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Simtel MSDOS
This two-disc set contains the famous Simtel collection. Professionally organized, this is the definitive DOS resource.
Operating Systems Released Price Subscription Add to Shopping Cart
March 1998 $29.95 $19.95
Simtel MSDOS, Win3.x and Win95

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Have you ever felt frustrated because you needed your MSDOS computer to do something, but you didn't have the right software? Direct from the world's busiest Internet site, the Simtel two disc CDROM set will free you from this frustration.

Use our friendly MSDOS and MS Windows shell program for easy access to 4,300+ files. Save expensive on-line charges searching countless Web sites for the right program.

Find what you need in seconds:

  • Disk cataloging utilities
  • Comm packages and packet drivers
  • Animation and graphics software
  • Databases & spreadsheets
  • HTML tools
  • Music and sound programs
  • Programs for the handicapped
  • Genealogy programs
  • Email and USENET news programs
  • File, keyboard, and screen utilities
  • Travel planning and information
  • Foreign language tutorials
  • Educational games and tools
  • Astronomy programs
  • Ham radio & satellite programs

You will also find a wealth of programming tools for many languages, including: Assembly, BASIC, Disassemblers, Fortran, Pascal, C++ compiler (DJGPP).