1280bnch.txt 5750 13-04-92 Benchmarks for Orchid ProIIs vs Fahrenheit 1280 | Card 14851141.zip 1190433 25-05-94 MGA Power Drivers, v 1.41.1 [1.2mb] 1 of 2 14852141.zip 739142 25-05-94 MGA Power Drivers, v 1.41.1 [730k] 2 of 2 24x204.exe 953063 23-10-94 Speedstar 24X v2.04 drivers [954k] 542xvga.exe 33476 04-04-94 Cirrus CL-GD542X Display Drivers and Utilities 5434wn.exe 819209 12-09-94 Ver 1.02 SpeedStar 64 drivers 64d107.exe 613537 29-06-95 Stealth64 DRAM: v1.07 of the NT/CAD/UTIL disk 64dmod.exe 54098 29-06-95 Stealth64 DRAM: S64DMODE.EXE refresh rate util 6win15b4.zip 536224 02-07-95 Ver 1.5B4 Win 3.1x drivers for the 86C868 & | 86C968 80x241.zip 456378 22-01-95 86C801 and 86C805 v2.41 drvrs for 801/805/928 | chipsets 86413b7.zip 602878 16-01-95 Vision864 Ver 1.3B7 driver for Windows 3.1 864141b5.zip 615238 11-03-95 1.41B5 Windows 3.1x driver for the S3 86c864 864dos.exe 445764 28-08-94 Stealth 64 DRAM Utilities/CAD/NT 3.13 v1.03 864w22.exe 1190912 12-12-94 v1.22 Stealth 64 DRAM for cards running bios rev | 2.01 868141b5.zip 505793 11-03-95 v1.41B5 Windows 3.1x driver for the S3 86c868 964133.exe 1221799 08-04-95 Diamond Stealth 64 VRAM Drivers v1.33 [1.22m] 964141b5.zip 566904 11-03-95 v1.41B5 Windows 3.1x driver for the S3 86c964 968141b5.zip 505899 11-03-95 v1.41B5 Windows 3.1x driver for the S3 86c968 aheadvdd.zip 16550 13-09-92 Ahead VGA Video Driver for Windows 3.1 aticpl.zip 2184 02-07-93 Control panel applet for Mach FlexDesk driver atiult.exe 542114 15-06-92 ATI 8514/Ultra drvr for Win 3.1 dated 4/6/92 atiw3256.exe 190074 13-04-92 256 Color Drivers for ATI Cards atiw3400.exe 48445 13-04-92 Upgrade for ATI 640x400x256 Driver (needs | atiw3256.exe) bigwin21.zip 1248077 17-08-94 Spea V7 - S3 Videodrivers (6/94) [1.25mb] blitfix.zip 9670 13-04-92 Speed Up Windowing on Large (1024x768) Displays bwlit22.exe 1143969 04-11-94 v2.2 SPEA V7 Mirage BigWin/V7Setup/SPEAview Dvr | [1.1m] bwm32311.exe 1061967 11-07-95 SPEA V7-MIRAGE P-32 bwmep22.exe 1146027 04-11-94 BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MERCURY PRO | PCI/VL/ISA bwmep311.exe 388096 11-07-95 Spea V7-Mercury P-64 PCI/VL bwmer22.exe 1241423 05-12-94 BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MERCURY PCI/VL/ISA | [1.2m] bwmer311.exe 1234854 11-07-95 SPEA V7-MERCURY bwmev316.exe 1165443 07-10-95 SPEA graphic drivers for V7-MERCURY P-64 V | (1.2M) bwmip242.exe 1192787 06-03-95 SPEA V7-Mirage P-64 PCI/VL with S3 Trio64 Chip bwmip311.exe 1158144 11-07-95 SPEA V7-MIRAGE P-64 PCI VL bwmir22.exe 1144759 04-11-94 BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MIRAGE VL/ISA | [1.14mb] bwmir311.exe 1101030 28-07-95 SPEA V7-MIRAGE ISA/VL bwmiv316.exe 1217739 07-10-95 SPEA graphic drivers for V7-MIRAGE P-64 V (1.2M) bwpro22.exe 1181561 05-12-94 BigWin Drvr v2.2 for SPEA V7-MERCURY PRO | [1.17mb] bwpro311.exe 1175415 28-07-95 SPEA V7-MERCURY PRO celsius.zip 880042 30-11-93 Orchid Celsius VLB driver v1.3 (Oct 1993) dib.zip 18571 23-10-93 Windows 3.0 DIB display driver et4_w32p.zip 621695 24-10-94 Tseng, W32p Windows 3.1 Video Drivers [622k] et4_dyna.zip 45700 13-04-92 "DynaLink" for the Orchid ProDsgnrII (chgs | rfresh rate) et4kw32.zip 603820 06-06-94 Tseng Drivers for the W32/i/p cards [604kb] fah60.zip 966341 14-01-94 Version 6.0 drivers for Orchid Fahrenheit 1280+ fah601u.zip 7985 17-01-95 01/13/94-Fahrenheit disk 6.0->6.01 update g1221w.exe 536862 11-06-94 Hercules Graphite 1MB Drivers rel 2.21 [536k] ge64v122.zip 1147546 16-07-94 Driver is for ACTIX Graphics GE 64 VL and PCI | boards gemvp.zip 33743 14-04-92 S3 Carrera Display Driver for GEM gr221i.exe 798016 11-06-94 Hercules Graphite Series Installation Diskette gss1000.exe 175701 03-05-92 Updated DGIS firmware for AT1000 series video | card gstune31.zip 11241 09-10-92 Tweak Crystal Fonts w/the ATI Graphics Accel | Cards gxe64mod.zip 43620 23-06-94 GXE64 and GXE64 Pro DOS refresh rate setting | util gxe64win.exe 689122 31-08-94 Number #9 GXE64 Windows 3.1 drivers v1.45 [690k] gxewn415.exe 736765 23-09-94 #9 HawkEye for Windows v4.15 [736k] hznwn31.zip 631120 29-03-94 STB Horizon VL Video Card drivers v1.32b jwin2628.zip 1188338 04-04-94 Cirrus Logic GD542x JWindows 3.1 Drivers | [1.18mb] k5422_d2.zip 720120 04-04-94 Win 3.1 drivers for Cirrus GD5422 [720k] k5422_d5.zip 122686 04-04-94 NT drivers for Cirrus GD5422 k5426_d2.zip 876336 04-04-94 Win 3.1 drivers VER 1.32b for cirrus 5426/5428 | v1.41 k5426_d2.zip 876336 04-04-94 Win 3.1 drivers for Cirrus GD5426 [876k] k5426_d5.zip 121737 04-04-94 NT drivers for Cirrus GD5426 [876k] k542x_d1.zip 577879 01-05-94 Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 1 [576k] k542x_d3.zip 1293380 04-04-94 Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 3 [1.30mb] k542x_d4.zip 390356 04-04-94 Cirrus acad/3ds drivers disk 4 [390k] k542xvga.zip 38553 30-11-93 Cirrus Logic drivers 542x based video cards k64_14.exe 1292206 04-01-95 Orchid Kelvin-64 driver set (27-dec-94) m32utl.zip 358628 25-05-94 Install/Config Utils for ATI Mach32 Cards v2.3 m32w23.zip 611271 25-05-94 ATI mach32 Windows drivers v2.3 [612k] m8wr30.zip 573671 29-07-94 ATI mach8 revision 3.0 drivers [574k] mgetiga.exe 146048 06-11-92 TIGA 2.05 Driver for the NEC MGE board mgewn31.exe 567061 06-11-92 DGIS Display Driver for NEC board mi64bw21.zip 1216510 28-08-94 SPEA Mirage P-64 BigWin drivers V2.1 for Windows | [1.2m] mir221a.zip 809920 19-01-95 Miro Crystal 8s,16s,16si,24s,32s drivers v2.21 | (1/2) mir221b.zip 965790 19-01-95 Miro Crystal 8s,16s,16si,24s,32s drivers v2.21 | (2/2) mirbw21.zip 1135743 28-08-94 SPEA Mirage BigWin drivers V2.1 for Windows | [1.13m] miro140a.zip 710692 16-12-94 Miro Crystal drivers v1.40 dated 12 dec 94 (1/2) | [711k] miro140b.zip 904846 16-12-94 Miro Crystal drivers v1.40 dated 12 dec 94 (2/2) | [904k] mmdisp.exe 350034 02-12-92 Drivers from the MS DL BBS for all VGA cards oakdrv.zip 360846 11-04-95 OTI-067/077 Oak Drivers (3/95) op9000.zip 384214 01-02-94 Orchid's P9000 Windows driver release date | November 93 p2win31.exe 278968 20-07-93 6/15/93 drivers for Orchid ProdesignerIIs video | card p9000.exe 947254 16-03-94 Orchid P9000 release disk v1.3 [947k] pvga1024.exe 854487 12-02-93 All Paradise/Western Digital 90c30 drivers | (1/18/93) rmdd100.zip 16529 17-08-92 Remove Display Driver: lists/deletes unwanted | drvrs rtvga01.zip 1015468 07-03-94 RealTek VGA display card drivers [1.01mb] s3_24b8.zip 540132 26-10-94 S3 86C805 Flat Memory Model Win 3.1 Driver 2.4B8 | [541k] s3_924.exe 1090720 22-02-94 drivers for S3-924-based Video cards [1.09mb] s3_928.exe 550819 22-02-94 drivers for S3-928-based Video cards [550k] s32win.exe 955182 20-06-94 Diamond Stealth 32 Drivers for Windows v1.02 | [955kb] s3c805.zip 623921 11-12-94 S3FLAT.DRV v2.21 for S3C805 VLB card [692kb] s3nt35.zip 215660 27-04-95 STB's S3 NT Drivers for Pwrgrph | X-24,VL-24,Pegasus VL s3ref212.zip 44014 16-01-95 Util to set refresh on | 86C864/868/964/968/764/732 s3refrsh.zip 20815 22-01-95 Util to set refresh on 86C801/805/928 s3t13b8.zip 596999 23-01-95 S3 764, Trio 32 and Trio 64 Windows 3.x driver | v1.3B8 s3win174.zip 908839 22-01-95 v1.74 drivers for S3 86C911 and 86C924 chipsets s3win230.zip 518799 16-07-94 2.3B11- S3 Flat Model Windows Driver | Disk1-04/25/94 s64d34.exe 1199739 29-06-95 Stealth64 DRAM: v1.34 of the Windows drivers sd1024.zip 27770 18-06-92 1024x760 ProII Driver for Ventura Publisher setbus.zip 11685 13-04-92 Speed up Tseng-based video cards with dual | monitors drivers/video/setbus.zip sko1430.exe 24256 13-04-92 Tweeks 800x600 ProDesigner board w/Seiko 1430 | Display ss64_201.zip 1194797 07-11-94 SpeedStar 64 drivers (ver 2.01) [1.2m] sspro.exe 1126489 05-05-94 SpeedStar PRO Drivers st2430.exe 883242 08-06-94 v3.00 drivers for the Diamond Stealth 24 [883k] stl24201.zip 744880 07-01-94 Stealth 24 drivers (v2.01) for bios 2.00 stl24v30.zip 867288 17-06-94 Ver 3.00 of the drivers disk for Diamond Stealth | 24 stlben.zip 8067 23-06-92 Diamond Stealth VRAM Benchmark Results stlbwn31.zip 877568 04-05-94 BETA windows 3.1 drivers for the Stealth VRAM | cards stlp30.exe 883266 16-06-94 Diamond Stealth Pro Video Drivers - Version 3.00 stpro2.exe 835591 19-04-94 Beta drivers V3.0 for Diamond Stealth Pro [835k] svga.exe 382777 07-09-93 Generic SVGA drivers (4/93) svgapen.exe 357284 23-06-94 SVGA drivers that are compatible with PenWindows switch.zip 15943 13-04-92 Switcher: Windows Video Mode Switcher t3600256.zip 49051 13-04-92 Tseng ET-3000 800x600x256 Windows3 driver tds3.zip 5209 03-09-92 S3.DLL File for S3 Chip Support tri141b5.zip 606916 11-03-95 S3 86c764/732 (Trio64 and Trio32) drivers tridnt31.zip 15953 11-09-95 Trident allows 256 colors in NT 3.1 tweak3.zip 39485 13-04-92 Run 800x600x16 on Standard VGA Cards uc51_1.zip 536636 08-10-94 12/93 Util/DOS drv for 8900CL/D + 9200CXr (1/2) | [537k] uc51_2.zip 553252 08-10-94 12/93 Util/DOS drv for 8900CL/D + 9200CXr (2/2) | [553k] ul61_2.zip 1042294 06-11-94 Trident 9400CXI chip set Beta drivers v7m1293.exe 1070148 13-12-93 Latest (12/93) SPEA V7 Mirage Windows Driver | Disk v7mirage.exe 861461 06-12-93 (rel. 993.0) for the SPEA V7 Mirage graphics | card vlwn3117.zip 991647 29-04-94 STB VL-24 graphics adaptor drivers vmode.zip 12915 13-04-92 Select the SONY 1304/Crystal Scan 1024NI as | Monitors. vpciwn31.exe 602572 16-03-94 Viper PCI Win 3.1 v.3.02 + utilities [603kb] vpr200.exe 677130 04-11-93 Viper VLB v2.00 Win 3.1 drivers vprm202.exe 95679 08-12-93 version (2.02) of viper vesa drivers and mode | setter vpros21.zip 1085819 15-11-93 A Collection of Viper VLB v2.00 Win 3.1 Drivers vprvesa.zip 40504 03-12-93 B rev of VESA driver for the Diamond Viper vprvsf.zip 45326 07-03-94 ShareWare VESA driver for the Diamond Viper,v1.2 | rev F w256_31.exe 66068 05-05-92 Ahead Wizard VGA Drivers for Windows 3.1 w31_3000.exe 607955 03-05-92 Orchid ProDesigner+ (512K) Drivers for Win3.1 w31dgis.exe 400232 03-05-92 Win3.1 Drivers for DGIS Spectragraphics Cards w31et4.zip 556093 24-01-95 Windows 3.x drivers for ET-4000 chipset w31w32au.zip 637155 13-09-94 Tseng labs ET4000 w32p drivers [638k] w31w32fe.zip 639732 04-05-95 ET4000/W32/W32i/W32p Windows 3.1 Video Driver w32wnt.zip 50560 15-02-95 Tseng Labs W32 Accelerated drivers for Windows | NT v3.5 wd_31.zip 1089597 14-06-94 WD90C31 drivers (March '93) [1.1mb] win22.zip 445191 02-12-93 Windows drivers for Actix GE 32 (v2.2c Nov93) win3_16.exe 157568 13-04-92 Paradise 16 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting) win3_16f.exe 155264 13-04-92 Paradise Fast 16 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting) win3_256.exe 128768 13-04-92 Paradise 256 Color Drivers (Self-Extracting) win3xdrv.exe 362089 14-04-92 Win31 Drivers for Video7 Cards wineng04.zip 635836 01-09-95 s3 generic Win 3.x driver for Trio64/Trio32 winflow.txt 13202 13-04-92 Flowchart for Video Driver Trouble (Trident) winmax.zip 531357 04-04-95 VidTech (Weitek) WinMax VGA card drivers (533k)