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GNU Tools ++
GNU software for Solaris users
Operating Systems Released Price Add to Shopping Cart
September 1997 $59.95
This disc set was designed and compiled for Solaris 2.X users running on the Sparc platform.

This collection of software packages and source code covers many areas. There are programming utilities, server programs, desktop enhancement programs, and several other categories.

Some of the packages included are:

  • afterstep 1.0pre2
  • apache 1.1.1
  • archie 1.4.1
  • bash 2.0
  • bind 4.9.5
  • bison 1.2.4

  • byte-benchmark
  • elm 2.4.25
  • emacs 19.30
  • f2c
  • flex 2.5.2
  • fortune

  • ftptool 4.5
  • fvwm 2.0.40
  • fvwm95 2.0.41f
  • fvwmIconMan 0.3
  • gawk 3.0.2
  • gcc 2.7.21
  • gdb 4.16
  • ghostscript 4.03
  • ghostview 1.5

  • gnuchess 4.0
  • gnuplot 3.5
  • grep 2.0
  • gunzip 1.2.4
  • gzip 1.2.4

  • httpd 1.5.2a
  • jpeg 6a
  • kterm 6.2.0
  • latex2html 96.1
  • lynx 2.4.2

  • mpeg_play 2.0
  • mtools 3.0
  • ncurses 1.9.9e
  • pine 3.96
  • povray 3.00

  • ps2html 2.1
  • python 1.4
  • samba 1.9.16pll
  • sendmail 8.6.9
  • ssh 1.2.20

  • tar 1.11.8
  • tcl 7.5
  • tcsh 6.06
  • tin 1.3
  • tk 4.1
  • X11R6.3
  • xanim
  • xemacs 19.14
  • xfishtank
  • xhextris
  • xmodem
  • xmorph
  • 02Oct96

  • xpaint 2.4.7
  • xscreensaver