Sample: Simple Service
The Simple Service sample demonstrates how to create and
install a service.
In this particular case, the service merely opens a named
pipe of the name \\.\pipe\simple, and waits for traffic.
If it receives anything, it surrounds the input with:
Foo! []
and sends it back down the pipe to the client.
The service can be Started, Stopped, Paused, and Continued.
To install the service, first compile everything, and then
user INSTSRV to install SimpleService as follows:
instsrv SimpleService
Now all you have to do is start it, either using the
"net start" method or via the control panel Services applet.
Once the service has been started, you can use the CLIENT
program to verify that it really is working, using the syntax:
client \\.\pipe\simple foo
which should return the response:
Foo! [foo]
If, after playing with the sample you wish to remove the service,
simple say:
instsrv SimpleService remove
Note that INSTSRV can be a little dangerous -- it'll install
and remove any service you tell it to, so be careful.
The following is a list of the Win32 API functions used in
this sample:
CallNamedPipe DisconnectNamedPipe ReportEvent
CloseHandle GetLastError ResumeThread
CloseServiceHandle InitializeSecurityDescriptor SetEvent
ConnectNamedPipe LocalAlloc SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
CreateEvent LocalFree SetServiceStatus
CreateNamedPipe OpenSCManager StartServiceCtrlDispatcher
CreateService ReadFile SuspendThread
CreateThread RegisterEventSource WaitForSingleObject
DeregisterEventSource RegisterServiceCtrlHandler WriteFile