Disk Utilities
Index of /disc2/util/diskutil/
Disk Utilities
- asbnch04.zip
- 48309 11-29-96 Win95/NT: Asbench ASPI/SCSI benchmark program
- batcat11.zip
- 1199388 11-08-96 Win3.x: Floppy-disk and CD-ROM catalog
- bootpa20.zip
- 20215 09-15-96 Win95/NT: BOOTPART 2.0 : Boot Partitition for WinNT. Easy tool to add a partition to the Windows NT multi boot menu.
- catal151.zip
- 3692380 08-29-96 Win95/NT: Catalog 1.51, catalog floppies, HD, CDROMs etc.
- ddwt5124.zip
- 399266 10-25-96 Win95/NT: Disk copier that supports MS 1.68MB DMF format
- dfg95_22.zip
- 1316685 08-17-96 Win95/NT: Drag And File Win 95/NT File Manager. Copy, move delete from multiple windows (Gold version)
- dirsizer.exe
- 4197541 09-06-96 Win95/NT: Utility that compares the current dir sizes w/ past sizes
- dirszr12.zip
- 4194616 09-12-96 Win95/NT: Monitor directory sizes over time
- discat43.zip
- 648220 12-23-96 Win95/NT: Floppy disk catalog utility for Win95
- disk_mon.zip
- 162082 10-01-96 Win95/NT: Graphical display of Disk Usage
- diskus10.zip
- 555774 12-04-96 Win95/NT: Explorer tree with sizes of directories
- drive.zip
- 55224 11-15-96 Win95/NT: Utility for examining hard drive and estimating amount wasted space
- dskhog10.zip
- 147925 12-12-96 Win95/NT: Computes disk space used by directories
- dtkt230.zip
- 212810 09-17-96 Win95/NT: Multi-file/directory search and replace utility for Win95/NT, 3.1x
- espace11.zip
- 3217613 12-05-96 Win95/NT: eSpace Analyst: Disk space analyzer
- ezip95nt.exe
- 413166 10-30-96 Win95/NT: A wizard-based file compression utility
- folsi10.zip
- 180618 12-23-96 Win95/NT: Folder Sizer: Shows tree sizes of folder tree
- fuldsk21.zip
- 33197 11-16-96 Win95/NT: Hard Drive usage profiler utility
- fuldsk22.zip
- 35375 12-02-96 Win95/NT: Hard drive usage profiler
- grback18.zip
- 279121 12-13-96 Win95/NT: GRBack: Backup utility for Windows 95/NT v1.80
- grduw19.zip
- 244137 10-18-96 Win95/NT: Program for duplicating/Formating/Comparing diskettes (DMF and 1.72MB)
- grduw20.zip
- 287786 12-13-96 Win95/NT: GRDuw v2.00: Disk utility for Win95
- hdslp142.zip
- 65322 10-04-96 Win95/NT: HDSleep v1.42: Hard Disk Sleeper
- lfnsrt14.zip
- 29977 10-02-96 Win95/NT: Directory sorter for Win95 VFAT disk
- mdisk4.zip
- 204807 11-12-96 Win3.x: Floppy disk formatter for Windows
- morspc95.zip
- 513087 11-21-96 Win95/NT: Utility to free up disk space and locate dups, filehogs, dir hogs
- nwcopy.zip
- 187929 10-24-96 Win95/NT: Drag-and-drop software distribution utility for NetWare
- pmdiff40.zip
- 850865 09-20-96 Win95/NT: PMdiff is a graphical file comparison app
- qdfm9514.zip
- 1033805 11-12-96 Win95/NT: File Manager for Win95
- qo105w95.zip
- 58720 12-23-96 Win95/NT: Allows for instant access to your folders,auto-detect,desktop
- rdun61.zip
- 0 12-18-96 Win95/NT: RoboDUN Dial-up network script utility v0.61 for Win 95
- readfi12.zip
- 15446 11-29-96 Win95/NT: Benchmark for testing memory copy speed and disk transfer speed
- rec23.zip
- 1975601 11-11-96 Win95/NT: Utility that reclaims unused disk space
- recv23.zip
- 1975656 11-12-96 Win95/NT: Reclaim it! v2.3: Disk space reclaimer
- repw200.zip
- 801412 11-27-96 Win3.x: Diskette database / duplicator
- secm142.zip
- 333680 11-22-96 Win95/NT: NTFS Visual tool that manages security information
- shwmn214.zip
- 159933 12-13-96 Win95/NT: Find how disk space is used, PieChart
- snpro52.zip
- 587232 12-23-96 Win95/NT: Safety Net Pro Backup Utility for backing up files by file extension
- spct9611.zip
- 178932 11-14-96 Win95/NT: SpaceTracker 96.11.11: System drive monitor
- spydir20.zip
- 496799 11-11-96 Win95/NT: SpyDir: Disk waste and hog directory analyzer
- sr.zip
- 293686 09-17-96 Win95/NT: Search and Replace for NT/95 (NTFS, VFAT)
- synchron.zip
- 227049 11-01-96 Win95/NT: Synchronizer: Directory Syncronization - BETA
- tbntt009.zip
- 846594 08-27-96 Win95/NT: Turbo Browser 95/NT4 -Replace Explorer with enhanced viewing/searching without native applications.
- treesize.zip
- 138858 12-23-96 Win95/NT: Shows the recursive size of a folder
- uptobv15.zip
- 2123366 11-16-96 Win3.x: Backup program for Win3x and Win95
- verdsk11.zip
- 24884 11-11-96 Win3.x: Check floppy disks for errors
- wimade30.zip
- 57626 10-02-96 Win95/NT: WinImage v3.0: German files
- wimaes30.zip
- 61079 10-02-96 Win95/NT: WinImage v3.0 Spanish files
- wimafr30.zip
- 63719 10-02-96 Win95/NT: WinImage v3.0: French files
- wimait30.zip
- 56540 10-02-96 Win95/NT: WinImage v3.0: Italian files
- wimanl30.zip
- 56794 10-17-96 Win95/NT: WinImage 3.0: Windows Disk Imager, Dutch trans
- wimapp30.zip
- 262267 09-15-96 Win95/NT: WinImage 3.0 Windows DMF Disk Imager, PowerPC
- wimapt30.zip
- 58423 10-02-96 Win95/NT: WinImage v3.0: Portuguese files
- wimatk30.zip
- 135783 10-02-96 Win95/NT: WinImage v3.0: Translation kit
- wimaxp30.zip
- 280724 09-15-96 Win95/NT: WinImage 3.0 Windows DMF Disk Imager, Alpha
- windru5c.zip
- 130608 11-25-96 Win3.x: WinDir Usage v1.5c: Disk pie chart
- winima30.zip
- 188483 10-02-96 Win95/NT: WinImage 3.0 Windows DMF Disk Imager, Intel
- winmount.zip
- 99345 11-01-96 Win95/NT: Allows the user to unmount disks
- zipcat10.zip
- 4331446 11-02-96 Win95/NT: Catalog system for Syquest, ZIP, CD & more