ffx2eval.zip 6103793 06-25-98 Font F/X: Create 3D text animations for URLs fm118.zip 374491 11-27-98 ADing FontManager v1.18 fn23.zip 382034 11-11-98 Font Namer v2.3: TrueType Font renamer fntlst31.zip 1191387 11-20-98 Win32 Font Lister: Font reporting tool fontfd35.zip 618252 07-20-98 FontFinder32 v3.52: Font Management fontmg10.zip 359679 11-25-98 FontMagic: Preview and install any TTF fonts mf32.zip 734467 11-23-98 MyFonts Windows Font Manager v3.2 ttr_100.zip 7872 11-16-98 Rename TrueType files to the font's real name