007w321a.zip 129867 09-16-96 Win95/NT: 007 for Win32 v1.0a - PASSWORD | PROTECT YOUR WIN32 EXECUTABLES! Modifies | existing .EXE files to add password | protection. 021offvu.zip 216932 12-01-96 Win3.x: Use a LAN to see where others on network | are 0prsnt21.zip 529089 08-27-96 Win95/NT: Present! is a Windows/95, Windows 3.1 | and Win/NT business presentation tool. 2offview.zip 215657 11-06-96 Win3.x: Use a LAN to track others whereabouts | also pass messages am32.zip 6184594 10-19-96 Win95/NT: Automate anything on your computer apolloe1.exe 65366 11-27-96 Win3.x: Store and use text information very, | very fast & easy awecp95.exe 189630 12-06-96 Win95/NT: Awe Control Panel v2.05 bcplite.zip 578115 11-24-96 Win3.x: Provides Windows GUI for MSSQL/Sybase | Bulk Copy bcr.exe 1332283 12-06-96 Win95/NT: Business card reader btimer10.zip 131416 12-03-96 Win95/NT: BB program timer bwbak11.zip 261544 09-03-96 Win95/NT: Blackboard Backup Interface For | Windows NT cardorga.zip 1770995 11-01-96 Win95/NT: Card Organizer v1.0:Windows 95 | CardFile cbdial09.exe 1934172 12-06-96 Win95/NT: Windows 95 dial-up enhancer cbw95.exe 701446 12-06-96 Win95/NT: Colorado Backup for Win 95 cclink14.zip 96793 11-27-96 Win3.x: CCLINK monitors modems and serial and | parallel ports cdalrm20.exe 489613 10-23-96 Win95/NT: Fully featured alarm clock utility | that plays MIDIs/CDs cnotes24.zip 416657 12-01-96 Win3.x: Utility to maintain reminder notes on | your computer copy7.zip 359392 11-14-96 Win3.x: Install software under windows 3.1X,95 | and NT copygrp2.zip 6768 11-26-96 Win3.x: Intelligent group file copying program crowd.zip 1119867 11-08-96 Win3.x: Crowd Control: Manage multiple users - | EVAL ctlk3210.exe 693205 12-06-96 Win95/NT: Clock Talk 32, ver 1.0 cwwe101.exe 318740 12-05-96 Win3.x: A concordancer for linguists and | learners of language datasorc.exe 119803 12-06-96 Win95/NT: DataSorcerer V2.0 dbfltcom.exe 189710 12-06-96 Win95/NT: DBFilterCombo V2.0 dbviewer.zip 1589014 11-19-96 Win3.x: Database Viewing - Edit (ODBC, Access, | dBase, Paradox) dcard102.zip 3746291 11-21-96 Win95/NT: Desktop Cardfile for Windows95 v1.02 depltemp.exe 443832 12-06-96 Win95/NT: Microsoft Project for Windows 95 diskt13b.exe 142743 12-05-96 Win3.x: Hard Disk Usage & File Size Monitor & | Analyzer easy120a.exe 2062322 11-11-96 Win3.x: Build Windows Installation programs w/o | script writing extrac21.zip 32503 08-23-96 Win95/NT: EXTRACT 2.10: Extracting files from | disk image With PKUNZIP UNARJ like syntaxe, | you can extract file from floppy image created | by WinImage (same author), DCF, DF, Sabdu, and | a lot of disk copy tool which make disk image. font32s1.zip 17847 10-19-96 Win95/NT: Shows available system screen or | printer fonts fontmn11.zip 152964 12-09-96 Win3.x: FontMan: Font viewer w/ various print | options fonty96.zip 173282 12-14-96 Win3.x: Polish truetype fonts package - DEMO fs110s.zip 110545 11-25-96 Win3.x: File splitter with many new features greenpc.zip 28509 11-02-96 Win95/NT: GreenPC v1.0: Power management for | Windows 95 handwrit.zip 35047 11-07-96 Win3.x: Handwriting font icnb95es.zip 163504 10-27-96 Win95/NT: Application Launcher for Win 95, | English kdraw300.zip 332994 11-15-96 Win3.x: Object Oriented Drawing Program for | Win31/95/NT keyco111.zip 343570 12-14-96 Win3.x: Blocking keys, key redefinition, keyb. | locking look10.zip 1870364 11-26-96 Win95/NT: Task manager w/task end notify & | scheduling macrom35.zip 436405 11-07-96 Win3.x: Send keystrokes to any Windows program magicd.zip 10200 11-05-96 Win95/NT: Magic Desktop - shows or hides desktop | icons masq.zip 805797 11-05-96 Win95/NT: Masquerade - randomly changes various | desktop environments mc200ur.zip 52020 11-27-96 Win3.x: InfoByte MemoryChecker version 2.0 megapanl.exe 274508 12-06-96 Win95/NT: MegaPanel V2.0 menco120.zip 72662 12-14-96 Win3.x: Enables you to block or alter menu | options nbw95dmo.exe 1886980 12-06-96 Win95/NT: NovaBack Backup Software ver 4.00 nexus.exe 1069678 12-06-96 Win95/NT: Windows NT Server Management Tools for | Windows 95 nn15sh.zip 282356 11-27-96 Win95/NT: LAN Network Post-it Notes utility nttar021.exe 29699 12-06-96 Win95/NT: NTtar 0.02 UnTar Unix tar files! pdc10.zip 2931442 11-15-96 Win95/NT: Easy performance data collection | manager for WinNT pgpasst2.zip 565754 10-12-96 Win95/NT: Windows front-end for PGP encryption | software pgpclip.zip 59705 09-16-96 Win95/NT: Utility to allow PGP to run under | WinNT clipboard pli_32.zip 378707 09-09-96 Win95/NT: DEC Alpha compiler for ANSI X3.74-1987 | PL/I for Windows NT pman500.zip 396568 10-03-96 Win95/NT: Program launcher for Win95 pnsetup3.exe 1271309 11-11-96 Win3.x: 2 sided Post-it note editor+alarm+MANY | useful features powertoy.exe 274979 12-06-96 Win95/NT: "Power Toys" addons for Win95 pstat_nt.zip 83582 11-10-96 Win95/NT: Application that lists & kills dead | Windows programs pstrip.zip 242903 11-05-96 Win3.x: Lock, Phone dialer, CD, Calc, ToDo, more ptx_eng.exe 820998 11-05-96 Win3.x: Revolutionary util improves the way you | use your mouse ptx_eng.zip 805896 11-06-96 Win3.x: Pointix Engine 1.0: Mouse utility qbt120.zip 708147 10-04-96 Win95/NT: Unconditional rebooter/exiter for | Win95 qrdr114b.exe 100417 11-27-96 Win3.x: QWK reader for Windows. Requires | VBRUN300.DLL reader2d.zip 1641452 11-13-96 Win3.x: Reads Text with a built-in speech | synthesizer refrsh95.exe 77188 12-06-96 Win95/NT: #9 Refresh rate utility runontop.zip 737269 11-19-96 Win3.x: RunOnTop v1.0: Run any prg/wind. | always-on-top scytl14d.zip 574996 11-18-96 Win3.x: Powerfully simple PGP front-end/enhancer splt232w.zip 364293 11-15-96 Win95/NT: Simulator for HP-GL/2, HP-GL & DXY-GL | pen plotter sspell.zip 766691 11-05-96 Win3.x: Easily create slide shows - BMP, WAV, | text, + synops11.zip 2842345 11-26-96 Win95/NT: Seven programs to check all kinds of | files tap11.zip 651680 09-27-96 Win95/NT: Tap Windows Telephony Monitor v1.1 tea100.exe 790010 12-06-96 Win95/NT: Autoplay Teaser Toolkit tippy132.zip 58402 10-04-96 Win95/NT: ListTips for text not fitting into a | column tlc10.zip 97888 11-06-96 Win95/NT: View/backup/change Startup & Shutdown | screens ttfp32d.zip 2303644 12-04-96 Win3.x: TTFPlus v3.1: Font management software ukrlogo1.zip 99838 11-20-96 Win95/NT: Win95 boot-shutdown logos collection, | Pack 1.0 usatrav2.zip 992899 11-14-96 Win3.x: US travel distances & times, mag. | declinations wb96j32i.zip 1948833 12-10-96 Win95/NT: WinBatch 96j: 32 bit Windows Batch | Language wcl800.zip 691721 08-27-96 Win95/NT: WCL: a Command Processor for Windows, | and Win-OS/2. This is a full Windows webtable.zip 2087052 11-16-96 Win3.x: The program creates HTML-tables using MS | Access tables whizn300.zip 673026 11-07-96 Win3.x: HyperText Organizer & Help Generator winbye3a.zip 1692698 12-11-96 Win95/NT: WINbye32 v3.0a: Quick exit utility winx3215.zip 103159 10-15-96 Win95/NT: Execute several programs as a one | task/icon winxs16h.zip 964790 12-01-96 Win3.x: UNIX Tools for Windows (grep, more, pax, | sed...) wp13.zip 150352 11-01-96 Win95/NT: Proxy server and firewall program | (Free 2-user version) wpack32d.exe 708717 12-06-96 Win95/NT: WinPack32 Deluxe and WinPack Deluxe | v.95 BETA wpcnv.exe 961373 12-06-96 Win95/NT: WordPerfect 5.x & 6.x Converters for | Word 6.0 for Window and Word for Windows 95 wsizer.zip 61623 10-08-96 Win95/NT: Windows Sizer: Improved Window | Management wznhbeta.exe 113193 10-23-96 Win95/NT: WinZip netscape helper yats32.exe 1405400 11-27-96 Win95/NT: Yet Another Time Synchroniser, 32-Bit | Version