W I N D O W S + + C L A S S - L I B R A R Y for B O R L A N D C + + and M S - W I N D O W S (C) 1991 accent-Studio Neither Zortech nor Borland C++ come with class for efficient program- ming of applications for MS-Windows-environment. C++ is an object-oriented language, Windows an object-oriented environment. These classes should be some kind of glue that connects both systems ... THESE CLASSES ARE PUBLIC DOMAIN! The following classes are enclosed: MSGLOOP generic message-loop used by the WINDOW WINDOW generic window TOPLEVEL generic TOPLEVEL-window MDI mdi-control MDICHILD mdi-child-control DLGTEMPLATE handling of the resource of dialog-boxes DIALOG 'dynamic' dialog-boxes ABOUT generic AboutBox The following examples are enclosed: HELLO 'Hello World' MDIDEMO 'Multiple-document-interface-demonstration' Not provided with this package, but available as PD are: FILEBOX OPENBOX SAVEBOX BITMAP Not provided with this package, but available as ShareWare are: PICTURE CLIPBOARD DDE Quick Reference --------------- The two demo-programs HELLO and MDIDEMO demonstrate the usage of the classes. HELLO is a simple TOPLEVEL window, MDIDEMO is more complex and includes MDI and MDICHILD classes. Ensure that your classes method WMCreate and WMDestroy ALWAYS call WMCreate and WMDestroy of the predecessor classes. Documentation ------------- The classes are a lot simpler to understand than you think right now. Just take the debugger and step through the demo-apps. If you have troubles feel free contact me via NetMail. There is a very complex documentation available too. If you want to receive this send cash first (25$ minimum)! Formating Hints --------------- If you have troubles reading the source-code: Tabs should be expanded to 4 spaces! Updates, Bugs & Improvments --------------------------- I certainly would appreciate to get any hint that helps me to improve this stuff. Contact me for update. Author's address ---------------- Wichtelgasse 12/14 A-1160 Vienna Austria/Europe ++43-222-450-2376 FidoNet: Joachim Kainz, 2:310/11.11 InterNet: Joachim.Kainz@p11.f11.n310.z2.fidonet.org Joachim Kainz, Vienna 11.5.91