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Source Code (Volume 1)
DOS and UNIX C/C++ source code from Usenet, 1985-1990
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April 1996 $39.95
Usenet is the newsgroup collection on the Internet. For years people have posted their source code to various source code newsgroups.

Here is a complete collection of all that source code. You'll be able to browse expert code, learn from experts, and borrow routines. Most of these programs run under Unix.

Volume #1 contains the newsgroups:

  • alt.sources: volume88, volume89, volume90
  • volume01 to volume12
  • comp.sources.misc: volume01 to volume15
  • comp.sources.sun: volume01 to volume03
  • comp.sources.unix: volume01 to volume23
  • comp.sources.x: volume00 to volume11

Sample packages include:

  • alt.sources: irc, TCL, (zsh, ksh), BBS software for UNIX, slugnet.
  • fortune, rogue, xgo, mdg (multiuser dungeon game)
  • comp.sources.misc: micro-emacs, ispell, uucp mail for pc's, pascal to c translator, PCcurses, b+tree Lib
  • comp.sources.sun: Sunview/X Mazeware, Tooltool, ALV (image processing toolkit),
  • comp.sources.unix: xlisp, base interpretor, wm, perl, NN newsreader, flex
  • comp.sources.x: Ardent Window Manager, twm, torch, xchess, x screen savers, kterm, xtetris, xtroff, xpic, xconf, xmail, xfig, AWL (layout language for widget hierarchies), WCL (widget Creation Library), chaos, acm (flight simulation), colxterm,

You get a total of 58704 files (8641 news articles) in 631 megs of data. Most articles/packages are unsharred.

The CDROM is full word indexed, which means you can find the files containing your search word in seconds. The CDROM also has HTML indexes so you can use your html (Netscape) browser to view the disc.