Ported tools for Windows NT -- All of the enclosed files, "the software," are provided by Microsoft Corporation "as is" without warranty of any kind. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You assume all risks of using the software. Portions of the software are Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation. Included are some of the BSD sources, useful compress/decompression tools, and other tools. Each directory contains a makefile, 'makefile.nt' which should be used with NMAKE to build the various programs. Most subdirectories also have a file, 'readme.nt' that describes the changes that were made in porting and contains other comments. If you make changes to the programs -- bug fixes, improvements, whatever, please send them to me, t-davefe@microsoft.com so that we don't have a whole bunch of different versions floating around. Also, if you have Windows NT specific questions about the programs, please address them to us at Microsoft, rather than to the original authors. UNZIP & ZIP - The versions of ZIP and UNZIP included were the latest non-beta versions available at the time this group of files was put together. The InfoZip group is working on new versions of both programs and would prefer not to have questions about the Windows NT versions of ZIP and UNZIP addressed to them. So please, ALL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS REGARDING THE WINDOWS NT VERSION OF UNZIP SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE DEVELOPER RELATIONS GROUP AT MICROSOFT. PLEASE DO NOT SEND COMMENTS/QUESTIONS REGARDING THE WINDOWS NT VERSION TO THE INFOZIP GROUP. CURSES - The version of Curses included is a port of the PCCurses program. Since the version number is the same as that of the PCCurses program, I have named the subdirectory NTCURSES in order to avoid confusion. This is a *working* version of curses. All of the i/o calls have been implemented using Windows NT console calls. This version isn't perfect -- it's still buggy, but you should be able to link it in with your curses based app and get it to work. \ARCHIVE - contains archiving tools, including BOOZ - Public domain ZOO file extractor COMPRESS - UNIX Compress/Uncompress UNSHAR - Public Domain UNSHAR Program UNZIP - Public domain UNZIP program ZIP - Public domain ZIP program \BSD - ported BSD sources, including BANNER, CAL, CMP, COL, COMM, FALSE, FOLD, HEAD, UNIQ, XSTR \CONSOLE - sample Windows NT console programs CONDEMO - console demo; shows scrolling, simple windowing, etc. CONWIN - shows creating a window from a console based app WINCON - shows creating a console from a GUI based app \CURSES - Curses stuff for Windows NT CHEMTAB - periodic table GDC - grand old clock NTCURSES - Curses for Windows NT \TOOLS FGREP - GNU Fgrep, subset of Grep FLEX - subset of LEX YACC - PD YACC