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Linux Complete Reference
An indispensable resource that you'll want to have at your side at all times.
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April 1998 $39.95
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As a Linux user, LINUX: The Complete Reference (sixth edition) is an indispensable resource that you'll want to have at your side at all times. It is the most complete collection of information on Linux available.

You will find the following documentation in this book:

  • The Installation & Getting Started Guide
  • The Kernel Hacker's Guide
  • The Linux Programmer's Guide
  • The Linux User's Guide
  • The Networking Administrator's Guide
  • The System Administrator's Guide

All The "How-To's" (An extensive collection of "How-To's" is included). These expert guides answer common questions encountered in using Linux, including: Networking, Serial Ports, Printing, SCSI, X11, UPS, Commercial packages, Dos Emulation, Ethernet, Tape Backup, Foreign Language Support, HAM, Hardware Compatibility, NIS, News, PPP, TERM, UUCP, PCT, PCMCIA, Sound and many, many more.

This book covers all aspects of Linux from installation, user administration and connecting to the Internet, to advanced programming and kernel programming. This valuable resource will help you get the most out of this powerful operating system and solve any question that you might possibly encounter.