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Famous collection of Windows shareware. 4 discs. Easy Windows browser.
Operating Systems Released Price Subscription Add to Shopping Cart
April 1998 $39.95 $24.95
We've carefully selected over 2 gigabytes of the most useful 32-bit applications and utilities for Windows 95 and Windows NT. This 4-disc collection is sorted by category so you can find exactly what you need with minimum effort. You can browse through the contents of our CDs with our custom WinView application or with our easy-to-use HTML interface.

Among the 1,450 files included on the 4-disc set, you will find:

  • 41 Business Applications
  • 24 Calculator Programs
  • 14 Calendar Programs
  • 11 Science Programs
  • 63 Database Applications
  • 11 Text Editing Utilities
  • 72 Educational Programs
  • 54 Email Utilities
  • 55 File Utilities
  • 35 Finance Applications
  • 87 Graphic Programs
  • 52 HTML Utilities
  • 135 Internet Utilities
  • 96 Multimedia Programs
  • 14 Network Programs
  • 92 Programming Files
  • 43 Personal Information Managers
  • 49 Screen Saver Packages
  • 35 Security Programs
  • 7 Virus Scanners