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Official American Society of Mechanical Engineering software collection.
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December 1997 $49.95
The ASME Archive

The ASME's Mechanical Engineering Toolkit CDROM contains the archive of the MechEng BBS. Operated by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the MechEng BBS has been collecting scientific, technical, and engineering software since 1987. As the premier collection of engineering shareware, many technical shareware authors choose the MechEng archive as their primary distribution point. Among the 4,700 files, you will find complete systems for Finite Element Analysis, different mechanical CAD systems, electrical CAD systems, and hundreds of support files for AutoCad, PADS, Spice, Mathcad, and other mainstream engineering programs. The MechEng CDROM contains files you are unlikely to find elsewhere, such as the programs for CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining centers. The category for scientific plotting alone contains 119 files. There is even a collection of the Artificial Intelligence Journal.

You get general technical areas in mathematics, statistics, biology, geophysics, and basic physics. Programmers will appreciate the Pascal, BASIC, FORTRAN, and C areas.

Most files are for IBM-PC, but youll also get files for UNIX workstations, the Amiga and Atari computers. The CDROM comes with handy 00_index.htm files so you can browse the file listings from your favorite web browser!