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Visual Programming Toolkit
Visual Programming tools, modules, source code and utilities.
Operating Systems Released Price Add to Shopping Cart
November 1997 $39.95
The Visual Programming Toolkit CDROM contains 332 megabytes of world-class source code, programming utilities, and cutting-edge components for creating Windows programs using Visual Basic, Visual C++, Borland C/C++, and Turbo Pascal. We collected 1,127 of the best files on the Internet onto this CDROM to provide you with the most extensive collection of Visual Programming tools in the world.

  • Visual Basic VBX/OCX Files
  • Internet FTP/Telnet/HTML
  • Graphics Conversion/Display
  • Multi-font/Color/Style Text Boxes
  • Windows Programming Libraries
  • ZIP/LHA Compression DLLs
  • OLE/SQL/Excel/Lotus Libraries
  • TCP/IP and Winsock Controls
  • Information/Technical Documentation
  • Visual Basic FAQ Files
  • Visual Basic Tips and Tricks
  • API Declarations and DemosWindows
  • Icons and Icon Utilities
  • Over 3,000 Icons
  • Icon Editors and Managers
  • Icon Converters (BMP->ICO, ICO->DLL)
  • Windows 95/NT Programming Utilities
  • CASE Tools
  • Help File Utilities
  • Set-up/Installation Packages

This is just a small selection of what is on this CDROM. To take your Visual Programming skills to the next level, you should not be without this CDROM!