb.zip Win95/NT: Beyond v0.3: Viewer for PAF bgypsy10.zip Win95/NT: Digital gypsy bio32_10.zip Win95/NT: Calculating biorhythms bio95100.zip Win95/NT: Bio-rhythms in English, French, and Spanish bkm32100.zip Win95/NT: Manage Your Books! 95 v1.00: Book cataloger emxwin24.zip Win95/NT: Enigmacross v2.4: Solve/construct Acrostics gstamps.zip Win95/NT: Catalog your stamps collection for Win95 gtc32sc.zip Win95/NT: Green Thumb Cards v1.0 (32-bit) mm.zip Win95/NT: Makin' Musles V1: Bodybuilding ndiet10.zip Win95/NT: NeuroDiet v1.0: Health & Fitness diet planner sema114.zip Win95/NT: Decodes pocsag signals from your scanner teaw1232.zip Win95/NT: Find words matching a pattern, v1.2 (Win 95) vlm32100.zip Win95/NT: Manage Your Videos 95 v1.0: Video Cataloger winlib31.zip Win95/NT: Book, Disk, Video, CD-ROM, etc. library mgr xwdwin24.zip Win95/NT: Crossdown: Solve/make professional crosswords