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FreeBSD v3.0 Snapshot
The full 3.0 Snapshot version of the PC 32-bit UNIX operating system. (22 February 1998)
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February 1998 $29.95 $14.95
The FreeBSD v3.0 Snapshot Archive

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FreeBSD 3.0 Developmental Snapshot!

A two disc, early release of FreeBSD 3.0 for those who wish to track FreeBSD's ongoing development.

New Features:

  • The MSDOS filesystem code now handles VFAT and FAT32 partitions.
  • Async IO is implemented (under non-SMP at this stage) with additional support for kernel threads.
  • An in-kernel linker is implemented to replace the lkm system.
  • The bootblocks can set VESA videomode 0x102 (800x600x16), this allows XFree86 to work at this resolution on most recent graphics hardware, including many laptops.

Added Support for:

  • SMC EtherPower II 10/100 Fast Ethernet card (aka SMC9432TX based on SMC83c170 EPIC chip).
  • ATAPI floppy drives (LS-120 and Iomega Zip).
  • Iomega parallel-port Zip.
  • The Comtrol Rocket-port serial card.
  • New Plug and Play (PnP) support allows you to (re)configure PnP devices.
  • Also supports modems being detected by PnP and automatically attached.
  • Import of new sound code from Luigi Rizzo. This code is still being developed, but has support for a number of different cards.
  • The psm, mse and sysmouse drivers are improved to provide better mouse support. In particular, the psm driver now supports various "wheeled" mice.

Includes full ports collection and XFree86 3.3.1 built for FreeBSD 3.0. Complete FreeBSD Project CVS Repository!And many other new changes.

Special thanks to Justin M. Seger for this Snapshot!